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Tinfoil hat is not really my style but uhh anyone heard about this shit? What do you make of it?

Murdoch visited McConnell in DC last week...

Have not posted on Twitter in 3-4 days since:

National Enquirer
Fox News
Rudy Giuliani
Jared Kushner deleted all his tweets.
Matt Drudge deleted all tweets and Drudge Report deleted its following

With New Excuse, Trump Blames Secret Service For Missing Military Cemetery

President Donald Trump on Tuesday contradicted the White House’s own explanation for his not visiting a cemetery in northern France to honor American military dead during his recent trip to the country.

The White House initially said that poor weather had precluded flying a helicopter to Aisne-Marne American Cemetery and Memorial on Saturday. The President could have taken his motorcade 2.5 hours each way to visit the cemetery, but, according to White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Sunday, the trip by car “would have required closures to substantial portions of the Paris roadways for the President’s motorcade, on short notice.”

“President Trump did not want to cause that kind of unexpected disruption to the city and its people,” Sanders said.

On Tuesday, Trump contradicted that, instead saying the Secret Service rejected his idea of driving.

By the way, when the helicopter couldn’t fly to the first cemetery in France because of almost zero visibility, I suggested driving. Secret Service said NO, too far from airport & big Paris shutdown. Speech next day at American Cemetary in pouring rain! Little reported-Fake News!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 13, 2018

TPM has reached out to the White House and Secret Service to reconcile the two statements. Trump later re-sent the tweet, this time with the word “cemetery” spelled correctly

Cummings Asks Colleagues, Incoming Dems To Ignore Anti-Pelosi Factions

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), a ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and an influential Democrat in the House, sent a letter to colleagues and the incoming class of House Democrats on Monday, urging them to keep House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in leadership and ignore the faction of members whispering about her ouster.

“For two years, (a small group of House Democrats) asserted that with Nancy Pelosi as our leader, Democrats could never win back the House,” he wrote in the letter, flagged by Politico. “They claimed that these relentless Republican attacks made Leader Pelosi appear too divisive and they argued that she should step aside for the good of the party. But then last Tuesday happened. And the American people obliterated the theory that Nancy Pelosi could not lead House Democrats to victory.”

While Democrats won’t vote on party leadership until after Thanksgiving, both Pelosi and her allies have been pushing to keep her name at the top of the list for House speaker, despite some opposition and some support for new leadership.

Over the weekend Pelosi warned that ousting her now would be a betrayal to women, especially after the party won back control of the House on a wave of female candidates.

Last week, Pelosi even earned the endorsement of an unlikely supporter: President Donald Trump. At least twice last week, Trump commented that Pelosi deserved the chance to be speaker and even praised her for her hard work.

Before Dems Take Over, GOP Will Risk Shutdown To Fund Trump’s Wall

WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress returns to a changed political landscape Tuesday as newly-elected lawmakers arrive in Washington, the parties elect new leadership and incumbents square off for one final legislative sprint before House Democrats take power.

Voters swept away eight years of House Republican control in last week’s election, creating a new political dynamic that’s challenging President Donald Trump even before the new 116th Congress begins in January.

For their last act, Republicans will try to deliver on Trump’s promise to fund the border wall, which could spark a partial federal government shutdown in weeks. Newly emboldened Democrats are in no mood to cooperate over wall money. Instead, they’ll be pushing to protect special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe from acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker, who has criticized the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. All sides must agree to a federal funding bill to prevent a partial government shutdown from beginning on Dec. 7.

“House Democrats are anything but lame ducks,” Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi wrote Monday to colleagues, saying Democrats are “flying high and taking pride” in the greatest Democratic sweep of the House since the Watergate election of 1974. They picked up at least 32 seats, with several races still undecided.

“We have great opportunity, and therefore great responsibility to get results for the American people,” Pelosi wrote. Democrats “need to be unified, find common ground with Republicans in our legislative engagements, but stand our ground when we must.”

