My style is impetuous.. My defense is impregnable
Check out @CharlesMBlow’s Tweet:
Wee got it
#1 - Nah brother - they don’t get a pass.
People don’t get a pass for spreading that retarded rhetoric and mind blowing apathy that spurred extremely low black voter turnout in an extremely close election, and in effect ushering in a ultra conservative judiciary for decades, the most criminal and corrupt administration in history, the siphoning of tax payer dollars and rampant abuse of the office for personal and financial gain, intense deregulation of industry, massive wealth re-distribution to the 1%, stripping of rights for multiple demographics of Americans, tragic trade conflicts hurting American workers, the longest government shutdown in history stealing pay from over a million Americans, fractured relations with our foreign allies, fanning the flames of extreme bigotry across the country, bolstering of interests among Authoritarian murderous governments, collusion and influence of a foreign power that literally wants to destroy our country, and this racist orange mother fucker who is literally doing untold damage to our democracy every single day - free press, executive branch, legislative branch, judicial branch, and the trust of the American people.
“But, but ... emails”
Stupidity has consequences.
“We” won’t “get it” until we work together to wipe this shit stain off of our country and get him the fuck out of office.
He never should have been there in the first place.
Melania’s body double getting some run