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K. West in the white noise talking music shit instead of social justice for blacks?


That shit was coming down the line without that nigga. They just using that clown ass nigga Kanye as a face. What he don't see is it's just another all you niggas good for is to entertain us white people photo op.
yeai was watching and shook my head and remembered Obama calling Ye a jackass

Now trump is patting him on the head and giving him biscuits

Report: Adelson Gives Tens Of Millions More To GOP Super PACs Ahead Of Midterms

Matt Shuham

Republican mega-donor Sheldon Adelson has given tens of millions of dollars in last-minute donations to two major Republican super PACs, the Senate Leadership Fund and the Congressional Leadership Fund, Politico reported Thursday citing two unnamed “senior Republicans familiar with the donation.”

That’s on top of Adelson and his wife’s combined $25 million and $30 million in donations to the Senate and House super PACs, respectively, Politico reported, likely making Adelson the largest Republican donor of the 2018 cycle.

Georgia NAACP to sue secretary of state over report on voter registration holds: report

The Georgia NAACP is reportedly preparing to file a lawsuit against Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp (R) over a report that thousands of voter registration forms are on hold just a month before the general election.

Politico, citing two people with knowledge of the move, reported on Thursdaythat the chapter is set to file an injunction with the goal of reopening voter registration in Georgia. The last day to register to vote in the state was Tuesday.

The move from NAACP comes a day after a report surfaced that more than 53,000 voter registration applications, a majority of them from black voters, were on hold.

Georgia Democratic governor candidate Stacey Abrams (D) and voting rights groups cast blame on Kemp for the holds.

Abrams' campaign has also called on Kemp to resign over the issues, with a spokeswoman saying in a statement that Kemp, the Republican nominee for governor, should step down "so that Georgia voters can have confidence that their Secretary of State competently and impartially oversee this election.”

But Kemp's office has aggressively pushed back against the accusations and said Abrams and other groups were playing political games.

A spokeswoman from Kemp's office told The Hill on Wednesday that the holds were caused by the state's "exact match" law, a policy that requires an applicant's information to match exactly what is listed by the state's Department of Driver Services or the Social Security Administration.

She also said that voters whose registration status is put on hold can resolve the issues at polling locations.

"This is a publicity stunt that the media falls for year after year," the spokeswoman added on Thursday when asked for comment about the NAACP prepared lawsuit. "Their claims are bogus. It is a complete waste of our time and taxpayer dollars. This so-called 'exact match' law was passed by the legislature and signed by Governor Deal.

"It mirrors a Florida law recently upheld in the 11th Circuit. The 53,000 Georgians cited in their complaint can vote in the November 6th election. Any claims to the contrary are politically motivated and utterly false."

Abrams and Kemp are engaged in a tight race to replace GOP Gov. Nathan Deal. The most recent public survey showed Kemp leading by two points, within the margin of error.

Abrams would become the first black woman to serve as a U.S. governor in U.S. history if elected.
SMMH and these the folks yall in screaming just go vote for and gushing about a blue wave. Shit crazy, sad, funny and disappointing all at the same time. Yeah they really looking and got some good will towards black people. LLS

I'm not even saying don't vote for democrats. I just don't get why some black people just advocate for just giving our votes away without making them work for it and hold them accountable if they don't deliver once in office. We keep repeating the same shit over and over again regarding elections but expecting different results and we all know that is the definition of insanity.

Everyone else buys their politicians except black people and that is reason everyone else gets what they want from politicians except black people. Political PACs and campaign donations is what moves politicians not just fucking voting. Wake the fuck up.

Democrats Agree To Confirm More Of Trump’s Judicial Nominees — Again

Democrats on Thursday agreed to expedite votes on 15 of President Donald Trump’s nominees to lifetime federal court seats so they could allow vulnerable members to campaign less than a month before the November midterm elections.

Normally, Senate rules require up to 30 hours of waiting time for each nominee ― something Democrats typically take advantage of to delay action on confirming Trump judges. But with a handful of endangered Democrats up for re-election this year, they agreed to vote immediately on three Circuit Court judges and 12 District Court judges, who were all successfully confirmed on Thursday, and head home on recess.

