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Papadopoulos Furiously Spins Tale Of Deep State Victimhood

George Papadopoulos’s ability to talk his way into and out of any situation is enough to make even Donald Trump blush.

In the latest episode of the Papadopoulos saga, the former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser and erstwhile coffee boy has taken to Fox News and Twitter in an effort to promote himself as the victim of a global spy conspiracy.

“I have been sentenced to prison in our country while having exculpatory evidence hidden from me,” he wrote in a late Oct. 29 tweet. “If I knew what I knew today, I would never have plead [sic] guilty.”

In appearances on Fox & Friends and Tucker Carlson Tonight, Papadopoulos has laid out a narrative in which he was duped by malicious prosecutors into pleading guilty as part of a larger conspiracy by former Obama officials who were trying to thwart an east Mediterranean gas project that he was working on.

Joseph Moreno, a former federal prosecutor at Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft law firm, told TPM that Papadopoulos’s statements about withdrawing from the deal were likely a bluff.

“I’ve never seen that happen,” he said. “I think it’s more of a public relations effort than a legal effort.”

Walking away from the plea deal would mean that prosecutors could use his admissions in court against him.

But Moreno said that Papadopoulos faces the biggest risk from the judge who originally believed his “remorse” at sentencing.

“When the judge sees a person who has pleaded go out on Twitter or television and make statements recanting his guilty plea and recanting what he or she said in court and now saying something else, the judge can get pretty upset,” Moreno said.

Papadopoulos did not go easily into the agreement in the first place. His wife, Italian model Simona Mangiante, asked Trump to pardon her husband in a June Fox News appearance. In court filings, prosecutors wrote that Papadopoulos only admitted that he discussed the Russians having access to Clinton’s emails “after … lying about when he received the information.”

It’s only been six weeks since Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to one count of perjury, telling District Judge Randy Moss that he was “ashamed and remorseful” to have lied to the FBI. “I made a terrible mistake,” he admitted at the sentencing hearing.

The judge said that he was moved by Papadopoulos’s “genuine remorse” to shorten his sentence from 30 days to 14 days of incarceration.

Almost immediately, the spinning was back.

The same day as his sentencing Mangiante told the website Law & Crime that the couple was “preparing to turn infamy into fame and fortune with a book deal about their romance.”

But within days of his plea, Papadopoulos had started to backtrack, tweeting that Alexander Downer – Australia’s then-ambassador in London, whom he allegedly told over drinks about the Russians having access to Clinton’s emails – was in fact a spy.

“The notion that Downer randomly reached out to me just to have a gin and tonic is laughable. Some organization or entity sent him to meet me. For the sake of our republic and the integrity of this investigation, I think it’s time Downer is as exposed as Christoper Steele,” Papadopoulos wrote in a late-night Sept. 10 tweet, referencing the author of the Steele dossier.

By the end of the month, the Daily Beast was reporting that Papadopoulos was pitching his book across the publishing industry, and had hired ritzy entertainment industry agency David Vigliano to rep him in the effort.

Over the past few weeks, Papadopoulos, who did not reply to requests for comment, has ramped up his rhetoric. He now claims to be at the epicenter of “the biggest political scandal in modern history,” culminating in an Oct. 25 day of closed testimony before the House Judiciary and Oversight and Government reform committees.

“When I fully compartmentalize and chronologically detail the origins and consequences of the most profound political scandal in modern history, it will be clear that there were three disinformation intelligence operations targeted at me and campaign with one end game,” Papadopoulos wrote on Twitter.

Meanwhile, he’s asking for $250,000 in a GoFundMe campaign set up by his wife. That effort has only raised around $10,000 as of this writing.

“I am a patriot and an hard worker. Still fighting my battle for the truth. Loyal to my country,” Papadopoulos describes himself in a fundraising message.

Much of the alleged conspiracy revolves around allegations that Obama administration officials arranged the entrapment to stop Papadopoulos from pursuing a Mediterranean gas project he was working on.

The story has to do with two gas deposits discovered off the coast of Israel in 2009. Though the gas fields’ development have been delayed, Papadopoulos did, in fact, try to advocate for certain avenues of development while working as an energy consultant in London.

