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Nigerian Army Shares Trump’s Comments on Migrants Throwing Rocks to Try and Justify Shooting Protesters

In his remarks about immigration, the migrant caravans, and border security yesterday, President Donald Trump made some comments about how troops should react if anyone at the border throws rocks:

I will tell you this, anybody throwing stones, rocks, like they did to Mexico and the Mexican military, Mexican police, where they badly hurt police and soldiers of Mexico, we will consider that a firearm. Because there’s not much difference. When you get hit in the face with a rock, which as you know, that was very violent a few days ago. Very, very violent.”

He went on to say he wants to consider rocks specifically as rifles.

This morning, video of those remarks were tweeted out by the official Twitter account of the Nigerian army, as an excuse to justify the shooting of protesters in Nigeria days prior:

Please Watch and Make your Deductions.

— Nigerian Army (@HQNigerianArmy) November 2, 2018

This past Monday the Nigerian army opened fire as Shi’ite Muslim protesters demonstrated in Abuja. And per multiple reports, some protesters threw rocks.

Amnesty International revealed that at least 39 people were killed during protests on Monday and over 100 sustained serious gunshot wounds. They also concluded that six protesters were killed during demonstrations on Saturday. (You can read more on human rights abuses in Nigeria here, from Amnesty International’s annual report.)

The New York Times received comment from army spokesperson John Agim, defending the attempt to use the words of the U.S. president to justify their actions:

We released that video to say if President Trump can say that rocks are as good as a rifle, who is Amnesty International?” he said. “What are they then saying? What did David use to kill Goliath? So a stone is a weapon.”

“Our soldiers sustained injuries,” he continued. “The Shiites even burnt one of our vehicles so what are Amnesty International saying?”


Security Concerns Halt Kavanaugh’s Traditional Walk Down SCOTUS Steps

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court says new Justice Brett Kavanaugh won’t take the traditional walk down the courthouse steps after his ceremonial installation on the court because of security concerns.

Kavanaugh’s investiture ceremony is scheduled for Thursday morning in the courtroom. It is customary for a new justice to walk down the 44 marble steps in front of the building, accompanied by the chief justice. The moment provides a chance for news organizations to photograph the justice, since the courtroom event is closed to cameras.

Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said Friday that the change is being made “out of an abundance of caution due to security concerns.”

Kavanaugh was confirmed Oct. 6 by a 50-48 Senate vote following an allegation he sexually assaulted a woman decades ago. He denied any wrongdoing.

President Trump Says He Watched Obama’s Rally Because He ‘Had Nothing Else To Do’

President Donald Trump revealed at his umpteenth campaign rally of the election season on Friday that he watched the rival rally of former President Barack Obama. Why? Because he had “nothing else to do.”

Obama held a rally in Miami, Florida on Friday in support of candidates Andrew Gillum, running for governor of the state, and Sen. Bill Nelson, running to hold his seat in the Senate. Trump, shortly afterward Obama, held his own rally in West Virginia, and bashed his predecessor.

“I heard President Obama speak today. I had to listen, I was in the plane, I had nothing else to do,” Trump said. “He had a very small crowd. They don’t tell you that.”

Most presidents are keen to project the image that they don’t have enough time for the vital job of leading the country. Trump has been content to spend much of the midterm election year on the campaign trail, holding lengthy rallies in support of Republican candidates. The confession that he has nothing better to do than to watch an Obama rally is, however, certainly new.