Against this backdrop, dozens of new House lawmakers and a handful of new senators arrived for a whirlwind orientation session. They will take their official photos, meet colleagues and take what could prove to be the toughest vote of their early careers — electing their leadership. Several new Congressional Progressive Caucus members held their first press conference Monday.

“I hope that we are ushering in a new era,” said Rep.-elect Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass.

Their majority lost, House Republicans will start the task of rebuilding. Retiring Speaker Paul Ryan will begin to transition out of power and next-in-line Kevin McCarthy of California is favored over conservative Rep. Jim Jordan, a leader of the Freedom Caucus, to win the job of incoming minority leader in leadership elections Wednesday. GOP Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana is expected keep his spot unchallenged. And new to leadership will be Rep. Liz Cheney, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, in the No. 3 position of conference chair.

“We’ve got to change the way that we operate and really in some ways be more aggressive,” Cheney, running unopposed, told The Associated Press.

Senators will also select their leaders, but few surprises are expected. On the Democratic side, Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York is set to return as leader, even though the party lost several seats in the election.

Schumer suggested Democrats would use the lame duck session to fight to protect special counsel. “People are really concerned about this,” Schumer told CNN.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has predicted a “lively” lame duck session. He has said legislation to protect Mueller is “unnecessary” because the investigation is “not under threat.”

McConnell is poised to again lead Republicans, but term limits are pushing GOP Whip John Cornyn of Texas out of the No. 2 spot, making way for South Dakota Sen. John Thune to move up. Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso and Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri will round out the team, and Cornyn will still have a seat at McConnell’s table of counselors.

McConnell is also trying to add a female senator to a lower leadership spot, seeking to address the optics of having an all-male leadership slate in a year that brought a record number of women to Congress.

The biggest leadership race is Pelosi’s bid to return as the first female House speaker, a contest she says she’s “100 percent” confident she will win despite a public campaign by some incumbent and newly elected Democrats to oust her. Preliminary voting won’t unfold for House Democrats until after Thanksgiving.

Amid the leadership shuffle, lawmakers have several pieces of legislation they want to finish by year’s end, including a farm policy bill and legislation overhauling Congress’ handling of sexual harassment claims. The Senate will try to confirm more of Trump’s judicial and administrative nominees, including a vote this week on Michelle Bowman to be a member of the Federal Reserve’s board of governors.

But first they appeared headed toward a showdown over Trump’s wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Trump spent weeks ahead of the midterm election rallying fears over a migrant caravan heading toward the border and promised voters that Republicans would bring tougher border security.

House Republicans have already approved $5 billion for Trump’s wall, but in the Senate, where Republicans need Democratic support to prevent a filibuster, a bipartisan bill allocates $1.6 billion.

McCarthy upped the stakes by introducing legislation for the full $25 billion the White House wants in border funds as he tries to shore up support from conservatives ahead of the GOP leadership election.

It’s unclear how hard Republicans will be willing to fight for the wall, given that dozens of House GOP lawmakers are serving their final days in Congress after retiring or losing their re-election races. Ryan had promised a “big fight” over the border money and McConnell said a mini-shutdown may be necessary to help Trump “get what he’s looking for” on the wall.

Rep. Nita Lowey of New York, who is set to chair the House Appropriations Committee, said Democrats “have our boxing gloves on” to spar with Trump and other Republicans.

The top Democrat on the Senate Appropriations panel, Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, on Monday told reporters Trump is the only person in Washington who seems to want to a shutdown.

Firefighters battling California wildfires, police officers and other emergency responders all would be hurt by a shutdown, he said. If Republicans insist that “it’s the wall or nothing, then they are going to get nothing,” Leahy said.

Stone Associate And Conspiracy Theorist Expects To Be Charged In Mueller Probe

WASHINGTON (AP) — An associate of longtime Trump confidant Roger Stone said Monday that he expects to face charges in the special counsel’s Russia investigation.

