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Trump is the only authority that can authorize the FBI to perform the requested investigation by Flake and others.......what do you think he is going to say?

Flake and the others want to appear "conflicted" and "compassionate" for political cover

This political theater is wack

Trump can't just pull Kavanaugh because the main reason why he chose him is because he knows that he's gonna get popped and when he does and his case eventually gets brought to The Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh is the only judge he could find that would fight in his favor.



Text Messages to Jewish Voters Inflame Tense Florida Governor’s Race

MIAMI — Text messages portraying the campaign of Florida’s Democratic candidate for governor as anti-Semitic buzzed into the cellphones of some Jewish voters on Thursday night, escalating political attacks in a closely watched race that has already been ugly.

“Newly unearthed comments made by Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum’s running mate raise serious concerns about Gillum’s ever-mounting ties to blatant anti-Semitism,” the text messages read.

The messages referred to comments made nearly two decades ago by Chris King, Mr. Gillum’s pick to be lieutenant governor, when Mr. King was in college.

Mr. Gillum’s campaign called the messages a sign of “abusive tactics” by his Republican opponent, former Representative Ron DeSantis.

Mr. DeSantis “is running one of the most divisive and toxic campaigns in Florida history — and tonight that means extreme right-wing spam text messages,” Joanna Cervone, Mr. Gillum’s communications director, said in a statement.

The DeSantis campaign did not deny being behind the text messages, which appeared to target voters with Jewish last names.

“Chris King’s comments speak for themselves,” Stephen Lawson, Mr. DeSantis’s communications director, said in a statement. “The Gillum campaign should spend more time addressing why they said them and less time about how voters are finding out about them.”

Mr. King, 39, lost a 1998 race to become the student body president at Harvard.

“I was nailed to the cross,” Mr. King, an evangelical Christian, said in 1999, referring to how the college’s newspaper, The Harvard Crimson, had covered his campaign. “And most of the editorial staff that was so hard on me, the vast majority were Jewish.”

The comments resurfaced during the primary for governor, in which Mr. King, an Orlando-area entrepreneur, and Mr. Gillum, the 39-year-old mayor of Tallahassee, competed with several other Democrats for the nomination. When Mr. Gillum triumphed, he selected Mr. King as his running mate.

Mr. King has apologized for the remarks.

“The comment that I made there I’ve said was wrong,” he said on a Miami podcast in July, during the primary race. “It hurt feelings. And I was sorry about making that comment 20 years ago. It was certainly not reflective then or now of my belief in diversity.”

Mr. DeSantis, 40, who has lagged behind Mr. Gillum in recent public polls, told reporters in Florida this week that they had focused too much on racial controversies surrounding his campaign and not enough on Mr. Gillum’s associations with the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Dream Defenders, a minority youth-activist group. Both have called for boycotts against Israel, a position Mr. Gillum says he rejects.

A day earlier, members of the Proud Boys, a group of self-described “Western chauvinists,” had attended a rally for Mr. DeSantis in Sarasota. The Southern Poverty Law Center considers the Proud Boys a hate group; Mr. DeSantis has said he does not condone the Proud Boys or others who might show up at his events with beliefs he doesn’t share.

On Wednesday, Mr. DeSantis brought on Susie Wiles, who led President Trump’s successful Florida campaign in 2016, to chair his campaign for governor.

The move for Mr. DeSantis, a fierce Trump supporter, was seen as an internal shake-up intended to steady his faltering campaign, which has appeared unsettled since the day after the Aug. 28 primary, when Mr. DeSantis said Mr. Gillum’s surprise Democratic victory could lead to a far-left agenda that would “monkey this up.”

Mr. Gillum, who is African-American, and others characterized the phrase as more than a racist dog-whistle — “bullhorns,” he said.

Mr. DeSantis later faced questions about speaking at conferences organized by right-wing provocateurs and not returning campaign donations from a supporter who called former President Barack Obama a racist slur on Twitter.

“I do think it is interesting that racists tend to align themselves with Mr. DeSantis,” Mr. Gillum told reporters in Miami last week. “And I think he’s got to deal with why it is that, repeatedly, over the course of his campaign trail, he’s having to explain that relationship and those friendships and the language that not only he himself has used but also the people that are around him.”

Graham Promises Investigation Of ‘The Effort To Destroy This Good Man’

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said Sunday, during a discussion about Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, that the Senate should “investigate the abuse here.”

But Graham wasn’t talking about investigating the alleged assault. Rather, he wants an investigation into the Senate Judiciary Committee’s handling of it: “I‘m going to look into the process that led to this debacle, to the effort to destroy this good man,” he told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, referring to Kavanaugh.

Blasey Ford, he said, “was abused as much as he was.”

Before Thursday — when Graham made angry accusations that calls to investigate Blasey Ford and others’ allegations of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh were politically motivated — it may have been a more jarring message.

But Graham’s comments Sunday echoed Thursday’s performance.

The senator ended the interview promising further action: “I hope [committee chairman] Sen. Grassley will do what I’ve suggested: Investigate the abuse here. Who leaked anonymous letters? Who referred Dr. Ford to a lawyer that was a political activist? Did anybody in the committee betray her trust by sending it to it the media so the hearing would be delayed? Why did she not know that we were willing to go to California? How did that happen? Could her lawyers possibly have not told her that? If these lawyers didn’t tell her that we were willing to go to California to avoid this debacle, I want to know that and hold them accountable.”

Elsewhere, Graham misstated the known facts about Blasey Ford’s allegations.

“Here’s what I’m 100 percent certain of: When she said Ms. Keyser was at that party, she was wrong.”

Unless Graham knows something the rest of America doesn’t, he can’t claim 100 percent certainty: Leland Ingham Keyser has only said she does not recall the night in question, in 1982, and has repeatedly said she believes Blasey Ford.

Graham also inaccurately said Deborah Ramirez, who’s accused Kavanaugh of shoving his penis in her face at a college party, “refused to talk to the committee.”

In fact, emails published by the New Yorker show that, rather than refusing to talk to the committee, Ramirez’s lawyer was repeatedly stonewalled by a Republican committee staffer.

Graham also seemed uninterested in uncovered key questions about Kavanaugh.

“It appears that the FBI will not be questioning those college witnesses who contradict Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony about his drinking,” Stephanopoulos asked at one point. “Isn’t that relevant given that there clearly was drinking going on, at least it’s alleged, at the party?”

“No, I think you’re trying to portray him as a stumbling, bumbling drunk gang rapist who, during high school and college, was Bill Cosby,” Graham replied.