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Brett Kavanaugh Speaks at Swearing-In Ceremony: Confirmation Process ‘Tested Me,’ But ‘Did Not Change Me’

Justice Brett Kavanaugh spoke at the swearing-in ceremony held by President Donald Trump tonight, and right at the top he thanked the President for his unwavering support.

He also took a moment to thank some of the Republican senators who supported and/or defended him, though he also mentioned one Democrat in particular:

“I thank the members of the United States Senate. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for his leadership and steady resolve. I thank Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley for his wisdom and fairness, and I give special gratitude to senators Rob Portman, Susan Collins, Joe Manchin , John Kyl, and Lindsey Graham. They’re a credit to the country and the Senate. I’ll be forever grateful to each of them and to all the senators who carefully considered my nomination.”

At one point he said, “Inspired by my mom, who was a trailblazer for women in the law, I’ve worked hard throughout my career to promote the advancement of women. Women still face many barriers in the American workplace, and all of us have a responsibility to address that problem. During my twelve years on the D.C. Circuit, a majority of my law clerks were women and almost all of them went on to clerk at the Supreme Court. A clerkship on the Supreme Court is one of the most coveted achievements and credentials in American law. I’m proud that all four of my newly hired law clerks at the Supreme Court are women.”

And Kavanaugh once again, as he did in the Wall Street Journal op-ed he wrote, assured he would be a fair-minded justice, following concerns about his temperament after the Senate hearing:

“The Senate confirmation process was contentious and emotional. That process is over. My focus now is to be the best justice I can be. I take this office with gratitude and no bitterness. On the Supreme Court, I will seek to be a force for stability and unity. My goal is to be a great justice for all Americans and for all of America. I will work very hard to achieve that goal. I was not appointed to serve one party or one interest, but to serve one nation. America’s constitution and laws protect every person of every belief and every background. Every litigant in the Supreme Court can be assured that I will listen to their arguments with respect and an open mind. Every American can be assured that I will be an independent and impartial justice, devoted to equal justice under law. Although the Senate confirmation process tested me, as it has tested others, it did not change me. My approach to judging remains the same. A good judge must be an umpire, a neutral and impartial decider who favors no litigant or policy.”


Trump Campaign Aide Rick Gates Reportedly Sought Proposals on Online ‘Manipulation’ from Israeli Intel Firm in 2016

Remember Rick Gates? Well, the former Trump campaign aide is back in the news.

Per The New York Times, Gates sought proposals from the Israeli intelligence company Psy-Group on online manipulation during the campaign:

A top Trump campaign official requested proposals in 2016 from an Israeli company to create fake online identities, to use social media manipulation and to gather intelligence to help defeat Republican primary race opponents and Hillary Clinton, according to interviews and copies of the proposals…

The campaign official, Rick Gates, sought one proposal to use bogus personas to target and sway 5,000 delegates to the 2016 Republican National Convention by attacking Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, Mr. Trump’s main opponent at the time. Another proposal describes opposition research and “complementary intelligence activities” about Mrs. Clinton and people close to her, according to copies of the proposals obtained by The New York Times and interviews with four people involved in creating the documents.

There was also a proposal “using social media to help expose or amplify division among rival campaigns and factions”––one that involved nicknames like “Lion” for Trump, “Forest” for Hillary Clinton, and “Bear” for Ted Cruz.

The Times report makes it clear there’s no indication the Trump campaign actually acted on these proposals, and Gates himself was “ultimately uninterested” in them.

But it appears the proposals from Psy-Group are in the hands of Robert Mueller‘s office right now.

Gates was on the campaign as deputy to Paul Manafort, whom Gates testified against in August. Last month Manafort pleaded guilty and made a cooperation agreement with Mueller.
Dems dont vote.

Seem like ppl that want real change aint out here voting or even running for office

If folks want real change it ain't going to come from voting alone. Voting blocs buying their politician is how you get real change.

Politicians respond to money not votes.

A politician will respond and hear out the issues of the person who donated to their campaign and didn't vote before they hear out the issues of a person who didn't donate to their campaign but voted.

If folks don't want to come to grips with that reality they will continue to be left behind.
Ridiculous. Make sure you know exactly who you are voting for especially when it comes to the local level. Blindly voting for the dems is counterproductive.

Niggas ain't trying to hear that no matter how factual its been for decades
Black people do not owe the Democratic party anything. It is not our responsibility to fight the Republicans. We need to focus on us and make sure our local government is filled with people who work to improve our communities. The Democratic party has frankly taken the black vote for granted to the point they don't even bother to pander to us anymore. Pay attention to your local positions and let the national parties fight it out amongst themselves. We have bigger things to worry about.

And I'm not a man.


Even though Kavanuagh was going to get in regardless of the accusations, blaming Avenatti does 2 things for the Dems:

1 - Makes him a scapegoat like you said.....this will try to take the sting out of the Dems getting finessed by Flake, Collins and McConnell

2 - Takes steam out of Avenatti's presidential aspirations for 2020 so that the career politicians (Booker, Harris and Warren) be seen as the only viable Democratic candidate

The bold never happened with regards to Cocaine Mitch. Cocaine Mitch said what it was from the beginning.
Some of the posts in this thread make that quite obvious and crystal fucking clear.

Shit not even sad to me anymore. I'm more like oh fucking well
yep....i hate feeling like that too.

its like a gang of 7th graders coming to fight us adults.
we can take them....but niggas dont want to unite.
so the 7th graders win by default.
yep....i hate feeling like that too.

its like a gang of 7th graders coming to fight us adults.
we can take them....but niggas dont want to unite.
so the 7th graders win by default.

I don't even hate the feeling. Cause when shit has been so obvious and in your face for so long and niggas want to continue and preach about doing the same shit over and over again. Ain't nothing to feel bad about anymore. Its more of that's what the fuck you get vibe from me.
I don't even hate the feeling. Cause when shit has been so obvious and in your face for so long and niggas want to continue and preach about doing the same shit over and over again. Ain't nothing to feel bad about anymore. Its more of that's what the fuck you get vibe from me.
mine is more of " i tried but fuck everything now cause i got minez " vibe
i think thats why some people think i am arrogant and selfish.

but hey....
mine is more of " i tried but fuck everything now cause i got minez " vibe
i think thats why some people think i am arrogant and selfish.

but hey....

I'll be all of that. What I will never be is a person who doesn't pay attention to WTF happened in the past and how they just repackaged the shit and folks acting like shit has actually changed from then to the present.

Get to your goal however you want to get there and I'm going to stay out of your way and not even talk about the shit I disagree with. I just want the same courtesy extended to me.
I'll be all of that. What I will never be is a person who doesn't pay attention to WTF happened in the past and how they just repackaged the shit and folks acting like shit has actually changed from then to the present.

Get to your goal however you want to get there and I'm going to stay out of your way and not even talk about the shit I disagree with. I just want the same courtesy extended to me.

mine is more of " i tried but fuck everything now cause i got minez " vibe
i think thats why some people think i am arrogant and selfish.

but hey....

Wtf are y'all even saying. You sound like niggas who think they got it all figured out. You don't.