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Just as i thought they used that woman prosecutor just for optics She didnt do shit but ask about the technical aspects of the case just waste of time.. they never intended for her to ask Kavanaugh a question.

We didnt learn anything at all . Which was expected and

Kavanaugh has zero credibility he was evasive and for that reason people should be leary also his fucking performance in using the often used 25 year old Clinton conspiracy angle..

Which has worked amazingly for that same time..amongst the general public and has been their goto move their big joker..
Based upon his seething rage and entitlement displayed during the hearings yesterday, it wouldn't surprise me if he benefited from his mother's role for being a prosecuting attorney and judge in Montgomery County, Maryland.
I'm speaking from the heart on this one................


Vote these muthafuckas out. Now is not the time to play the both sides card. These two parties are not equal. Vote against every single republican. This shouldn't even have to be said.

4 Judiciary Dems Walk Out Of Meeting After Kavanaugh Vote Scheduled For 1:30 PM ET

Tierney Sneed

Five Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee walked out of a meeting Friday morning after a vote on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation was scheduled for 1:30 p.m. ET on Friday.

The Democrats vocally protested the move to schedule Kavanaugh’s confirmation vote. When Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) then turned to his opening remarks for the committee meeting, where there are other issues on the committee’s plate to consider, Sens. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Mazie Hirono (D-HI), Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) left the meeting.

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Graham Pointedly Changes Twitter Pic, Says Blasey Ford Has ‘A Problem’

In a full embrace of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) followed up his high-volume hearing performance Thursday by throwing his weight vocally and visually behind the nominee.

He first went on Fox News to give Kavanaugh a full-throated defense.

“I am now more convinced than ever that he didn’t do it. He is the right guy to be on the court,” Graham told Fox News’ Sean Hannity Thursday night. “Ms. Ford has a problem and destroying Judge Kavanaugh’s life won’t fix her problem.”

“I would just stress again, this man has led an incredible life and everything they are saying about him is made up and it comes out of the left field,” he continued. “It’s not corroborated. Please don’t take away everything he has done.”

To top it all off, he also changed his Twitter picture to an all-smiles shot of him and Kavanaugh.


In Post Mortem With GOP, Mitchell Said As A Prosecutor She Wouldn’t Charge Kavanaugh

After a full day of hearings on Thursday — and after being cast aside by Republicans during Brett Kavanaugh’s portion of the proceedings — lawyer Rachel Mitchell told Republican Senators in a GOP conference meeting that as a prosecutor, she wouldn’t charge Kavanaugh with a crime, Politico reported.

She wouldn’t even attempt to get a search warrant, she reportedly added.

Mitchell was retained by Republican Senators to question Christine Blasey Ford during the hearing on Thursday in order to avoid appearing insensitive. Mitchell, a prosecutor from Arizona, has a respected background in investigating years-old sex crimes.

Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) told Politico that Mitchell gave Republicans in the room a half-hour presentation on “facts that were established and not established.” According to a person briefed on the meeting, she shared her analysis of the hearing overall, but didn’t tell lawmakers how they should vote.