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Rep. Omar: No Comparison Between Obama and Trump, One is ‘Human’ the Other is ‘Really Not’

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) tried, Monday, to walk back comments in which she criticized former President Barack Obama. And in the process, she made a remark likely to draw the attention of the current president.

Speaking briefly with Fox News on Capitol Hill, the congresswoman was asked if she considers Obama to be the same as President Donald Trump.

“Absolutely not. That is silly to even think, and equate the two,” Omar said. “One is human, the other is really not.”

Omar originally claimed that she was taken out of context by Politico with regard to her comments about Obama, and posted the full tape of the interview in an effort to support her claim. After widespread public reaction that the tape appeared to support Politico’s reporting, Omar deleted her tweet.


Last week, Omar said Obama’s drone policy and treatment of children at the border were not all that different from Trump’s: “We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile,” she said, according to a Politico report.

She claimed that her words were taken out of context and posted a full video of the interview, but deleted the tweet when people pointed out that the video supported the report.

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Wow.. So now she’s for “through” investigations.. huh.. But she was real quick throw Al Franken under bus tho.. Well I guess that move was all about creating a political brand for herself as the #MeToo Senator.. Instead of essentially what she was before that as the Great Value Hillary Clinton.. Politics is a dirty game...
Thorough not through
I don't see the motivation behind it. It seems forced. What risk is being mitigated by breaking them up?

I could envision a lot of "if this power falls into the wrong hands" scenarios, but there's a lot of other institutions I can do this for as well.

Her argument I believe is two fold from the coverage I’ve seen:

1) Big Tech companies both own powerful platforms, respectively, as well as the ability to mine rich data from said platforms. At the same time, they also possess the capability to create products shaped by the same data while releasing those products on these platforms, as well as manipulating the organic rankings of other products; thereby enabling them to stamp out competition and promote their continued market dominance.

She wants to separate each companies ownership of their platform and their data from their ability to create and promote products on those platforms.

2) She, like many, believe they have too much control over the personal data of millions and thinks that poses a security risk.

Trump-Linked Massage Parlor Owner Hawked ‘Golden Visas’

The founder of a chain of massage and spa parlors that snagged Patriots owner Robert Kraft was apparently also hawking a different line of business: investment immigration.

Li “Cindy” Yang, a 45-year old Florida woman, has found herself in the headlines this past week for hobnobbing with some of the country’s most powerful politicians (including Trump) at Mar-a-Lago, and reportedly charging top Chinese execs for access to elected officials at the Palm Beach club.

TPM found that Yang, through a Florida-based company called GY US Investments LLC, was also using proximity to Trump and his properties to peddle so-called investor visas. Under the EB-5 visa program, foreign citizens can get a conditional two-year U.S. green card in exchange for making certain investments. Mother Jones first reported the existence of GY US Investments.

Along with extensive offers of access to Trump and American politicians including Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, Yang’s company also claimed to provide “immigration investment projects,” according to a translation of cached versions of the company’s website. Those services included independent investments and those done via “immigration investment project centers,” according to the now shuttered website.

The EB-5 visa program allows potential immigrant investors to fund projects either via direct investment or via a registered regional center.

Yang’s company’s website listed a few examples of properties that foreigners can invest in as part of an “investment immigration project.”

The first is described as “high-end luxury real estate” and features a photo of the Palm Beach home of billionaire Jeffrey Lurie, whose Philadelphia Eagles faced off against Kraft’s New England Patriots in the Super Bowl last year.

That home is located a quarter-mile south of Mar-a-Lago — a fact that the company promotes as part of the investment, saying it’s “near Trump Manor.”

An attorney for Lurie did not reply to requests for comment.

Another photo on the website is that of a mansion that made headlines last year for its $61.5 million price tag, and is located two miles south of Mar-a-Lago.

It’s not clear whether the two mansions pictured on the website were actual projects or merely illustrations.

The so-called “golden visa” program has come under criticism in part for seemingly allowing wealthy foreigners to buy U.S. citizenship with little perceived benefit from their investments. It’s taken on a uniquely Trumpian tint since 2017 with the Kushner companies reportedly using the program to trade investment in a construction project for visas.

The demand for visas from China has led to the EB-5 waitlist for that country going up to as long as 8 years, James Aldrich, Jr., an immigration attorney at Dykema law firm told TPM.

“The thing about the EB-5s is there’s historically been a lot of scrutiny of them to prevent things like laundering drug money. And once people hear all the documentation they have to provide, the interest in them drops quite a bit,” Aldrich said. “I could see scamming investors somehow or another, but as far as pulling a fast one on the immigration service, you can’t really jump the line.”

The defunct company website identifies two other “partners” as working at the firm, Jerry Carlos and Elizabeth MacCall. Carlos is described as a Harvard Law graduate with a specialty in “investment immigration.” TPM was unable to find additional information on Carlos.