He wrote an op-ed for Israel’s Artuz Sheva news website in 2014, advocating through impenetrable prose for the country to use the fields to become a major European gas supplier.

It remains unclear if Papadopoulos was carrying water for someone involved in the deal or if he was attempting to build a career off the gas deposit independently.

Eran Lerman, a professor at Israel’s Shalem College and former member of the country’s National Security Council who appeared on a panel with Papadopoulos in 2015, told TPM in an email that “while it is true that I met Curious George and even found some of his grand strategy musings to be valid, I have absolutely no information on gas deals.”

Regardless of Papadopoulos’ involvement, he has used the moment to inject himself into conservative media narratives claiming that the Mueller investigation is part of a deep state attack on Trump.

“As someone who has witnessed corruption first hand, I implore all Americans, for the sake of our country, to vote republican in the midterms,” he tweeted last night.

Report: Bannon Questioned In Mueller Probe Of Stone’s Alleged Wikileaks Ties

Former Trump campaign chairman Stephen K. Bannon was interviewed by the special counsel on Friday, the Washington Post reports.

Specifically, the perpetually disheveled former Breitbart editor was reportedly questioned about alleged claims that Roger Stone made regarding foreknowledge of Wikileaks’ release of Clinton emails hacked by Russian government agents.

Prosecutors are interested in potential coordination between the Trump campaign, Stone, and Wikileaks in when and how to release the hacked messages.

The development comes amid reports that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Stone is accelerating. The Wall Street Journal reported today that investigators have homed in on a series of conference calls Stone made in August 2016 in which he told callers that Wikileaks was planning to release hacked emails from the Clinton campaign.

Stone associates Randy Credico and Jerome Corsi have been interviewed over the past six weeks, as well.

NBC reported that Florida attorney Bruce Rogow is now leading Stone’s defense in the Mueller investigation.

Bill Burck, an attorney for Bannon, did not immediately return a request for comment.

“Mueller’s team has been very professional and courteous. Out of respect for the process, I will not discuss my interviews with them, but people shouldn’t believe everything they read,” Bannon told the Washington Post in a statement.

Bogus Intel Firm In Bizarre Mueller Hit Job Tied To Pro-Trump Twitter Personality

It’s unclear what, if anything, will come out of an FBI referral by special counsel Robert Mueller concerning bizarre payoff allegations about a smear campaign against him.

But there already has been some collateral damage: the public implosion of a bogus private intel shop that appears to have been set up by one of President Trump’s biggest cheerleaders on Twitter.

At first, Jacob Wohl — a young, Trump-loving former hedge funder who got in trouble with regulators before turning to a life tweeting about hipster coffee shops — appeared to only be tangentially linked to the speculation swirling around those apparently seeking dirt on Mueller.

Wohl on Monday evening tweeted a “scandalous story” he heard from “media sources” about Mueller that was “breaking” Tuesday. This led reporters to publicly hint about the mysterious account — floated via emails to media outlets including TPM in recent days — of alleged payoffs being offered to women in exchange for their accusations against Mueller.

However, as lobbyist Jack Burkman, who was alleged in the bizarre account to be behind the payoffs, started promising that he would soon be revealing a Mueller accuser, scrutiny of Wohl’s role in the whole matter grew, particularly when more reporters who had been sniffing around on the allegations went public with the strange details that they had turned up.

The key link appears to be a company called Surefire Intelligence, which describes itself as a “private intel agency that designs and executes bespoke solutions for businesses and individuals who face complex business and litigation challenges.” Wohl told the Daily Beast that “Matthew Cohen,” listed on LinkedIn as a partner at the firm, had been hired by Burkman to help investigate Mueller.

Surefire Intelligence also came up in the digging done by lefty Twitter activist Ed Krassenstein for his site TheHillReport.com. Krassenstein said that, while poking around on the person claiming to have been offered the payoff, he got a threatening call from a “Mike Wilcox” of the company “Surefire Intelligence.”

Wohl, in comments to NBC News, denied being involved in the firm, and in any investigations into Mueller more broadly. However, his email address is listed in Surefire Intelligence’s domain name records and a phone number on its website redirects callers to another phone number listed in public records as belonging to Wohl’s mom, according to NBC News.

