Breaking News The Taliban topples city after city as they continue their campaign to takeover Afghanistan

We’ve reportedly killed 2 ISIS-K members and wounded another. But I’m thinking, why aren’t we taking out a hundred of them or more? Our retaliation should be ten fold.
We’ve reportedly killed 2 ISIS-K members and wounded another. But I’m thinking, why aren’t we taking out a hundred of them or more? Our retaliation should be ten fold.

Cause they dont know where they are. Isis-k mfers dont congregate together, and when they do, its usually amongst civilians.

No way for you to drop bombs in a place where hundreds of them are just hanging cause they dont do that
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The commander was just on CNN saying they are able to disable all of those vehicles rendering them virtually useless. That’s why they focused on getting people out over recovery of the vehicles.

It’s possible the Taliban can get something up and running again I’m sure, and he could be lying his ass off, but if you take him at his word the vehicles we left will not be operable.

It’s feasible I guess to put some sort of kill switch or something on all vehicles in case it falls into enemy hands. Would be prudent even.

The guns and all that though…