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Trump Stages Another Fiscal Battle With New Budget Seeking Billions For Wall

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is reviving his border wall fight, preparing a new budget that will seek $8.6 billion for his signature project, impose steep spending cuts to other domestic programs and set the stage for another fiscal battle.

Budget documents like the one Trump is releasing Monday are often seen as just a starting point of negotiation. Fresh off the longest government shutdown in history, Trump’s 2020 proposal shows he is eager to confront Congress again to boost defense spending and cut $2.7 trillion in nondefense spending over a decade.

Titled “A Budget for a Better America: Promises Kept. Taxpayers First,” Trump’s proposal “embodies fiscal responsibility,” said Russ Vought, the acting director of the Office of Management and Budget.

Vought said the administration has “prioritized reining in reckless Washington spending” and shows “we can return to fiscal sanity.”

Speaking on CNBC Monday, Vought confirmed that the $8.6 billion border request was part of Trump’s spending blueprint for the 2020 budget year, which begins Oct. 1. It would pay for hundreds of miles of new barriers along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Vought said “the border situation is deteriorating by the day” with “record numbers of apprehensions.”

An administration official said Trump’s budget proposes increasing defense spending to $750 billion — and standing up the new Space Force as a military branch — while reducing nondefense accounts by 5 percent, with cuts recommended to safety-net programs used by many Americans.

The plan sticks to budget caps that both parties have routinely broken in recent years and promises to come into balance in 15 years, relying in part on economic growth that may be uncertain.

The official was not authorized to discuss budget details publicly before Monday’s release of the plan and spoke on condition of anonymity.

While pushing down spending in some areas, including the Environmental Protection Agency, the proposal will seek to increase funding in others to align with the president’s priorities, according to one official.

The administration will invest more than $80 billion for veterans services, a nearly 10 percent increase from current levels, including “significant” investments in rehabilitation, employment assistance and suicide prevention.

It will also increase resources to fight the opioid epidemic with money for prevention, treatment, research and recovery, the administration said. And it seeks to shift some federal student loan costs to colleges and universities.

The proposal will also include $1 billion for a child care fund that would seek to improve access to care for underserved populations, a White House official confirmed. The one-time allocation is championed by the president’s daughter Ivanka Trump, who has focused on economic advancement for women in her role as a White House adviser.

By adhering to strict budget caps, Trump is signaling a fight ahead. The president has resisted big, bipartisan budget deals that break the caps — threatening to veto one last year — but Congress will need to find agreement on spending levels to avoid another federal shutdown in fall. To stay within the caps, the budget shifts a portion of the defense spending to an overseas contingency fund, which some fiscal hawks will view as an accounting gimmick.

White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said Trump’s budget “points a steady glide path” toward lower spending and borrowing as a share of the nation’s economy. He also told “Fox News Sunday” that there was no reason to “obsess” about deficits, and expressed confidence that economic growth would top 3 percent in 2019 and beyond. Others have predicted lower growth.

But the Democratic chairman of the House Budget Committee, Rep. John Yarmuth of Kentucky, called the proposed cuts to essential services “dangerous.” He said Trump added nearly $2 trillion to deficits with the GOP’s “tax cuts for the wealthy and large corporations, and now it appears his budget asks the American people to pay the price.”

The border wall, though, remains a signature issue for the president and is poised to stay at the forefront of his agenda, even though Congress has resisted giving him more money for it.

Leading Democrats immediately rejected the proposal.

“Congress refused to fund his wall and he was forced to admit defeat and reopen the government. The same thing will repeat itself if he tries this again,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer of New York. They said the money “would be better spent on rebuilding America.”

In seeking $8.6 billion for more than 300 miles of new border wall, the budget request would more than double the $8.1 billion already potentially available to the president for the wall after he declared a national emergency at the border last month in order to circumvent Congress — although there’s no guarantee he’ll be able to use that money if he faces a legal challenge, as is expected. The standoff over the wall led to a 35-day partial government shutdown, the longest in U.S. history.

Along with border wall money, the proposed budget will also increase funding to increase the “manpower” of Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers and Customs and Border Patrol at a time when many Democrats are calling for cuts — or even the elimination — of those areas. The budget also proposes policy changes to end sanctuary cities, the administration said.

