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The Official World Politics Thread

#1 - Nah brother - they don’t get a pass.

People don’t get a pass for spreading that retarded rhetoric and mind blowing apathy that spurred extremely low black voter turnout in an extremely close election, and in effect ushering in a ultra conservative judiciary for decades, the most criminal and corrupt administration in history, the siphoning of tax payer dollars and rampant abuse of the office for personal and financial gain, intense deregulation of industry, massive wealth re-distribution to the 1%, stripping of rights for multiple demographics of Americans, tragic trade conflicts hurting American workers, the longest government shutdown in history stealing pay from over a million Americans, fractured relations with our foreign allies, fanning the flames of extreme bigotry across the country, bolstering of interests among Authoritarian murderous governments, collusion and influence of a foreign power that literally wants to destroy our country, and this racist orange mother fucker who is literally doing untold damage to our democracy every single day - free press, executive branch, legislative branch, judicial branch, and the trust of the American people.

“But, but ... emails”

Stupidity has consequences.

“We” won’t “get it” until we work together to wipe this shit stain off of our country and get him the fuck out of office.

He never should have been there in the first place.

Most the people you in here talking to live in blue states. Votes that wouldn’t have counted where it mattered.

Most the people you in here talking to live in blue states. Votes that wouldn’t have counted where it mattered.

The people I’m referring to aren’t limited to this forum - I first encountered them on anothe forum. I don’t know who is registered here or watching and it’s not the point to know.

Rhetoric gets spread exponentially across the internet and social groups and it impacts the way people think.

We need to keep stamping out lazy, irresponsible thinking in our community and encourage research of candidates and critical thinking so this type of thing doesn’t happen again.
So let me get this straight trump had a Chinese pimp sit in for him at white house meetings so not only is he accused of dealing with Russia he's letting a Chinese pimp take his place in meetings
So let me get this straight trump had a Chinese pimp sit in for him at white house meetings so not only is he accused of dealing with Russia he's letting a Chinese pimp take his place in meetings

Bruh. You sound surprised. Its fuckin Donald Trump. Dude been a idiot. Nothing he does can surprise me.
Ex-Sessions Spox Will Be CNN Analyst Instead Of Campaign Editor After Outcry

Sarah Isgur, formerly the top spokeswoman for former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, will now be joining CNN as a political analyst rather than a campaign editor.

Isgur was initially brought aboard to coordinate coverage of the 2020 campaign despite the fact that all of her experience has been as a political operative, not a journalist.

The hiring announcement garnered significant backlash, forcing the network to defend itself in an internal memo as employees expressed anger at the choice and disappointment that most of them learned of the hiring from news reports. Isgur also has a history of criticizing CNN, once calling it the “Clinton News Network.”
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In 2020 Budget, Trump’s Priorities Are Signature Pet Projects: Space Force, Wall

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump will be making a significant request for border wall funds and seeking money to stand up Space Force as a new branch of the military in the White House budget being released next week, an administration official said.

For the first time, Trump plans to stick with the strict spending caps imposed years ago, even though lawmakers have largely avoided them with new budget deals. That will likely trigger a showdown with Congress.

The official said Friday that the president’s plan promises to balance the budget in 15 years.

Trump will seek $750 billion for defense, a boost for the military, while cutting non-defense discretionary spending by 5 percent below the cap, said the official, who was unauthorized to discuss the document ahead of its release and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Budgets are mainly seen as blueprints for White House priorities. But they are often panned on Capitol Hill, where lawmakers craft the appropriation bills that eventually fund the government, if the president signs them into law.

Trump’s budget for the 2020 fiscal year will increase requests for some agencies while reducing others to reflect those priorities. Reductions are proposed, for example, for the Environmental Protection Agency.

The official said Congress has ignored the president’s spending cuts for too long. The federal budget is bloated with wasteful spending, the official said, and the administration remains committed to balancing the budget.

The cuts being requested by the White House would hit discretionary spending as well as some mandatory safety net programs, which Trump has proposed in the past. Many Republicans are often eager to reduce government spending, but Congress has had trouble passing bills that seriously slash the safety net programs used by many Americans.

Budgets often rely on various accounting measures to achieve desired results. This one, for example, counts $546 billion in defense money as a base, but another $174 billion in another account to keep within caps.

And while the budget will suggest it balances in future years, it is also expected to rely on projections for continued economic growth from the tax cuts Trump signed into law in 2017. But there’s no guarantee that would cover the lost tax revenues.

By proposing spending levels that don’t raise the budget caps, the president is courting a debate with Congress. Lawmakers from both parties have routinely agreed to raise spending caps established by a previous deal years ago to fund the government.

Trump, though, has tried to resist those deals. He threatened to veto the last one reached in 2017 to prevent a shutdown. Late last year, a fight over border wall funds sparked the 35-day shutdown that spilled into this year and became the longest in history.

GOP Mayor Resigns After Racist Texts And Email Leaks Revealed By Girlfriend

A Republican mayor in Maine resigned on Friday after a woman he was having an affair with released a racist text message he sent her, according to several local media reports.

Shane Bouchard, the mayor of Lewiston, Maine, referred to elderly black people as “antique farm equipment,” according to the local Sun Journal citing messages that his girlfriend Heather Berube Everly made public. Bouchard resigned Friday morning and told a local CBS affiliate that he made mistakes and was not a “perfect person.”

“In this political climate where the media does not discriminate between facts and rumors, it is hard to be a public figure. I am not a perfect person. I have made many mistakes in my past. I have also, in the past been the victim of some very damaging rumors,” he told the local WGME.

The resignation comes just after the same woman, Berube Everly, testified at the Lewiston City Council meeting this week that she provided the mayor with internal emails from his opponent’s campaign, where she was working at the time. Those emails were later published on a website called the Maine Examiner, which was later revealed to be run by an operative for the Maine Republican Party.

After Berube Everly’s testimony, Bouchard admitted to WGME that he received the leaked emails from Democratic opponent Ben Chin’s campaign, but denied that he gave them to the Maine Republican Party. Local police are reportedly investigating the leaked emails.

The internal emails show Chin referred to some voters as “assholes” and was opposed to a merger between two towns because it could lead to spending cuts.

Roy Moore Is ‘Seriously Considering’ Running For Senate Again In 2020

Accused child molester and failed Senate candidate Roy Moore is mulling throwing his hat back into the political ring.

During an interview with “Focal Point” on American Family Radio Friday, Moore told the host Bryan Fischer that he felt his chances were “stolen” from him when he ran for former Attorney General Jeff Sessions vacated Alabama Senate seat in 2017. Moore lost the election after multiple women accused him of sexual misconduct when they were teens and he was in his thirties, putting a Democrat, Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) in the Senate in the ruby red state for the first time in 25 years.

Tell me what you’re thinking about throwing your hat back into the ring,” Fischer said to Moore on Friday.

“I’m seriously considering it. I think that [the 2017 Senate race] was stolen,” Moore said.
