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I'm all for another referendum to settle this once and for all because it's not getting sorted by the government and we are getting dangerously close to crashing out.

Have a vote to either leave with no deal or remain. If after all that is known that the public are still that stupid to vote leave with no deal then so be it - let the UK drop of a cliff and sink. We are not getting anywhere otherwise and this withdrawal agreement isn't the wave. It's going to get voted down anyway and we will be back to square one.

I suppose the only way it could work is if she puts 3 options on the table.
Remain take the deal or no deal exit.

I think In that scenario there has to be option 1 and option 2.

David Cameron ego put us here

Millions In Trump Donations Later, Adelson’s Wife Gets Presidential Award

WASHINGTON (AP) — Miriam Adelson is a doctor, philanthropist and humanitarian, but is perhaps best known as the wife of Sheldon Adelson, a Las Vegas casino magnate considered one of the nation’s most powerful Republican donors. She gets to add a new title Friday when President Donald Trump honors her with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Miriam Adelson is among seven people Trump is recognizing with the medal, the highest honor America can give a civilian.

The other recipients are retiring Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, one of the longest-serving senators in U.S. history; Alan Page, who was elected to the Minnesota Supreme Court after an NFL career with the Minnesota Vikings and Chicago Bears; and Roger Staubach, the Hall of Fame Dallas Cowboys quarterback.

Posthumous honors are being granted to Elvis Presley, Babe Ruth and Antonin Scalia, the conservative Supreme Court justice.

The Adelsons gave Trump’s presidential campaign a $30 million boost in the final months of the 2016 race. The couple followed up this election cycle by donating $100 million to the Republican Party for last week’s midterms.

Miriam Adelson, 73, is an Israeli-born, naturalized U.S. citizen who earned a medical degree from Tel Aviv University and founded a pair of drug abuse treatment and research centers in Las Vegas and Tel Aviv. She and her husband own the Las Vegas Review-Journal and Israel Hayom newspapers.

The Adelsons are also avid supporters of Israel. Their passion for strengthening the country, along with Israel-U.S. relations, has helped keep such policy priorities as relocating the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem front and center in the Republican Party and the Trump administration.

Trump moved the embassy in May, and Sheldon Adelson, who had offered to personally fund the move, sat in the front row for the ceremony.

Robert Weissman, president of the public interest group Public Citizen, questioned whether the decision to recognize Miriam Adelson was based on merit.

“It’s emblematic of the corrupt and transactional presidency of Donald Trump, and it is a shame, but not a surprise, that he is corroding and corrupting a civic treasure, an honor like the Medal of Freedom,” Weissman said.

Elliott Abrams, who held foreign policy roles under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, called the complaints “ridiculous.” Abrams noted the Miriam Adelson has donated her time and her money to combatting addiction. He contrasted her award with those given by President Barack Obama to Chita Rivera, Robert De Niro, Barbra Streisand, Ellen DeGeneres and Warren Buffett, among others.

“People who said nothing about all of that and now criticize the medal for Dr. Adelson are simply being nasty and partisan, and are not actually taking a look at her remarkable knowledge and charity in the chemical addiction field,” Abrams said.

White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said Trump used the process follow by previous administrations to settle on his group of honorees. It was coordinated by the staff secretary’s office, incorporating recommendations from the public, relevant presidential advisory bodies, the Cabinet and senior White House staff, she said.

The award is given to individuals “who have made especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.”

Miriam Adelson said she is “deeply humbled and moved by this exceptional honor.”

“Liberty is at the heart of my decades of work against substance abuse. Drug dependency is enslavement, for the user and his or her family and society, and treatment an emancipation,” she said in a statement Thursday.

E. Fletcher McClellan, a political science professor at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania, said presidents have no limits on making these awards.

“He has total discretion as to who and when and how,” said McClellan, who has studied the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Christopher Devine, a politics professor at the University of Dayton, questioned Miriam Adelson’s impact on American culture or national interests as compared to past recipients like Oprah Winfrey or Bruce Springsteen. Both Winfrey and Springsteen received medals from Obama, whom they supported politically.

“This is what leaves many people wondering whether President Trump singled her out for an award as something of a thank-you for her and husband Sheldon Adelson’s very substantial donations to Republican candidates and causes over the years, including ones in support of Trump’s election in 2016,” said Devine, who wrote a book about the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Devine said that while Miriam Adelson isn’t the first campaign contributor to receive a Presidential Medal of Freedom, the size of her campaign contributions sets her apart from the rest.

DeVos Has Had 24-7 Security Since Her Confirmation, Totaling $19.8 Million

Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has had around-the-clock security provided by the U.S. Marshals Service since she was confirmed in February 2017, a service that will cost taxpayers $19.8 million by September 2019, NBC News reported.

That figured far exceeds the $3.5 million Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt spent on security before he resigned over criticism of his lavish spending.

The Education Department — not DeVos personally — requested the security detail a few days after she was blocked from entering a Washington, D.C. middle school by protesters, according to NBC. The Justice Department told NBC that DeVos had received threats, the nature of which were unclear. A Education Department spokesperson told NBC that “it should be obvious that” the threats “are significant.”

The security from the Marshals Service — which currently does not protect any other Cabinet official and has only protected the director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy in the past — cost $5.3 million in 2017 and $6.8 million this year. The service is projected to cost $7.4 million next fiscal year, NBC reported.

Trump On Acosta: ‘If He Misbehaves, We’ll Throw Him Out’

Kate Riga

Though President Donald Trump has been forced to restore Jim Acosta’s press credentials, he’s already threatening to boot the CNN reporter if he “misbehaves.”

“If he misbehaves, we’ll throw him out,” Trump told Fox News’ Chris Wallace. “If I think somebody is acting out of sorts, I will leave and say thank you very much…Those reporters will not be too friendly to whoever it is that is acting up.”

fuck trump gonna do now?

is he gonna call the CIA liars so he can get the suadi deal?

interesting times.....

Trump cant catch a break now.

this is a time when Obama should come out an say..."i was never under pressure"