Wohl stopped responded to NBC’s inquiries when the outlet pointed out that his mother’s number was offered on Surefire Intelligence’s answering machine.

Then, there are the other people listed as employees of the firm on LinkedIn. A reverse image search of the individuals’ LinkedIn profiles reveals that their profile pictures were poached from photos of models, famous actors and stock photo images.

There’s also the identity of “Matthew Cohen” himself. He’s listed on LinkedIn as a managing partner and he is whom Wohl said had been hired by Burkman to help with his investigations into Mueller, according to the Daily Beast.

Like Surefire Intelligence itself, “Cohen” has a limited online presence. He is listed as an author of a Medium post on Surefire Intelligence’s behalf. He was also quoted in another, now-suspended Medium post claiming to be about Surefire Intelligence and its clientele.

The author of that post it appears also used as his author image a photo taken from a model.

Not surprisingly, there are now also questions about the origin of the photo listed on “Matthew Cohen’s” profile.


In A Race Never Supposed To Be Close, O’Rourke And Cruz Duel For Texas’ Soul

RICHMOND, Texas (AP) — If Texas is changing under his feet, Ted Cruz doesn’t see it.
The Republican senator, locked in a closer-than-expected re-election battle, insists he’s not worried about America’s largest, reliably red state slowly turning blue. That’s despite a booming Hispanic population and top firms bringing thousands of employees from more liberal locales.

Cruz, who built a career as a Capitol Hill tea party troublemaker and fierce Donald Trump foe, now staunchly defends the accomplishments of the Republican-controlled Congress and White House. He says there’s a “commonsense supermajority” of conservatives backing him and that his opponent Beto O’Rourke, a rising Democratic star, is too liberal even for Texas independents and moderate Democrats.

“We are going to win this election and I’ll tell you how I know, because this is Texas,” Cruz told supporters who gathered for a recent rally in an American and Texas flag-draped atrium of a furniture store in the suburban Houston community of Richmond. “And, in Texas, it is in our DNA to defend liberty.”

O’Rourke counters that he’s going to win for many of the same reasons. Even though Texas hasn’t elected a Democrat to statewide office since 1994, he says it already has embraced new values that it’s willing to fight for such as impeaching Trump, decriminalizing marijuana, combating global warming and implementing universal health care. O’Rourke even has suggested the state can become a model for gun control and relaxed immigration policies.

“This state, this people, can be the ones to lead the way,” O’Rourke said after climbing a stepladder with a megaphone to address a crowd outside an Austin middle school last week. “Everything that we care about in this country is on the line.”

Next week’s election may prove who is right. But how each side is framing the argument provides insight into just how far their race has come.

Polls that this summer showed O’Rourke climbing to within a few points of Cruz now suggest the senator is maintaining a modest lead. Cruz insists that’s no accident.

“What has really changed in this race that’s been important is the silent majority in Texas, the commonsense conservatives, have become engaged,” Cruz told The Associated Press after the Richmond event. He also says he’s wooed Democrats who see the positions of O’Rourke and other top liberals as too extreme: “For a whole lot of conservative and moderate Democrats in Texas, they feel like they don’t have a home in that national party anymore and we are welcoming them with open arms.”

On paper, the race was never supposed to be even close.

A three-term congressman and onetime punk rocker, O’Rourke was virtually unknown outside of his hometown of El Paso before challenging Cruz. The charismatic candidate’s calls for bipartisan optimism and willingness to visit all 254 Texas counties — even deeply Republican areas that Democrats gave up on decades ago — made him the toast of national liberal circles.

It also sparked speculation that O’Rourke could use an upset of Cruz, or even a close loss, to run for president in 2020. And it helped him shatter Senate campaign fundraising records, including raising an astounding $38-plus million just in the three-month period from July through September.

Cruz dismisses that, saying “Texas won’t be bought” and blaming the “hard left” which he says is “filled with rage” against Trump. He says there are more Republicans than Democrats in Texas, so if he can avoid conservative complacency, he’ll win easily.

Still, according to U.S. Census estimates, Texas leads the nation in population growth, adding more than 3 million residents since 2010 alone. Hispanics, who tend to favor Democrats, are driving that boom. There also are more people moving to the state than leaving it, many of whom bring more liberal values from such places as California or New York.