MacCall is a south Florida realtor. A picture on the Yang company website site corresponds to a photo from MacCall’s public Facebook profile taken at the Safari Night at Mar-a-Lago.

MacCall herself posted several photos from the January 2018 Safari Night Ball at Mar-a-Lago, including references to Yang herself.

Trump was originally slated to attend the gathering, but had to cancel due to a government shutdown. Instead, Trump’s sister Elizabeth Trump Grau hosted the event.

Mother Jones framed the event as an opportunity for Yang, a community outreach director for the Broward County Asian-American GOP, to charge Chinese executives for access to Trump.

“She’s really active in all the social events in the Chinese community and all the events in the Republican Party,” Xiaoqi Wang, an organizer with the Asian GOP’s Broward County chapter who knows Yang, told TPM.

Through her position as community outreach director of the Broward County branch of the Asian GOP, Yang also promoted the Safari Night Ball, which MacCall attended.

MacCall is listed in public records as a director of a company that also lists Yang’s husband as an officer and director. The company’s address on its annual report is the same as a Tokyo-branded nail saloon next door to one of the Tokyo-branded massage parlors that is reportedly part of Yang’s chain.

“I’m not a partner or anything, bye,” MacCall said, hanging up after TPM asked about her involvement in GY US Investments LLC.

Four Georgia Counties Sued Over ‘Unjustifiable Burdens’ On Election Day

Georgia’s largest counties failed to prepare for heavy turnout in the state’s fiercely contested 2018 elections, resulting in wait times of up to four hours at the polls and delays in processing registration forms and mailing absentee ballots that ultimately kept some voters from casting ballots, according to a federal lawsuit.

The American Civil Liberties Union filed suit Monday in U.S. District Court in Atlanta on behalf of Georgia Shift, a group dedicated to increasing turnout among young voters. It says Fulton, DeKalb, Cobb and Gwinnett counties in metro Atlanta effectively disenfranchised voters by failing to provide enough polling sites, voting machines and staff.

“The November 2018 elections were plagued with problems that placed inexcusable and unjustifiable burdens on the right to vote,” the lawsuit said.

The ACLU’s suit targets local officials for their role in elections that also brought intense criticism for Georgia state officials including Gov. Brian Kemp. The new Republican governor oversaw the 2018 midterms as Georgia’s secretary of state while he ran one of the most closely watched U.S. gubernatorial campaigns against Democrat Stacey Abrams.

Voting rights groups, including one launched by Abrams after the election, say Kemp and others enforced policies that suppressed turnout in the state. Kemp denies any wrongdoing and said last week that Democrats “need to quit playing politics.”

While the secretary of state serves as Georgia’s top election official, voting is overseen by local election boards in each of the state’s 159 counties. Nearly 4 million voters cast ballots in Georgia last fall, a record turnout in the state for a non-presidential year.

The ACLU lawsuit asks a judge to order the four counties named as defendants to make improvements that ensure the same problems reported last year don’t resurface in the 2020 elections. It says insufficient staffing by local election boards not only contributed to long lines on Election Day, but also slowed processing of registration forms that kept some new voters from voting early. Delayed mailing caused some absentee ballots to arrive too late for others to vote, the lawsuit said.

Fulton County government spokesman Darryl Carver and Gwinnett County spokesman Joe Sorenson declined to comment, citing policies against discussing pending litigation. Spokesmen for the other two counties did not immediately return phone messages.

Scrutiny of the way Georgia administers elections hasn’t let up since November. State lawmakers have been embroiled in heated debates over how best to replace Georgia’s aging voting machines , which lack a paper record that can be audited. The advocacy group Abrams launched filed its own lawsuit challenging the way Georgia conducts elections. And a congressional committee controlled by Democrats is investigating reports of voting problems in the state.

Brooks On Anti-Hate Bill: Didn’t Condemn Discrimination Of Christians, Whites

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) said he voted against the anti-hate resolution in the House last week because it did not “condemn discrimination against Caucasian-Americans and Christians.”

“In my view, discrimination against Caucasian-Americans and Christians is just as insidious as discrimination against any other race, ethnicity or religion and the failure to specifically state opposition to discrimination against Caucasian-Americans and Christians, while reflective of Socialist Democrat priorities and values, is, by omission, fatal to the bill,” Brooks wrote in a press release.

“H.Res. 183’s intentional omission of Christians and Caucasians is insulting and suggests America’s House of Representatives cares about virtually everyone except Christians and Caucasians,” he concluded. “That implication is repugnant and I reject it!”

AL.com flagged Brooks’ comments on Monday.

Brooks has long been a crusader for white people, once decrying the Democrats’ “war on whites.”

“If you look at current federal law, there is only one skin color that you can lawfully discriminate against,” he said at the time. “That’s Caucasians — whites.”
