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Trump administration steps in to kill police-reform plan

The Trump administration informed a federal judge in Chicago on Friday that it's seeking to scuttle a plan negotiated between the nation's third-largest city and the state of Illinois that envisions far-reaching reforms of Chicago's 12,000-officer police force under close federal court supervision.

In a statement announcing the intervention, Attorney General Jeff Sessionsblasted the roughly 200-page plan, also known as a consent decree, because of the court oversite. And he offered a full-throated defense of Chicago police, saying they must take the lead in stemming city violence.

"There is a misperception that police are the problem and that their failures, their lack of training, and their abuses create crime," Sessions said. "But the truth is the police are the solution to crime, and criminals are the problem."

An 11-page Justice Department statement of interest — filed with Judge Robert M. Dow Jr., who must grant the proposal final approval — says the reform plan, as it is, would deprive police of flexibility to do their jobs right. And it criticizes criteria in the plan meant to assess police compliance as vague.

It asks Dow "to allow state and local officials — and Chicago's brave front-line police officers — to engage in flexible and localized efforts to advance the goal of safe, effective, and constitutional policing in Chicago."

The filing and Sessions' comments came a week after jurors convicted white Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke of second-degree murder for shooting black teen Laquan McDonald 16 times in 2014 as he walked away from police with a knife.

A video of the shooting, released about a year later, sparked outage nationwide and led to an Obama administration investigation of Chicago police, which was followed months later by a damning report that found widespread police abuses.

The Department of Justice Friday simultaneously announced the creation of a "Gun Crimes Prosecution Team" at Chicago's U.S. attorney's office focused on gun crimes. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives will assign five violent-crime coordinators to work with federal prosecutors.

Responding to the announcements, a spokesman for Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Matt McGrath, said the city appreciated the additional resources, "but we don't appreciate efforts ... to impede our public safety reforms or inhibit our efforts to rebuild the bonds of trust between officers and residents."

Illinois Attorney Lisa Madigan — without objection from Emanuel — sued the city last year to ensure any police reforms would be overseen by a judge. That killed a draft plan negotiated with Trump's administration that didn't envision a court role in reforming the department and led to the ultimately successful talks to create the current plan.

The reform plan now on the table foresees far stricter rules on the use of force by officers. One provision requires officers to file paperwork each time they point their weapons, even if they don't fire.

Sessions again echoed President Donald Trump, who told officers at a convention in Orlando on Monday that a three-year-old agreement between Chicago and the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois to curb stop-and-frisk procedures by police prevented officers from doing their jobs.

"When police are restrained from using lawfully established policies ... when arrests went down, and when their work and character were disrespected, crime surged," Sessions said. "There must never be another consent decree that continues the folly of the ACLU settlement."

Chicago officials and the ACLU have said those and similar claims by Trump administration officials are exaggerated, get the data on crime in Chicago wrong and misstate the underlying causes of crime.

Karen Sheley, the director of the police practices project at the ACLU of Illinois, said the move Friday by the Trump administration to sink a plan in the works for over a year was "a last-minute political play at the expense of real people in our city."

"The Trump Administration and Sessions' Department of Justice have never attempted to learn about the problems in Chicago or what reform is necessary," Sheley said in a Friday statement.
Having the right ppl running for Office and Voting matters
engagement and participation matters the more people run and serve from councilman on up the faster we can affect change it has to happen in mass like it cant be just a nigga in his town it has to be a group everywhere... can everyone run no we need the right type of people ..much the same as business owners .. everyone isn't capable.. and capital doesnt mean capable that is the path

Saudi Arabia Vows to Retaliate After Trump Threatens ‘Severe Punishment’ Over Fate of Missing Journalist

Saudi Arabia said that it “rejects any threats” and will retaliate against any punitive steps with “greater action,” following President Donald Trump‘s comments about the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

A statement issued by the official Saudi news agency, citing an unnamed official, said the government “affirms its total rejection of any threats and attempts to undermine it, whether by threatening to impose economic sanctions, using political pressures, or repeating false accusations”

The statement does not mention the United States or Khashoggi, but declares Saudi Arabia “also affirms that if it receives any action, it will respond with greater action.”

Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist and prominent Saudi dissident, went missing after entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Turkish officials say they have evidence he was murdered and dismembered, a charge Saudi Arabia denies.

In an interview with 60 Minutes, Trump said that there will be “severe punishment” if it turns out Saudi Arabia is responsible for the murder of Khashoggi.

NYPD Accused of Protecting Pro-Trump Street Gang Who Beat People

NEW YORK CITY — On Friday night, dozens of members of the far-right gang known as the “Proud Boys” attacked multiple people on the streets of Manhattan’s Upper East Side. Many witnesses say that while these attacks occurred, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) simply refused to intervene.

