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its not about having it figured out....its about tired of trying to help niggas who want nothing but want everything.
niggas who wont try but want to be in the place of those who did.

the entitlement of our people in the face of people who diont give a shit about us yet...people shit on those who try to help.

you dont want this smoke with me bruh


What the fuck are you saying nigga?
its not about having it figured out....its about tired of trying to help niggas who want nothing but want everything.
niggas who wont try but want to be in the place of those who did.

the entitlement of our people in the face of people who diont give a shit about us yet...people shit on those who try to help.

you dont want this smoke with me bruh


You a better man than me on this shit here. My motto from here on out regarding this politics shit

KS GOP Official: Native American House Candidate Will Be ‘Sent Back Packing To The Reservation’

SHAWNEE, Kan. (AP) — A local GOP official has resigned his party post in Kansas after fellow Republicans condemned his social media attack saying a Native American congressional candidate would be “sent back packing to the reservation.”

The Kansas City Star reports that Michael Kalny of suburban Kansas City resigned Wednesday as a Republican precinct committee member.

In his Facebook message, Kalny called Democratic candidate Sharice Davids a “radical socialist kick boxing lesbian Indian.” He sent the message Monday to the president of a local Democratic women’s group.

Davids is an LGBT lawyer and member of the Wisconsin-based Ho-Chunk Nation running against Republican Rep. Kevin Yoder. She also has fought mixed martial arts bouts.

Yoder’s spokesman and the Kansas GOP’s executive director repudiated Kalny’s remarks. Kalny did not return a telephone message seeking comment.


Report: Trump Talked Up Adelson’s Casino Interests With Japanese PM Abe

President Donald Trump brought up Republican mega-donor Sheldon Adelson’s Japanese Casino interests with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe in February of last year, ProPublica reported Wednesday.

The discussion came after Adelson — the casino magnate, deep-pocketed Republican donor and, ultimately, a major beneficiary of Republicans’ tax legislation — had breakfast with Abe and a “small group of American CEOs, including two others from the Casino industry,” according to ProPublica.

The Japanese Diet had just passed a law to legalize casino gambling at the time, and is currently assessing applications for just three casino licenses.

Trump’s discussion of Adelson with Abe, according to an unnamed person briefed on the exchange, “was totally brought up out of the blue,” the source told ProPublica.

“They were a little incredulous that he would be so brazen,” the source said. Trump mentioned another company as well, though accounts differ as to whether it was MGM or Wynn Resorts, then still led by alleged sexual assaulter and then-Republican National Committee finance chairman Steve Wynn. “Abe didn’t really respond, and said thank you for the information,” the source said.

Adelson said on a recent call, per ProPublica: “The estimates by people who know, say they know, whom we believe they know, say that we’re in the No. 1 pole position” for a Japanese casino license.

Drain the swamp tho...

EPA Admin Liked, Commented On Racist And Conspiratorial Social Media Posts
Kate Riga

Andrew Wheeler, currently EPA administrator following the resignation of Scott Pruitt, has a rich history of interacting with racist and conspiratorial social media posts on both his Twitter and Facebook that has continued in recent months, according to a Tuesday Huffington Post report.

Examples of the activity include his liking of a picture of the Obamas staring hungrily at a banana held by a white person and a comment on an article in which he implies that Hillary Clinton is the devil.

Wheeler told the Huffington Post that he either accidentally liked posts, or didn’t check their sourcing carefully enough.

In more recent months, he retweeted the originator of the “pizzagate” conspiracy theory and liked Dinesh D’Souza’s tweet doubting professor Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation against Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh.



DOJ to oppose pending agreement to overhaul Chicago Police Department

Kevin Johnson

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department will oppose a pending agreement to overhaul Chicago Police Department operations that was set in motion following the 2014 fatal shooting of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in a written statement late Tuesday, said that such agreements "undercut proactive policing" and have contributed to recent surges in violence.

"It is imperative that the city not repeat the mistakes of the past — the safety of Chicago depends on it," Sessions said, adding that Justice would file a "statement of interest" in federal court later this week formally opposing the proposed, court-monitored pact.

The sweeping plan, among other things, would require officers to document each time they draw their weapons. The provision has sparked opposition from the police officers union which contends that such a requirement could put officers at risk.

Justice is taking its action to meet a Friday deadline for written comment on the plan to be reviewed by U.S. District Judge Robert Dow. Public hearings on the policing proposal are scheduled later this month.

The developments come nearly a week after an Illinois jury convicted Officer Jason Van Dyke of second-degree murder and 16 counts of aggravated battery — one for each shot he fired at McDonald.

The incident was one of several deadly confrontations between African-Americans and law enforcement that touched off a national debate about policing in black and Latino communities.

The Trump administration has been adamantly opposed to federal court oversight of policing operations, a policy aggressively pursued by the Obama administration.


I've wondered if an endorsement from Obama actually hurts some democratic candidates. Say that because if its a tight race with white people being an overwhelming majority and that majority not liking to flat out hating Obama an endorsement from him might make some of those people who wouldn't vote actually go out and vote. Have the same thoughts about endorsements from Hillary as well.