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Soooooo...how did know it was a meeting about getting info on your opponent if you didn't know about it?


Sekulow: ‘I Had Bad Information’ When I Said Trump Didn’t Dictate ‘Dirt’ Statement

Soon after President Donald Trump admitted on Twitter Sunday that the 2016 meeting between members of his campaign and Russians in Trump Tower “was a meeting to get information on an opponent,” his lawyer, Jay Sekulow, admitted he had “bad information” when he claimed last year that Trump wasn’t involved in crafting a misleading statement about that meeting.

“I was in the case, at that point, a couple of weeks,” Sekulow said on ABC’s “This Week.” “And there was a lot of information that was gathering, and as my colleague Rudy Giuliani said, I had bad information at that time.”

“I think it’s very important to point out that in a situation like this, you have— Over time, facts develop,” he said later, adding: “I agreed to go on your network and others days within being retained on this and had a lot of information to process, I got that one wrong.”

When the Trump Tower “dirt” meeting was first revealed last summer, Donald Trump Jr. claimed in a statement that the gathering had focused on adoption policy.

Emails eventually showed that Trump Jr. had actually anticipated receiving damaging information about Hillary Clinton from the Russians during the meeting, a fact he’d failed to disclose at first.

At that time, Sekulow claimed Trump Sr. had nothing to do with the initial misleading statement about adoption policy. He changed his tune in June, when he told special counsel Robert Mueller in a letter that Trump had crafted the misleading initial statement on his son’s behalf.

It took months for the public to know the true extent of the President’s involvement in the misleading statement about the Trump Tower meeting.



GOP Sen. Blunt Offers Timid Defense Of Rep. Waters, Argues GOP Isn’t ‘Anti-Black’

Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) on Sunday offered a timid defense of Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) and argued that the Republican Party is not “anti-black,” despite President Donald Trump repeatedly insulting prominent black Americans’ intelligence.

In an interview with Blunt, NBC “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd brought up a critique of the President by Peter Wehner, who served multiple Republican presidents, that Trump’s “racist appeals aren’t even disguised anymore.”

Over two days, Trump insulted the intelligence of Waters, CNN anchor Don Lemon, and LeBron James.

“Are you concerned that the President is defining the GOP as anti-black?” Todd asked, noting Trump’s attacks on Waters.

“Well, the GOP is not anti-black,” Blunt began.

“It’s always with an African-American when he questions intelligence,” Todd said. “That’s what makes a lot of people uncomfortable with what he’s doing.”

Blunt argued that Trump hadn’t “always” focused his attacks on African Americans — “I mean, look at what he said about his various opponents in the Republican primary” — but added, “I think you’ve got to be more careful in our society about what you say about people that are different than you.”

“And, you know, a lot of things, for instance, you could say about Maxine Waters, but to indicate she’s not a bright person is not one of them,” he continued. “She is very smart and very calculating.”

Blunt said he embraced Waters “as a person who has given a lot of time to public service, and has a different viewpoint than I do, but it’s not a viewpoint that’s not based on her factual view of the world.”