It’s another major win for Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose No. 1 priority is filling up federal courts with young, conservative judges in order to tilt the judiciary to the right for decades. Roughly 1 in 6 U.S. circuit court seats is now filled by a judge nominated by Trump. With Thursday’s tally, the Senate has now confirmed 84 Trump judges over the past two years, including two Supreme Court nominees. And with Republicans likely to hold the Senate next year, that number is only going to continue to grow.

A similar dynamic also played out in August when Democrats agreed to confirm 15 Trump judicial nominees in order to go home and campaign for the election.

Progressives are furious that Democrats keep allowing Trump to reshape the courts for generations without putting up a fight, especially after a bitter and bruising fight over Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court. It would have taken only one Democratic senator to say “no” to letting the nominees through this week, but none did.

“There is no reason Democrats should be making any deals with Mitch McConnell to make it easier to confirm more radical conservatives to the courts. Especially not after Kavanaugh,” tweeted Leah Ghostberg, the co-executive director of the advocacy group Indivisible.

Chris Kang, chief counsel for the liberal group Demand Justice, also noted that “in eight years, Obama never had 15 judges confirmed in a single day. Because McConnell wouldn’t allow it.”

Still, Democrats faced a tough decision. McConnell has all the leverage in the fight ― only two of his members are considered vulnerable this cycle, while Democrats count a half-dozen senators, most of whom wanted to go home and defend their seats. Moreover, the nominees the Senate confirmed on Thursday likely all would have gotten through even if Democrats objected and forced McConnell to stay in session through the end of the month.

More broadly, the stakes in November for Democrats are extremely high. If they succeed in retaining most if not all of their endangered seats, they stand a (currently small) chance of winning the Senate. But even if they don’t win, with a larger Democratic minority they could stand a better chance at defeating GOP priorities on health care, taxes, immigration, and border security.

November’s results also have farther reaching implications. The more seats Democrats hold in 2018, for example, the easier it could be for them to win back the Senate in the 2020 presidential election.

Progressives, however, say that Democrats are only giving Trump and McConnell more time to appoint even more lifetime nominees, including a replacement for Kavanaugh on the powerful D.C. Circuit. Congress is facing a packed post-election legislative agenda, and allowing more Trump judges now only gives Republicans more room to work with in coming months.
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Major Study Finds The US Is An Oligarchy

The peer-reviewed study, which will be taught at these universities in September, says: "The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence."

Researchers concluded that U.S. government policies rarely align with the preferences of the majority of Americans, but do favour special interests and lobbying organizations: "When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites and/or with organized interests, they generally lose. Moreover, because of the strong status quo bias built into the US political system, even when fairly large majorities of Americans favour policy change, they generally do not get it."


Here is the actual study

Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens


Until we as black people stop acting like what was said in the clip ain't true we going to continue to lose.

We can't appeal with our moral actions to a group of people who don't have any morals.
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SMMH and these the folks yall in screaming just go vote for and gushing about a blue wave. Shit crazy, sad, funny and disappointing all at the same time. Yeah they really looking and got some good will towards black people. LLS

I'm not even saying don't vote for democrats. I just don't get why some black people just advocate for just giving our votes away without making them work for it and hold them accountable if they don't deliver once in office. We keep repeating the same shit over and over again regarding elections but expecting different results and we all know that is the definition of insanity.

Everyone else buys their politicians except black people and that is reason everyone else gets what they want from politicians except black people. Political PACs and campaign donations is what moves politicians not just fucking voting. Wake the fuck up.

Democrats Agree To Confirm More Of Trump’s Judicial Nominees — Again

Democrats on Thursday agreed to expedite votes on 15 of President Donald Trump’s nominees to lifetime federal court seats so they could allow vulnerable members to campaign less than a month before the November midterm elections.

Normally, Senate rules require up to 30 hours of waiting time for each nominee ― something Democrats typically take advantage of to delay action on confirming Trump judges. But with a handful of endangered Democrats up for re-election this year, they agreed to vote immediately on three Circuit Court judges and 12 District Court judges, who were all successfully confirmed on Thursday, and head home on recess.

It’s another major win for Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose No. 1 priority is filling up federal courts with young, conservative judges in order to tilt the judiciary to the right for decades. Roughly 1 in 6 U.S. circuit court seats is now filled by a judge nominated by Trump. With Thursday’s tally, the Senate has now confirmed 84 Trump judges over the past two years, including two Supreme Court nominees. And with Republicans likely to hold the Senate next year, that number is only going to continue to grow.

