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i see what you saying but the kid that got stabbed and killed in front of his parents.......that shit must be hard on them
I definitely get that and something needs to be done but this is a country issue.

Here a clip that explains it better I put a time stamp on it just watch to 33:30
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It's great seeing the Tory government ripping itself apart today over this EU withdrawal deal. It was fun seeing posh cunt Jacob Rees Mogg just doing a Jon 'for the watch' Snow knife job on Theresa May with zero fucks given - flat out to her face asking her if he should vote no confidence on her to get her out of parliament.

Fuck a general election, there has to be another referendum to sort this Brexit bullshit out.
It's great seeing the Tory government ripping itself apart today over this EU withdrawal deal. It was fun seeing posh cunt Jacob Rees Mogg just doing a Jon 'for the watch' Snow knife job on Theresa May with zero fucks given - flat out to her face asking her if he should vote no confidence on her to get her out of parliament.

Fuck a general election, there has to be another referendum to sort this Brexit bullshit out.

I'm not sure about another referendum do you really have faith people have smartened up?

If there another referendum and leave wins again we are in a worse position than we are now.

Having said that if there is another referendum and people have chose to remain then the rise of the right wing will be at dangerous levels.

There no way we can return to what we was it should never ever of happened

No one has an answer to this madness
I'm not sure about another referendum do you really have faith people have smartened up?

If there another referendum and leave wins again we are in a worse position than we are now.

Having said that if there is another referendum and people have chose to remain then the rise of the right wing will be at dangerous levels.

There no way we can return to what we was it should never ever of happened

No one has an answer to this madness

I'm all for another referendum to settle this once and for all because it's not getting sorted by the government and we are getting dangerously close to crashing out.

Have a vote to either leave with no deal or remain. If after all that is known that the public are still that stupid to vote leave with no deal then so be it - let the UK drop of a cliff and sink. We are not getting anywhere otherwise and this withdrawal agreement isn't the wave. It's going to get voted down anyway and we will be back to square one.


Saudi Prosecutor Seeks Death Penalty For 5 Suspects In Khashoggi’s Killing

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Saudi Arabia’s top prosecutor said Thursday he’s seeking the death penalty for five suspects charged with ordering and carrying out the killing of dissident Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi at the kingdom’s consulate in Istanbul.

The disclosures by the prosecution appear aimed at distancing the killers and their operation from Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, whose decision-making powers have thrust him into the center of a global outcry over the killing.

Chief Saudi prosecutor Saud al-Mojeb’s decision to seek the death penalty before trial is not unusual in Saudi Arabia.

Facing mounting international pressure, prosecutors also pointed the finger at two men who were part of the crown prince’s inner circle, but stopped short of accusing them of ordering a hit on Khashoggi. The two are instead being accused of ordering Khashoggi’s forced return in an operation the Saudis allege went awry.

In a press conference later Thursday, Sheikh Shalan al-Shalan, spokesman and deputy attorney-general, said the Oct. 2 killing was ordered by one man: the individual responsible for the negotiating team sent to forcibly bring Khashoggi back to Saudi Arabia.

He did not disclose that individual’s name, but said he was part of a 15-man team sent to Turkey comprised of three groups: negotiators, intelligence and logistics.

He said that on the morning of the killing, the leader of the negotiating team saw that he would not be able to force Khashoggi to return “so he decided to kill him in the moment.”

This appears to contradict a previous Saudi statement quoting Turkish intelligence saying the killing had been premeditated.

Al-Shalan said that Khashoggi’s killers had set in motion plans for the operation on Sept. 29 — three days before his slaying in Istanbul. He says the killers drugged and killed the writer inside the consulate, before dismembering the body and handing it over for disposal by an unidentified local collaborator. The body has never been found.

The brutal death of Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist who had been critical of the crown prince, has sent shock waves around the world and led analysts and officials to believe a sensitive operation of this magnitude could not have been carried out without the prince’s knowledge.

Hours after the prosecutor’s announcement, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir told reporters the crown prince had “absolutely” nothing to do with the killing.

“His royal highness the crown prince has nothing to do with this issue,” he said.

Al-Jubeir said the kingdom is investigating and holding those responsible to account “to make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

“Sometimes mistakes happen … sometimes people exceed their authority,” he said.

The latest Saudi account of what took place failed to appease officials in Turkey, who insist the killing and its cover-up were carried out by the highest levels of government.

“We did not find some of his explanations to be satisfactory,” Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said after the Saudi announcement.

“Those who gave the order, the real perpetrators need to be revealed. This process cannot be closed down in this way,” he added.

Through a series of orchestrated leaks, including audio of the killing shared with Western intelligence, Turkey has attempted to keep pressure on the crown prince, who sees Turkey as a regional rival.

