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We learned nothing and everything yesterday

We did learn about Kavanaugh temperament and willingness to use extreme political conspiracy theories as a defense..

that says everything he was evasive and hostile

Whitehouse Ticks Off List Of Kavanaugh Claims He Does Not Believe

Kate Riga

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) listed a series of things Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh said Thursday that he doubts, including that he and his friends calling themselves “alumni” of a girl was just an homage to their friendship with her.


Whitehouse Vows To Get To The Truth Of The Kavanaugh ‘Coverups’

Nicole Lafond

In an impassioned speech on Friday, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) pledged to get to the truth of Brett Kavanaugh’s conduct regarding allegations of sexual assault.

“Coverups never last,” he said. “The sand is running through Kavanaugh’s hourglass.”

Trump is the only authority that can authorize the FBI to perform the requested investigation by Flake and others.......what do you think he is going to say?

Flake and the others want to appear "conflicted" and "compassionate" for political cover

This political theater is wack