The budget would arrive as the Senate readies to vote this week to terminate Trump’s national emergency declaration. The Democratic-led House already did so, and a handful of Republican senators, uneasy over what they see as an overreach of executive power, are expected to join Senate Democrats in following suit. Congress appears to have enough votes to reject Trump’s declaration but not enough to overturn a veto.

Trump invoked the emergency declaration after Congress approved nearly $1.4 billion for border barriers, far less than the $5.7 billion he wanted. In doing so, he can potentially tap an additional $3.6 billion from military accounts and shift it to building the wall. That’s causing discomfort on Capitol Hill, where even the president’s Republican allies are protective of their power to decide how to allocate federal dollars. Lawmakers are trying to guard money that’s already been approved for military projects in their states — for base housing or other improvements — for the wall. The administration is promising to backfill those funds, senators said.

The wall with Mexico punctuated Trump’s campaign for the White House, and it’s expected to again be featured in his 2020 re-election effort. He used to say Mexico would pay for it, but Mexico has refused to do so.

Report: Trump Complains To Donors About Jews Voting For Democrats

President Donald Trump on Friday reportedly complained about American Jews who don’t support his agenda, telling a room of donors that he didn’t understand how any Jew could vote for a Democrat.

According to Axios, which spoke to attendees of Trump’s speech to Republican donors at his Mar-a-Lago club on Friday, Trump reportedly remarked at one point during his remarks: “The Democrats hate Jewish people.”

Per Axios: “Trump said he didn’t understand how any Jew could vote for a Democrat these days. Trump talked about how much he’d done for Israel, noting his historic decision to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.”

The outlet added that Trump bragged about hypothetically polling at 98 percent were he to run for prime minister of Israel.

It’s true, according to scattered polling, that Israelis, and especially Jewish Israelis, generally support Trump. But the opposite is true for Trump’s actual Jewish constituency: Jews who are eligible to vote for him.

Trump performed poorly among Jews in the 2016 election — perhaps due to his comments to the Republican Jewish Coalition that “you’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money” and “you want to control your own politician,” or his initial refusal to reject the support of former KKK grand wizard David Duke.

Or maybe it was the anti-Semitic meme he tweeted showing Hillary Clinton’s face against a backdrop of dollar bills, next to a six-point star with the words “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!” A few days later, then-Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Michael Flynn shared a tweet — “a mistake,” he later said — that criticized “the corrupt Democratic machine” and vowed “Not anymore, Jews. Not anymore.”

The Trump campaign’s closing ad of the that election was also panned as peddling in anti-Semitic tropes.

Trump’s polling among American Jews hasn’t gotten better since then. For many Jews, nearly including former Trump economic adviser Gary Cohn, Trump’s comment that there were “very fine people on both sides” of the 2017 neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville marked a point of no return. Cohn publicly aired his disapproval of the response at the time, and left the administration a few months later. (Trump called him a globalist on the way out the door.)

Fox News ‘Strongly Condemns’ Jeanine Pirro’s Anti-Muslim Comments About Omar

Fox News denounced comments made by host Jeanine Pirro over the weekend, when she insinuated that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has an “adherence to Sharia law” over to the Constitution because she wears a hijab.

In a statement to TPM, Fox said “we strongly condemn” Pirro’s comments.

“They do not reflect those of the network and we have addressed the matter with her directly,” Fox News said.

Pirro also clarified that she did not mean to suggest Omar was anti-American.

“I’ve seen a lot of comments about my opening statement from Saturday night’s show and I did not call Rep. Omar un-American,” she said. “My intention was to ask a question and start a debate, but of course because one is Muslim does not mean you don’t support the Constitution. I invite Rep. Omar to come on my show any time to discuss all of the important issues facing America today.”

Omar, the first of two Muslim women to serve in Congress, has become the target of conservatives’ ire in recent days over her criticism of pro-Israel advocates. Those remarks have been denounced by many in her own party as anti-Semitic. In an attempt to quell tension, House Democrats voted on a resolution last week to formally condemn anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.

Trump Named Winner Of His Own Club’s Golf Tournament, Though He Didn’t Compete

A plaque on Donald Trump’s locker at his company’s Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida lists him as the champion of a tournament in which he did not compete, Golf.com reported Monday.

What’s more, the website reported, Trump wasn’t the original “winner” of the tournament, and he’s not even the only winner currently.

Elsewhere at the club, according to the report, 58-year-old investment firm CEO Ted Virtue is named champion.