Turkey alleges that among those sent to Istanbul was a forensics expert.

In an apparent reference this specialist, al-Shalan said the organizer of the operation — who was not named — called on a specialist to be part of the team to erase evidence if Khashoggi needed to be forcibly returned to Saudi Arabia. Prosecutors said this specialist was working without the direct knowledge of his boss.

Saudi Arabia said 21 people are now in custody, with 11 indicted and referred to trial. The Turkish government is demanding the suspects be investigated and put on trial in Turkey.

Among the high-level officials incriminated in connection with the killing is former deputy intelligence chief Ahmed al-Assiri, who was fired in the immediate aftermath of the killing.

Al-Assiri, believed to have been a close confidant of Prince Mohammed, and former royal court adviser Saud al-Qahtani are accused of planning and ordering Khashoggi’s forced return to Saudi Arabia. Prosecutors say the men formed a 15-man Saudi team to carry out the operation.

Saudi prosecutors said the men deemed Khashoggi a threat because of his work as a writer and because he was allegedly backed by groups and countries that are hostile to Saudi Arabia.

However, Saudi prosecutors stopped short of accusing al-Assiri or al-Qahtani of ordering the killing itself — further distancing the killers from the crown prince’s inner circle and bolstering Saudi assertions that the killing was carried out by rogue agents who exceeded their authority. Both men were fired from their posts last month amid fallout from the killing.

Khashoggi had been living in self-imposed exile abroad for nearly a year before he was killed by Saudi agents at the consulate on Oct. 2. In his writing, he was especially critical of the crown prince, who’d been leading a wide-reaching crackdown on activists and critics inside the kingdom since last year.

Khashoggi had gone to the consulate in Istanbul to obtain documents for his upcoming marriage. His Turkish fiancee waited outside and first raised the alarm about his disappearance.

Melania Never Met Nat’l Secretary Aide She Publicly Bashed, Ousted

Despite issuing a scathing statement of disapproval and effectively ousting Mira Ricardel — a deputy national security adviser — first lady Melania Trump never met her, but was in talks with Chief of Staff John Kelly about her departure for some time, The Washington Post reported.

According to two people familiar with both parties who spoke to the Post, the first lady saw Ricardel as a “toxic influence” in the West Wing — in the Post’s words — and she even spoke with her husband about Ricardel’s behavior during her trip to Africa last month. Trump also gave aides permission to spread whispers about Ricardel’s overstepping, several people familiar with the matter told the Post.

Trump was convinced that Ricardel was spreading false information about her office and planting negative stories in the media about her stay in Egypt. The first lady’s office made several requests to National Security Adviser John Bolton to get rid of the aide, but Bolton refused, according to the Post.

Trump took matters into her own hands this week by releasing a public statement calling for Ricardel’s ouster. By Wednesday evening, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Ricardel had been assigned to a different position within the administration.

While Kelly supported efforts to remove the national security aide from the White House, he reportedly thought her departure was not handled well.

Trouble in Paradise? Trump Reportedly Mocks Hannity’s Suck-Up Interviews Behind His Back

Do you find Sean Hannity‘s interviews with President Donald Trump to be chock full of easy questions, yielding little in the way of substance? If so, according to a new report out Thursday, you’re not alone.

Donald Trump does too.

According to the Daily Beast, reporting through three sources, the president is known to mock the Fox News primetime star for throwing him softballs during their one-on-ones. The questions — which one source tells the Beast Trump has called “dumb” — give Trump nothing to work with.

“It’s like he’s not even trying,” Trump has reportedly said, according to a Beast source.

Whatever complaints the president might have about Hannity’s fawning interviews, they have, of course, not hurt the Fox News host’s standing in the Trump universe. As recently as Nov. 5, the president invited Hannity on stage at his final pre-election campaign rally in Missouri — an appearance which drew condemnation from Fox News.

But this, according to the Beast, was an act of defiance on the part of the president. A senior administration official told the website Trump knew that Hannity said on Twitter that night that he would not appear onstage for the president and invited him up anyway because he “did not care.”


Man Shouts ‘Heil Hitler, Heil Trump’ At Theater Performance In Baltimore

During intermission at a performance of “Fiddler on the Roof,” a man started shouting “Heil Hitler, Heil Trump” sending some audience members fleeing out of fear that he’d start shooting.

According to a Thursday Baltimore Sun report, the shouting man, still unidentified, was escorted out of the building and the play continued.

“Fiddler on the Roof” was originally written in Yiddish and tells the story of a Jewish family in Russia during the early 1900s.

The incident comes on the heels of October’s massacre at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh and a general upswing of anti-Semitic crimes.
