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So what do you guys think the GOP would be runnin' heavy on right now if not for the "Caravan"?

B/c that's basically there only game plan right now.
So what do you guys think the GOP would be runnin' heavy on right now if not for the "Caravan"?

B/c that's basically there only game plan right now.

That's all they got b/c they cant really run on the recent tax cuts because the middle-class tax cuts are temporary and pale into the permanent tax cuts that went to the rich......they don't have anything to run on that benefits everyday people thats why they have to run on fear
That's all they got b/c they cant really run on the recent tax cuts because the middle-class tax cuts are temporary and pale into the permanent tax cuts that went to the rich......they don't have anything to run on that benefits everyday people thats why they have to run on fear

And that was essentially what I was getting @.

And to piggyback off of your tax cut point, I don't even know why the Dems aren't even bringing that up. There are people (of both parties) who are completely aloof to the fact that the these tax cuts will soon be dwindling and then expiring, but the top 1% is permanent and the middle class will be left to pick up the HEFTY tab.

That most def needs to be a sound talking point.
Ughhhh! I wanna hate smash this evil bitch. I would respect her alil if she would jus own her hate tho...

So, y'all still with the Dems, or have y'all decided to be free of all parties and go the indy route?

Honestly, they are the only people who can beat this shitbird, cause they can' be casted under the "Democratic" label
Independents are failed democrats/republicans they dont there is no such thing as a middle that doe anything.. at the end of the day thats what the dems have been.. middle... The new blood democrats should run and there is an appetite for it progressive not the same stale bullshit.. that seeks to compromise..
Thats Bernies greatest value is being a reference point .. run PROGRESSIVE justice should be the platform period

Reports: Militia Members Head To The Border As Trump Inflates ‘Caravan’ Threat

Matt Shuham

Civilian militia groups are headed to the border, ginned up by President Donald Trump’s racist and often inaccurate rhetoric about the so-called “caravan” of migrants and asylum seekers that’s still hundreds of miles away from United States soil.

The President of the Texas Minutemen told the Washington Post Sunday that his group had 100 volunteers on the way to the Rio Grande, with more likely behind them. And a PowerPoint presentation for Pentagon officials prepared by the Joint Force Land Component Commander Threat Working Group, and obtained by Newsweek, reads in part: “Estimated 200 unregulated armed militia members currently operating along the southwest border. Reported incidents of unregulated militias stealing National Guard equipment during deployments. They operate under the guise of citizen patrols supporting CBP [Customs and Border Protection] primarily between POEs [Points of Entry].”

Trump Cabinet Member To Floridians: ‘So Cotton-Pickin’ Important’ To Defeat Gillum

Campaigning for Florida Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis on Saturday, Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue called Tuesday’s vote “so cotton-pickin’ important.”

“Public policy matters. Leadership matters,” Perdue said at a Lakeland rally for DeSantis. “And that is why this election is so cotton-pickin’ important to the state of Florida. I hope you all don’t mess it up.”

Politico first reported Perdue’s remarks Saturday, citing audio from the liberal group American Bridge. (Hear the audio below.)

In June, former Trump deputy campaign manager David Bossie was temporarily suspended from Fox News airwaves after he told Democratic strategist Joel Payne, who is black, that he was “out of [his] cotton-picking mind.” The network said in a statement at the time that Bossie’s comments were “deeply offensive and wholly inappropriate.”

A spokesperson for DeSantis’ campaign, Stephen Lawson, told Politico Saturday: “You would have to ask Governor Perdue about any of his remarks. We were happy to have him in Polk County campaigning with us.”

DeSantis’ opponent, Democratic nominee Andrew Gillum, would be Florida’s first American American governor if elected.

In August, the day after winning the Republican nomination in the state, DeSantis told Floridians: “The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up.” The comment was widely seen as a reference to Gillum’s race, though DeSantis denied that.


Tapper Grills RNC Chair McDaniel On Racist, Inaccurate Ad Trump Tweeted On Immigration

Matt Shuham

CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday grilled RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel on the racist, inaccurate ad President Donald Trump tweeted on Oct. 31.

The ad, which paints all undocumented immigrants as potential violent criminals, inaccurately pins responsibility on Democrats for immigration policies that allowed an undocumented man who eventually killed two police officers to be unlawfully present in the country.


Trump Invents Poll: No ‘New Fox Poll’ Shows ‘40% Approval’ From African Americans

President Donald Trump on Sunday invented a Fox News poll that he said showed 40 percent support among African Americans.

TPM found no evidence of poll results saying that. A Fox News poll released Oct. 17 showed 29 percent approval of the President among all non-white registered voters, and 47 percent overall approval among registered voters.

As the Washington Post’s Aaron Blake pointed out, the President may have been referring to a daily tracking poll performed by Rasmussen that, according to an Oct. 29 report from the company, showed 40 percent approval for Trump among black voters.

A Fox News spokesperson, Alexandra Coscia, confirmed as much in an email to TPM Sunday: “He is referencing a Rasmussen poll,” Coscia wrote, linking to the tracking poll. White House spokespeople did not respond to TPM’s request for comment.

In August, when the same Rasmussen tracking poll showed that 36 percent of black voters supported the President, Political Science Professor Michael Tesler criticized the finding in the Washington Post, writing: “Polling firms that have interviewed far more African Americans, and that are much more transparent than Rasmussen, all show that Trump’s black approval rating is much lower than 36 percent.”

On Saturday, Fox News contributor Deroy Murdock mentioned the Rasmussen poll in an opinion piece on FoxNews.com.

GOP candidate for Georgia governor Kemp has just accused the Georgia Democratic party of attempting to hack the voter registration database........the GOP will try to win at all costs....smh