O’Rourke isn’t just relying on demographic shifts, though, saying anyone willing to vote for him “cannot be too Republican, too Democrat or too much of a non-voter.”

The last bit is important since Texas usually ranks among the nation’s worst in voter turnout, despite strong early voting returns suggesting that may not be the case this cycle.

Cruz, meanwhile, sees no irony in his transformation from political insurgent who drew the ire of both parties in the Senate, and a bitter rival of Trump’s during the final days of the 2016 Republican presidential primary, to staunch defender of the president and GOP political status quo.

“I think I’m in an unusual, if not unique, position of being able to speak with real credibility to conservatives but also being able to speak to moderates, to leadership, to the president, to the administration and trying to find common ground,” he said.

The senator says the massive Houston rally Trump staged on his behalf last week means “we’re seeing tremendous Republican unity” and that it’s his opponent who now wants to sow political chaos by impeaching Trump.

“It would devolve Washington into a partisan bloodbath,” Cruz said. “It would paralyze the federal government for two years.”

Trump Pledges To Send As Many As 10,000 Or 15,000 Troops To Border

David Taintor

President Trump on Wednesday pledged to send even more troops to the border with less than a week to go before the midterm elections. Trump has ginned up fears over a caravan of asylum seeking migrants currently more than 1,000 miles away from the U.S. southern border.

“We’ll do up to anywhere between 10 and 15,000 military personnel, on top of Border Patrol, ICE and everybody else at the border. Nobody’s coming in,” Trump said.

Report: Senate Intelligence Committee Takes A Close Look At Steve Bannon

Former Trump campaign chairman Stephen K. Bannon has caught the attention of Senate Intelligence Committee investigators, according to a report in Reuters.

Reuters reported that the committee is probing Bannon’s contacts with two notable Trump campaign associates and Moscow: foreign policy advisor-cum-coffee boy George Papadopoulos and Carter Page, another self-described foreign policy guru who has drawn attention for his Kremlin sympathies.

The report also states that investigators will look at Bannon’s relationship with Cambridge Analytica. That firm, located in the UK and partly funded by Republican backer Robert Mercer, has attracted controversy for using data mined from social media to individually target potentially sympathetic voters in political campaigns. Bannon held the position of vice president at Cambridge Analytica from 2014 to 2016, before joining the Trump campaign.

Bannon attorney Bill Burck denied that Bannon himself was under investigation in a strongly worded statement to TPM.

“The Senate Intelligence Committee has expressed an interest in interviewing Mr. Bannon as a witness, just as they have many other people involved in the Trump Campaign. He is cooperating voluntarily and has not been subpoenaed,” Burck wrote in the statement. “The Committee has never suggested that he’s under investigation himself and to claim otherwise as the Reuters article does is recklessly false.”

Reuters cited an anonymous source as saying that Bannon was not a focus of the Mueller investigation.

The report follows one day after a Washington Post story saying that Bannon had testified for a second time in the Mueller inquiry, this time about potential coordination between Republican operative Roger Stone, Wikileaks, and Russia.

Papadopoulos did not reply to a request for comment.


Willie Horton 2.0: Trump Blasts Out Race-Baiting Video In Closing Days Of Campaign

The video currently pinned on President Donald Trump’s Twitter page features trial footage of an undocumented immigrant who was convicted of murder, interspersed with unlabeled images of masses of people pushing down walls and one individual admitting to a felony charge.

According to the Washington Post, Luis Bracamontes, the man in the trial footage, was deported twice and ultimately given the death penalty in 2014 for murdering two police officers in California.

The video, peppered with phrases like “Democrats let him into our country” and “President Donald Trump and Republicans are making America safe again,” is being widely decried as racist and xenophobic.

It’s even being unfavorably compared to the Willie Horton ad of former President George H. W. Bush’s campaign, in which Bush painted Democratic candidate Michael Dukakis as “soft on crime” by connecting him to a horrific story of a black criminal who raped a white woman and stabbed her white fiancee while on furlough from prison.

That ad, paid for by a PAC associated with the Bush campaign, is considered a classic example of racist dog whistling.

