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Schiff: Erik Prince ‘Did Not Disclose’ 2016 Trump Tower Meeting During Testimony

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) confirmed Sunday that Blackwater founder Erik Prince did not disclose a 2016 meeting in Trump Tower with Donald Trump Jr. and others during testimony to committee members in late 2017, despite Prince acknowledging for the first time in a recent interview that the meeting did in fact take place.

“He did not disclose that meeting to our committee,” Schiff told “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd in an interview. The New York Times first reported on the meeting in May.

“And in fact, as you can see from the published transcript of his interview, he was asked what kind of role he played, if any, in the campaign, and he said he had no role, apart from, on his own, submitting written papers, hanging a yard sign, or making a contribution,” Schiff said.

In a recent interview with Al Jazeera’s Mehdi Hasan, Prince acknowledged that the meeting took place, but gave differing reasons for why there was no acknowledgement of it in the House Intelligence Committee’s transcript of his testimony.

At first Prince told Hasan: “I don’t know if they got the transcript wrong.” He said he believed he disclosed the meeting to the committee. “We were there to talk about Iran policy,” he said.

In response to a question from a member of the interview’s live audience later, Prince said: “Not all the discussion that day was transcribed, and that’s a fact.”

“There’s nothing wrong with our transcript,” Schiff said Sunday, adding later: “The interview certainly looks inconsistent with his testimony.”

“Bob Mueller has that testimony already, and Bob Mueller will have to make the decision about whether that rises to the level of deliberate falsehood,” Schiff said.

Questions about Prince’s candor, Schiff said, “have only been heightened now.” He wondered later of the meeting: “Why conceal it? Why withhold that information if there was nothing improper, no improper purpose in it?”


Netanyahu: Israel Is The State Of ‘Jewish People Alone’

JERUSALEM (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel is the homeland “only of the Jewish people,” in a new jab at the country’s Arab minority ahead of April’s election.Netanyahu on Sunday addressed “slightly confused people” after an Israeli celebrity defended the rights of Israel’s Arab population. Arabs comprise about 20 percent of Israel’s 9 million residents. They have full citizenship rights but have faced decades of discrimination.

On Saturday, actress Rotem Sela denounced Netanyahu’s frequent talking point that his political rival will form a government with Arab political parties.

“When the hell will someone in this government tell the public that Israel is a country of all its citizens,” Sela wrote on Instagram.

Netanyahu responded: Israel “is the national state, not of all its citizens, but only of the Jewish people.”

GOP Group To Launch Ad Campaign Against Beto, Who Is Seen As Huge Threat

As Republicans take stock of the ever-morphing 2020 Democratic field, many are raising the alarm about potential contender Beto O’Rourke who they see as wielding significant fundraising abilities and a chance to win Texas, where President Donald Trump has recently lost popularity.

According to a Sunday Politico report, the Club for Growth has prepared an ad spot to highlight O’Rourke’s “white male privilege,” an attempt to distance him from former President Barack Obama, to whom he’s often compared.

“We watched what he did in Texas in the race against Cruz and realized his potential within the Democratic primary system is enormously larger than what people are giving him credit for right now,” Club for Growth president David McIntosh told Politico. “We realized, here is a real potential threat because if he is the nominee then Texas suddenly is in play.”

Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) is also reportedly working with Republican groups to ramp up on the ground operations in his home state to counter O’Rourke’s popularity should he enter the race.
'champion of black folks' lol too many people let shit like this go to their heads.

People think his socialist policies will be more beneficial to black people than centrist or conservative policies, that is all. Nobody sayin' he the king lol its so funny how people's opinions can be swayed by what they have been told is group think.
Watched that Erik Prince shit last night it was hilarious how he was stumbling and bumbling..

Hes like maybe you should speak to such in such... spoke to his office on friday.. is evasiveness was something else.. was saying they didnt transcribe everything during his interview dude isa mess obviously smh mercs
'champion of black folks' lol too many people let shit like this go to their heads.

People think his socialist policies will be more beneficial to black people than centrist or conservative policies, that is all. Nobody sayin' he the king lol its so funny how people's opinions can be swayed by what they have been told is group think.

no people keep referring that stupid pic as more than a moment and giving him credit for shit he hasnt have a record of doing.. i was wondering why this chick propane jane flames these people daily now i get it.. but i couldnt dedicate that much time to fandom

He is 103 years old also. i have no problem with bernie sanders at all but the fandom shit has to fucking go....