Mediaite’s Aidan McLaughlin notes:

The Proud Boys — a group of self-described “male chauvinists” led by [Gavin] McInnes, one of the founders of Vice — were holding an event at the [Metropolitan Republican Club] that according to McInnes, featured a recreation of the assassination of a Japanese socialist.

After the McInnes event at Manhattan’s upper-crust Republican Party mainstay, the Proud Boys went to work attacking various passersby who they believed to be anti-fascist protesters. Photographer Shay Horse, who documented much of the night’s violence, says that at least some of the people attacked by the Proud Boys were not protesters, but rather random individuals. In a Twitter post, Horse noted:

So followed the proud boys as they left the event. About 1-2 blocks away [about] 30 (proud boys) [versus] 3 (randoms) fight broke out. It ended with 30 proud boys pummeling a guy on the ground screaming “ARE YOU BRAVE NOW FAGGOT?!”

In a video obtained by Gothamist’s Jake Offenhartz, a member of the neo-fascist group can be heard bragging about his exploits while others laugh and chant, “I had one of their heads and I was just fucking smashing it into the pavement! I ripped that motherfucker’s mask off and fucking kicked him right in the head! That son of a bitch! He’s a fucking foreigner!”

Other members walked down the street chanting, “I like beer!” in an apparent reference to the controversial testimony of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Proud Boys members can easily be identified by their official uniform–black Fred Perry polo shirts with yellow accoutrements. In various posts and videos spread across social media, the Proud Boys can be seen kicking and stomping their victims–and shouting slurs–as they lay helpless on the pavement.

Aside from the violence, multiple observers were struck by the police response. Or, rather, the lack thereof. According to various witnesses, the far-right gang was able to act with complete impunity.

Queens District Attorney candidate and New York City Councilman Rory Lancman issued a statement calling out the NYPD for their apparent inaction during the beatings. He said:

It is revolting to see white supremacists commit a hate crime on the streets of New York City — in full view of the NYPD — and for none of them to be arrested. We have seen this in other cities, but it is shocking to see it here. Hateful and violent behavior has no place in New York City, and those responsible must be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

BuzzFeed News’ Julia Reinstein also took stock of the NYPD’s apparent non-response. She wrote, “Despite New York Police Department officers being present at the time of the attack, none of the Proud Boys were arrested for the beatdown.”

Jordan Brown is a product strategist who says he also witnessed the violence. In a Twitter post, Brown described the events, noting, “Tonight I watched the #NYPD work security for a crowd of Proud Boys while they brutally beat antifascist protesters. The only three arrests were of leftists.”

Journalist David Klion, who was also outside the Metropolitan Republican Club on Friday night, was directly critical of the NYPD’s presence. He noted:



After Call With Saudi King, Trump Floats ‘Rogue Killers’ Could’ve Killed Journalist

Nicole Lafond

After tweeting that he spoke to the King of Saudi Arabia on Monday morning, President Donald Trump suggested that “rogue killers” could be responsible for the disappearance of the Saudi Washington Post reporter, whom the Turkish government claims was killed by Saudi officials.

“Maybe — I don’t want to get into his mind but it sounded to me like maybe these could have been rogue killers. Who knows. We’ll try getting to the bottom of it very soon,” he said.


MN GOP Senate Candidate Once Compared Michelle Obama’s Posture To A Chimp’s

The Republican state senator challenging Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN) once compared former first lady Michelle Obama’s posture to that of Peggy, the chimpanzee costar of 1951’s “Bedtime for Bonzo,” HuffPost reported Monday.

“I do miss Nancy Reagan,” Minnesota Republican state senator and current U.S. Senate candidate Karin Housley wrote on Facebook in April 2009, after the Obamas met with Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II. “Ronald even more. Speaking of Bedtime for Bonzo, I think even that chimp stood up straighter than Michelle. Uh-oh, someone is going to make a comment.”

Former President Ronald Reagan, before his political career began, costarred in “Bedtime for Bonzo” opposite Diana Lynn.

HuffPost highlighted other social media comments by Housley, including when she wondered, also in April 2009, “Would we rather have our women in politics look like Hillary Clinton [or Sarah Palin]?” A few months later, she called Clinton a “porker in a royal blue pantsuit.”

Housley’s campaign didn’t immediately respond to TPM’s request for comment.

Campaign spokesperson Jake Schneider told HuffPost in a statement: “It’s not surprising the Huffington Post—basically an extension of the Democratic Party—would do Tina Smith’s dirty work for her. This is what the radical left does when they are losing—they attack Republicans so they don’t have to come up with solutions to the problems Minnesotans are facing.”
Some people will never understand the bold.

True but what is worst of all is those black people who do understand it but refuse to acknowledge it and continue to lead other black people down that path. When they know damn well it doesn't work or lead to anything positive for black people.