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Breaking News The Taliban topples city after city as they continue their campaign to takeover Afghanistan

Thread's been temporarily derailed by The Queen Attention Whore and her #1 flunkie.

We'll be back online momentarily. Just let them type.

nigga you derailed when you said nuke the city and ain’t explain shit. Stick to math man. History and cultures ain’t your thing
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I apologized for Duke Kelly? Where you read that at?

I'm 10000% sure I've repeatedly said the muhfucka should get 30-50 years. I also said I'm not deleting any of the songs I already had in my phone from him. If that's your version of being an "apologist for a pedo", then check your definition of fascism, cause you're edging closer and closer to it.

I didn't say you were, I said "you may come off as" to sum

jus like to sum on here I'm the "most ghetto male" when I kno that not to be true

but from things I've shared on here that's how I'm perceived & for a lot of folks perception is reality
I didn't say you were, I said "you may come off as" to sum

jus like to sum on here I'm the "most ghetto male" when I kno that not to be true

but from things I've shared on here that's how I'm perceived & for a lot of folks perception is reality
And I'll answer that the way I answer it back in the other thread(s):

FUCK their "perception." It's not worth the bandwidth they typed it on.

Now.....back to the Taliban and Joe not having a fucking clue what to do.
What the fuck is wrong with you? All bullshit aside, look at what you're saying.

You really need to get your head right around here, you out of pocket and then some.
My head is fine. I don't care for some she-mammal who sole actions in here is to infuriate anyone who doesn't conform to her views and basically chooses to insult anyone and everyone whom she deems unworthy around here.

That's on you if that sounds harsh.
How are they reporting it?

They probably cross referenced America’s list with their kill list and will make calculated decisions . With or without Isis help. However CIA feeling that day. Who knows to much? Who is a liability?

It’s just funny a week ago everyone ran to the airport to escape the Taliban. Now the Taliban on the front lines protecting these people.

Makes you wonder.
Exactly how it’s said in that Tweet. I think even Biden said as much in his presser yesterday.

And they’ve been getting questioned about it non-stop from the media on why we would allow the Taliban be in charge of frisking people entering the airport and not us.

Like it’s been all over the place.
Or maybe it was your defense of politicians kicking it. Again, a week ago these people fled to the airport to escape the Taliban, now they are there to protect them. Of course you think it’s normal.
So if our military is basically gone, and all of a sudden the Taliban take over the region unexpectedly, but we still have to get Americans and approved Afghans out, who else is going to make sure those people get through?

Do you piss off the Taliban so they go out and kill everybody you want out?

Or do you negotiate with them to make sure those people get out?

Or do you send the military back in and start all over again?

It’s not as deep as you’re trying to make it if you get informed and understand the factors at play.
I’ve been saying the whole time the Taliban is our military. I’ve been saying the whole time this was the plan. Lol It’s you who is always changing your stance depending on what the news told you.We ran the country for 20 years we don’t need the Taliban for shit..

America is showing the Taliban respects as an ally and as a trusted member of the CIA .

It’s people like you who are the problem. You letting the US legitimize the Taliban. Because you don’t have a true understand of anything.

There’s like 10,000 American troops in Afghanistan. More then before the withdrawal. Lol

They are working to legitimize the Taliban.. You think it’s normal because you’re retarded.

Wait until China or Pakistan strike back at the Taliban because the US got the Taliban bombing their belt and road initiative projects. I can’t wait for you to defend the Taliban protecting their country. Lol
There’s only 5,000 troops in Afghanistan right now, and that’s only because they just now sent another 1,000 last week to aid in the evacuation. I’m not even going to take the time to address all of your other ramblings. Plus you’re resorting to insults as you normally do when you find yourself ill equipped to form cogent thoughts on a topic.

You’re not informed enough to debate anymore.

Have a good night.
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So the US just pulled off the airstrike and killed the ISIS-K planner.

They were saying the attack that killed 13 servicemen would for sure happen like 3 days before the attack.

Yall dont think if they knew where the planner was, they wouldnt have did some airstrikes and kill him before the attack in the airport?

Im telling yall. Its the same bs. They bombed some open fields and said they got their man. It looks good in the papers.