A similar dynamic also played out in August when Democrats agreed to confirm 15 Trump judicial nominees in order to go home and campaign for the election.

Progressives are furious that Democrats keep allowing Trump to reshape the courts for generations without putting up a fight, especially after a bitter and bruising fight over Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court. It would have taken only one Democratic senator to say “no” to letting the nominees through this week, but none did.

“There is no reason Democrats should be making any deals with Mitch McConnell to make it easier to confirm more radical conservatives to the courts. Especially not after Kavanaugh,” tweeted Leah Ghostberg, the co-executive director of the advocacy group Indivisible.

Chris Kang, chief counsel for the liberal group Demand Justice, also noted that “in eight years, Obama never had 15 judges confirmed in a single day. Because McConnell wouldn’t allow it.”

Still, Democrats faced a tough decision. McConnell has all the leverage in the fight ― only two of his members are considered vulnerable this cycle, while Democrats count a half-dozen senators, most of whom wanted to go home and defend their seats. Moreover, the nominees the Senate confirmed on Thursday likely all would have gotten through even if Democrats objected and forced McConnell to stay in session through the end of the month.

More broadly, the stakes in November for Democrats are extremely high. If they succeed in retaining most if not all of their endangered seats, they stand a (currently small) chance of winning the Senate. But even if they don’t win, with a larger Democratic minority they could stand a better chance at defeating GOP priorities on health care, taxes, immigration, and border security.

November’s results also have farther reaching implications. The more seats Democrats hold in 2018, for example, the easier it could be for them to win back the Senate in the 2020 presidential election.

Progressives, however, say that Democrats are only giving Trump and McConnell more time to appoint even more lifetime nominees, including a replacement for Kavanaugh on the powerful D.C. Circuit. Congress is facing a packed post-election legislative agenda, and allowing more Trump judges now only gives Republicans more room to work with in coming months.

This makes no sense. Why would the Democrats cave on this? Those positions are LIFETIME appointments. They should have been campaigning locking in those votes for over a year now. Just like they should have some big names already out for the 2020 election.
This makes no sense. Why would the Democrats cave on this? Those positions are LIFETIME appointments. They should have been campaigning locking in those votes for over a year now. Just like they should have some big names already out for the 2020 election.

The fucked up part is in the article they said all it would've took to delay it was a "NO"vote of just 1 democrat none of them said no. So even a democrat who isn't in a tough race back at home didn't say no to delay the vote. That shit says a lot IMO cause you don't just walk away from lifetime appointments without putting up a fight. Cause even if democrats won back the senate they can't get rid of folks with lifetime appointments.

The shit all for show on both sides and they laugh all the way to bank everyday damn day
thats discouraging about Dems not putting up a fight against the GOP packing the courts with young conservative judges. The Dems let that happen because they are weak and that gives them a "boogeyman" to blame as they run their reelection campaigns on. You couldn't muster 1 "No" vote (an attainable goal) but you want to float out the possibility of impeaching Kavanaugh and / or Trump (an unattainable goal)......that shows you how they are all about political theater, lining thier pockets and being cool with Republicans (which there is nothing wrong with on the working relationship perspective) than they appear to be

Martha MacCallum Rejects Criticism of Fox News: Those Who Consider Us ‘State TV’ are ‘Clearly Not Watching’

Martha McCallum is pushing back against critics of Fox News.

As part of a profile piece run by the Hollywood Reporter, the host of The Storydefended her network against those who believe it is “State TV.”

“We have a lot of different voices,” McCallum said. “Anyone who treats it as a monolithic voice is clearly not watching.”

The Fox News 7 p.m. anchor recently landed a major interview with Brett Kavanaugh days prior to his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the allegation of sexual assault made by Christine Blasey Ford. MacCallum, for the most part, received plaudits for her performance and tough questions — although there was some criticism.

MacCallum told the Hollywood Reporter she had just three-and-a-half hours of prep time for the interview in the car en route from New York to Washington.

“It’s the kind of thing you would like to have more time for, but on the other hand, sometimes I think it’s better when you don’t,” she says. “And it was pretty clear to me what needed to be asked.”