Conservative conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi said on his YouTube show that negotiations fell apart with special counsel Robert Mueller’s team and he expects in the coming days to be charged with making false statements.

“I’m going to be indicted,” Corsi said on his show. “That’s what we were told. Everyone should know that, and I’m anticipating it.”

The Associated Press couldn’t immediately confirm Corsi’s claims that charges against him are forthcoming. Corsi’s attorney, David Gray, declined to comment Monday evening. A spokesman for the special counsel’s office also declined to comment.

Corsi is one of several Stone associates who have been questioned by investigators as Mueller probes Stone’s connections with WikiLeaks. American intelligence agencies have concluded that Russian agents were the source of hacked material released by WikiLeaks during the 2016 campaign, including emails belonging to former Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. And Mueller’s office is trying to determine whether Stone and other associates of President Donald Trump had advance knowledge of WikiLeaks’ plans.

Corsi, the former Washington bureau chief of the conspiracy theory outlet InfoWars, said Monday that he had no recollection of ever meeting WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

“To the best of my recollection, what I knew in advance about what Julian Assange was going to do in terms of having the Podesta emails, I figured out,” he said.

Corsi said Monday that he has been cooperating with the Mueller investigation since receiving a subpoena in late August. He said he gave investigators two computers, a cell phone and access to his email accounts and tweets.

But he said talks with investigators recently had “blown up.”

“I fully anticipate that in the next few days, I will be indicted by Mueller,” he said, as he made a pitch for donations to his legal defense fund.

Stone, who has also said he expects to be indicted, has denied being a conduit for WikiLeaks, which published thousands of emails stolen from Podesta in the weeks before the election.

In a telephone interview with the AP last month, Stone said: “I had no advanced notice of the source or content or the exact timing of the release of the WikiLeaks disclosures.”

Scott Temporarily Withdraws Lawsuit To Impound County Voting Machines

Republican Gov. Rick Scott on Tuesday temporarily withdrew his lawsuit seeking to impound voting machines in Palm Beach County after the completion of the recount in the Florida Senate race, according to a report from West Palm Beach television station WPTV.

A lawyer for Scott said he would temporarily dismiss the lawsuit during a Tuesday hearing at which Judge Krista Marx said she was unsure she had the authority to grant Scott’s request, per WPTV. Marc Elias, the lawyer representing Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) in his Senate race against Scott, also tweeted on Tuesday that the lawsuit was dismissed.

At the hearing, Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw testified that he has deputies stationed at the tabulation center and elections office who are able to monitor the recount, according to WPTV. Scott’s lawyer said he would discuss security with the sheriff, WPTV reported.

A judge on Monday denied Scott’s request to impound voting machines in Broward County and told both parties in the lawsuit to come to an agreement on security surrounding the recount.

FBI: 17% Spike In Hate Crimes In 2017 Marks Rise For 3rd Year In A Row

NEW YORK (AP) — The FBI says hate crimes reports were up about 17 percent in 2017, marking a rise for the third year in a row.

An annual report shows there were more than 7,100 reported hate crimes last year. There were increases in attacks motivated by racial bias, religious bias and because of a victim’s sexual orientation.

The report, released Tuesday, shows there was a nearly 23 percent increase in religion-based hate crimes. There was a 37 percent spike in anti-Jewish hate crimes.

Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker says the report is a “call to action.” He says the offenses were “despicable violations of our core values as Americans.”

The FBI says although the number of attacks has increased, so has the number of law enforcement agencies reporting hate-crime data.


Staff anger spills over at White House

A drumbeat of exits is mixing with Trump’s anger after the midterms and a much-criticized trip to Europe.

Bottled-up hostility in President Donald Trump’s administration flowed to the surface Tuesday during a remarkable 12-hour period following an awkward midterm détente and tense trip to Paris over which the president is still seething.

It’s like an episode of ‘Maury,’” one former Trump aide observed to POLITICO as the spectacle unfolded. “The only thing that’s missing is a paternity test.”