From a CNBC reporter:

From a ProPublica editor:

Trump has committed to immigration-based scare tactics to gin up enthusiasm from his GOP base in this final week before the midterms, making it a focal pointof all of his campaign rallies and bringing up his desire to eradicateconstitutionally-protected birthright citizenship by executive order.

He as also sent a massive convoy of soldiers to the U.S.-Mexico border, to stoke fear of a “caravan” of immigrants from Central America currently trying to make the journey to America. The group is still about 1,000 miles away, and legally seeking asylum as they flee from the violence and devastating poverty of their home countries. Trump and his administration have floated blocking the immigrants from applying for asylum.

Steve King Says Ted Cruz Called To Offer Support

Rep. Steve King (R-IA), who has faced criticism in recent days from corporate donors and the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committeefor his endorsements of white nationalism, said Wednesday that he received a supportive call from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

King, who will face off against Democratic opponent J.D. Scholten in a few days, told Bloomberg on Wednesday that Cruz had been supportive in the call. But Cruz told reporters Wednesday that King “is saying and doing things that are dividing us, that are pulling us apart.”

A Cruz spokesperson, Catherine Frazier, confirmed the call to Bloomberg but said it was “a personal call” in which Cruz “told him the same thing he said to reporters today.”

Frazier didn’t respond to TPM’s question about how the call could be supportive, according to King, if Cruz told the Iowa congressman that his rhetoric had been “disappointing,” as Cruz told reporters.

A spokesperson for Cruz’s Democratic challenger, Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX), said the call meant that Cruz was “fueling divisions.”

The Dallas Morning News noted that Cruz named King a national co-chair of his 2016 presidential campaign. (Pictured above: Cruz, King and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) in January 2016.) Cruz also brought on notorious Islamophobe Frank Gaffney as an adviser for that campaign.

In recent months, King has retweeted two well-known racists, a British neo-Naziand an American white nationalist YouTuber, and endorsed a white nationalist candidate for mayor of Toronto. He also recently parroted white nationalist talking points to a far-right Austrian magazine.

After the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, campaign funders of King’s like Land O’Lakes and Intel have pledged to withhold future support. NRCC Chairman Rep. Steve Stivers (R-OH) became the first senior Republican elected official in some time to actually condemn King by name Wednesday.

King told Bloomberg of Stivers’ condemnation: “If you attack someone and you don’t cite anything, you’re just a cannibal. That’s all you are.”

Toobin Excoriates Kobach: Says He Devoted Career To Blocking Poor Voters

CNN chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin excoriated Kansas Secretary of State and GOP gubernatorial nominee Kris Kobach Wednesday night, saying to his face that he has worked his whole life to disenfranchise poor and minority voters.

“Kris has devoted his career to stopping black people and poor people from voting,” Toobin said during a conversation mediated by CNN’s Anderson Cooper. “I mean, that’s been your goal for decades.”

“That’s an outrageous accusation,” Kobach said, openmouthed in indignation. “So if you like photo I.D., you’re trying to stop people of color from voting?”

“Absolutely,” responded Toobin.

“It is a completely true accusation because, Kris, your whole career…that’s why you had this phony voter suppression commission that was such a preposterous joke established by the President that it disbanded because it couldn’t prove your claim that voter fraud is a problem in this country,” Toobin continued. “Your problem is that some people vote for Democrats and you want to stop that by establishing voter requirements.”

Cooper then stepped in to divert the increasingly heated conversation.

Kobach is in the election fight of his life against Democratic challenger Kansas state Sen. Laura Kelly (D), leading by a single point according to the most recent poll.


Trump’s Favorite TV Friends Think His ‘Enemy Of The People’ Attacks Are Fair

The hosts of President Trump’s favorite show jumped at the chance to defend Trump and his attacks on the media Thursday morning, suggesting the President is simply asking journalists to “report on the story the way I want it reported.”

“How frustrating would it be if you are the President of the United States and every single time you turn on the TV on most of the channels they are misconstruing what you say,” Ainsley Earhardt, co-host of “Fox and Friends,” said.

“And you know your heart and you know your words and you know your voice and you watch what other people report on what you say and it’s completely different than what you mean,” she continued. “That has to be frustrating. That’s why he is calling it fake news. And he’s saying, ‘if you don’t want to be called the enemy, get the story right and be accurate and report on the story on the way I want it reported.'”
