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To answer ur question Trump can totally fire Mueller....the issue is that due to separation of power ...Mueller works for the judicial branch not the executive branch therefore Trump crossing the line and firing Muellerdue to the fact the nigga is investigating should launch a crisis of conscience and constitution....hence why only Sessions ( he refused himself) and Roseinstein can fire him because he works directly under those guys in the justice department
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CNN: Trump Now Focusing Anger On Deputy AG Rosenstein

President Donald Trump has turned his frustration with the Russia probe toward Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in recent weeks, even suggesting he fire the Justice Department official, CNN reported Friday night.

Trump’s advisers have so far managed to convince Trump not to fire Rosenstein, according to CNN.

Rosenstein is just one of many top Justice Department and FBI officials that Trump has become angry with or considered ousting. The CNN report on Trump’s inclination to fire Rosenstein helps paint a picture of a president obsessed with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into his campaign and hell-bent on minimizing its damage.

Trump fired FBI Director James Comey back in May out of anger over the Russia probes. He was frustrated with Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia probe, which led to Rosenstein’s appointment of Mueller to lead the investigation. Trump’s public humiliation of Sessions prompted the attorney general to offer his resignation, though Trump ultimately kept Sessions on.

The President ordered the ouster of Mueller over the summer, but backed off when White House Counsel Don McGahn threatened to resign. The Trump administration has also pressured the new FBI director to fire certain top officials in the bureau, including deputy director Andrew McCabe.

Despite the revelations that Trump ordered Mueller’s firing, Republicans in Congress do not seem eager to to put legislation in place to protect the special counsel.

WSJ: Casino Magnate, RNC Finance Chair Wynn Faces Years Of Allegations

Casino magnate and Republican National Committee Finance Chair Steve Wynn has been accused of what the Wall Street Journal called a “decades-long pattern of sexual misconduct,” including allegedly forcing his employees to engage in sex acts with him.

Citing “dozens” of accounts from employees of the Wynn Resorts company and others, the Journal reported on allegations that ranged from Wynn pressuring a manicurist he employed to have sex with him to repeatedly requesting that massage therapists engage in sex acts with him.

The manicurist was later paid a $7.5 million settlement, the Journal reported, citing unnamed people familiar with the matter.

Wynn said in a statement to the Journal that “[t]he idea that I ever assaulted any woman is preposterous.”

He added: “We find ourselves in a world where people can make allegations, regardless of the truth, and a person is left with the choice of weathering insulting publicity or engaging in multi-year lawsuits. It is deplorable for anyone to find themselves in this situation.”

Wynn said his ex-wife “instigated” the accusations, charges Elaine Wynn’s attorney said weren’t true. Wynn Resorts pointed to its sexual harassment training and anonymous hotline, which, the company said, had not received a single complaint about Wynn.

The Journal cited an early ‘90s deposition from the late Dennis Gomes, who said he “routinely received complaints from various department heads regarding Wynn’s chronic sexual harassment of female employees,” when he was an executive at a casino Wynn ran, according to a court summary. Gomes described a “disgraceful pattern of personal and professional conduct” including instructions from Wynn to get cocktail waitresses’ home phone numbers. Wynn denied the allegations at the time, the Journal noted.

The allegations continued, according to the report: Wynn would wear short shorts that exposed his genitals, several former employees said, and repeatedly propositioned his employees for sex, among other things.

After stories broke last year on the extensive allegations of sexual harassment against media mogul Harvey Weinstein, the Republican National Committee pressured Democrats to return Weinstein’s political contributions.

Now, faced with similar allegations against the billionaire Trump ally in their ranks, the RNC has not indicated it will follow its own lead. A request for comment to the organization went unanswered.
He is wants to fuck everything up step by step.. and no doubt is being enriched by it somehow

I am tired of these stupid pundits .. they are a part of the problem they have been saying this for a full year " he has an opportunity".. white supremacy is protected at all cost.. wittingly and unwittingly.. it really doesn't matter the intent but it is..