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The Official World Politics Thread

FOX news sees this bluewave and knows if Dems get in, then they’re fair game to fuck w, too. Good shit. This is prob why they haven’t tweeted in a week.

Trump Makes Wild, Baseless Voter Fraud Claim: People ‘Go to Their Car,’ Change Their Hat and Shirt, and ‘Vote Again’

In an interview with the Daily Caller on Wednesday afternoon, President Donald Trump continued to float baseless conspiracy theories regarding the recounts currently ongoing in Florida.

Trump baselessly complained that Republicans “don’t win and that’s because of potentially illegal votes.”

The president didn’t stop there, also accusing individuals of voting multiple times.

“Sometimes they go to their car, put on a different hat, put on a different shirt, come in and vote again,” Trump said, without providing a single shred of evidence for the explosive claim. “It’s really a disgrace what’s going on.”

Trump seized on the moment, using it to renew his push for national voter ID laws.

“If you buy a box of cereal — you have a voter ID,” he said. “They try to shame everybody by calling them racist or calling them something, anything they can think of, when you say you want voter ID.”

Despite the president’s claims, election monitors in Broward County, FL have found no evidence of the sort.

“Our staff has seen no evidence of criminal activity at this time,” Sarah Revell, a spokesperson for the Florida Department of Elections, told the Miami Herald.

FLOTUS-Ricardel Feud Dates Back To Tension Over Plane Seats On Trip To Africa

For a first lady who keeps to herself and avoids publicly acknowledging the palace intrigue associated with her husband’s drama-laced White House, the statement that came out of Melania Trump’s office on Tuesday afternoon — bashing a national security staffer — was befuddling to many.

But the tension between Trump and Mira Ricardel, a deputy national security adviser, has been brewing for more than a month, The New York Times reported.

According to people with direct knowledge of the situation who spoke to the Times, the problems began during Trump’s trip to Africa in October when Ricardel preemptively announced the visit before it was fully planned. Ricardel reportedly then threatened to sabotage the trip by pulling resources after she found out she didn’t have a seat on Trump’s plane.

When the first lady’s team arrived back in the U.S., Ricardel spread rumors within the West Wing about inappropriate behavior by members of Trump’s staff, including her Chief of Staff Lindsay Reynolds, according to the Times. A person close to Trump told the Times the allegations were not true.

Ricardel also reportedly was behind the leak of negative stories about White House staff and Trump herself, all of which prompted Trump to complain about Ricardel to Chief of Staff John Kelly. Kelly reportedly spoke with National Security Adviser John Bolton about the complaints, but Bolton didn’t act.

Ricardel is reportedly still employed at the White House, despite the damning statement released by Trump’s spokesperson Stephanie Grisham on Tuesday: “It is the position of the Office of the First Lady that she no longer deserves the honor of serving in this White House.”

Trump Mocked For Claiming You Need Voter ID to Buy Cereal: He’s a ‘Cereal Offender’

President Donald Trump talked about voter fraud in an interview today and made the following comments:

The Republicans don’t win and that’s because of potentially illegal votes,” Trump complained. “When people get in line that have absolutely no right to vote and they go around in circles. Sometimes they go to their car, put on a different hat, put on a different shirt, come in and vote again. Nobody takes anything. It’s really a disgrace what’s going on.”

“If you buy a box of cereal — you have a voter ID,” Trump continued. “They try to shame everybody by calling them racist, or calling them something, anything they can think of, when you say you want voter ID. But voter ID is a very important thing.”


Trump Warns Antifa: The Opposition Can Be ‘Much More Violent’

President Donald Trump‘s interview with the Daily Caller has provided little in the way of news from what has been released so far, but more than enough weird comments from our very weird commander in chief. Among them, an ominous threat to Antifa, the group of radical left wing activists who protested outside Tucker Carlson‘s home last week.

“These people, like the Antifa — they better hope that the opposition to Antifa decides not to mobilize,” Trump told the Daily Caller when asked about the group. “Because if they do, they’re much tougher. Much stronger.”

“Potentially much more violent,” he continued. “And Antifa’s going to be in big trouble. But so far they haven’t done that and that’s a good thing.”
man...these british people are ignorant as hell on tv.....but they get right to the point and call out bullshit all the time.

its to be respected.
Theresa may want from no deal is better than a bad deal to a bad deal is better than no deal.

Lol Brexit is such a mess the entire country is lost
funny you say that...

the other day he was going hard at the london mayor over them stabbings....he hardly let dude talk.
that reminds me to get back to my thread making

It's a racist agenda the media is using. They are only talking about because the demographic of the people etc