According to Golf.com’s unnamed sources “who recounted the story,” Trump ran into Virtue after Virtue won the club’s 2018 championship and remarked something along the lines of: “The only reason you won is because I couldn’t play.”

Trump proposed a nine-hole game, to which Virtue agreed. Trump, reportedly, won. He then said: “This isn’t fair — we’ll be co-champions.”

The incident recalls other suspiciously frivolous claims from the Trump Organization: Numerous Trump properties sport “Star Diamond” plaques, though that distinction is awarded by Trump associated Joey “No Socks” Cinque’s group, the American Academy of Hospitality Sciences, which has prodigiously cross-pollinated over the years with Trump’s family and employees.

Then there was that time Trump invented a Civil War battle, for which he had a plaque made for his Virginia golf club.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Draws Blank When Asked If Trump Ever Denounced Steve King

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Monday couldn’t name one instance of President Donald Trump denouncing Rep. Steve King (R-IA) for his various endorsements of white nationalism — even though she asserted a few seconds earlier that anti-Semitism is “something that should be called by name.”

In a press briefing Monday, Sanders refused to answer several times whether — as he’s said in public and private in recent days — Trump actually believes that Democrats belong to an anti-Jewish party.

“Does the President really believe Democrats hate Jews?” ABC News’ Jonathan Karl asked.

“Look, the President’s been an unwavering and committed ally to Israel and the Jewish people,” Sanders responded, not answering the question.

NBC News’ Hallie Jackson pressed again for answers later on Axios’ report that Trump told Republican donors behind closed doors that Democrats “hate Jewish people.”

“I am not going to comment on potentially leaked information,” Sanders responded, adding later: “The President has laid out clearly his position on this matter.”

Jackson tried again: “Does he really believe Democrats hate Jews?”

“I think that’s a question you ought to ask the Democrats,” Sanders responded.

She also appeared to insist — falsely — that Democrats had not condemned neo-Nazis.

“The President has condemned neo-Nazis and called them by name, which is what we are asking Democrats to do when they see the same type of hatred,” she said in response to a question from American Urban Radio Networks’ April Ryan.

One thing Sanders couldn’t do, though, was name one time Trump had denounced Steve King.

Instead, she celebrated House Republicans removing King from his committee assignments as a consequence for King’s comments. But Trump has never condemned King himself.

“I speak on behalf of the President on a number of topics and I’ve talked about that a number of times,” Sanders protested after Karl made that point. “I’d refer you back to those comments, where I used words like abhorrent and unacceptable.”

So Pelosi says we need to move on from the impeachment talks as it would further divide the nation and Trump is just not worth it....


She’s got a point. He’s gonna be 1 term. By the time all that shit goes through and (big ) IF enough repubs vote to convict... at best they gettin him the fuck out like a month early?
How yall feel about Elizabeth Warren wanting to break up big tech?

I don't see the motivation behind it. It seems forced. What risk is being mitigated by breaking them up?

I could envision a lot of "if this power falls into the wrong hands" scenarios, but there's a lot of other institutions I can do this for as well.

Gillibrand Takes Questions On Office’s Sexual Harassment Probe: It Was ‘Thorough’

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand took questions from reporters Monday evening outside the Capitol building, addressing for the first time allegations that her office didn’t properly probe an allegation of sexual harassment last year.

Gillibrand defended her office’s investigation, calling it “thorough and professional,” “thorough and complete,” “professional and thorough,” and said it was done “thoroughly and appropriately,” according to Politico, which was first to report on the allegations Monday. Despite Gillibrand’s defense of thoroughness, she ultimately fired the man at the center of the allegations last week after Politico presented her office with the findings of their investigation.

Last summer, a female staffer in Gillibrand’s office resigned over the office’s handling of an investigation into allegations that a senior aide, Abbas Malik, had made unwanted sexual advances toward her and had a reputation for making lewd jokes and demeaning comments about women’s appearance.

At the time, Malik was disciplined following Gillibrand’s investigation into the matter, but remained on staff.


Wow.. So now she’s for “through” investigations.. huh.. But she was real quick throw Al Franken under bus tho.. Well I guess that move was all about creating a political brand for herself as the #MeToo Senator.. Instead of essentially what she was before that as the Great Value Hillary Clinton.. Politics is a dirty game...