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Gallup: Trump’s First Year Brings New Low In Global Approval Of US Leadership

Just one year into President Donald Trump’s term, global approval of U.S. leadership fell to its lowest point in nearly two decades, according to a Gallup poll published Thursday.

Gallup reported the most recent approval rating has plummeted to 30 percent from the 48 percent approval rating in the last year of President Barack Obama’s administration, and is 4 points less than “the previous low of 34%” during the last year of President George W. Bush’s administration.

According to the poll, “disapproval of U.S. leadership increased almost as much as approval declined” with a 43% median disapproval, up 15 points from the previous year.

Gallup conducted interviews between March and November 2017 with approximately 1,000 adults aged at least 15 years old. Residents in 134 countries or areas were asked to rate U.S., German and Russian leadership. The poll’s margin of error is 5 percentage points.

Trump Appointee Carl Higbie Resigns After Past Racist Language Exposed: Blacks Have ‘Lax’ Morals

Carl Higbie, a Trump administration appointee, resigned as chief of external affairs for the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) Thursday after his past use of derogatory language on the radio emerged from 2013 and 2014.

Higbie, a former Navy SEAL, made the cable news rounds during Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and joined the administration in August of 2017.

CNN is reporting that the audio, released by KFile, contains many racist
, sexist, anti-Muslim remarks.

In a June 2013 radio appearance, Higbie said those who are Muslim “are screwed up in the head.” He added:

Go back to your Muslim shithole and go crap in your hands and bang little boys on Thursday nights. I just don’t like Muslim people. People always rip me a new one for that. Carl, you’re racist, you can’t, you’re sexist. I’m like Jesus Christ. I just don’t like Muslim people because their ideology sucks.”

“Well people are like, ‘well, you can’t hate somebody just for being Muslim. It’s like, yeah, I can. Do you hate people who rape little boys? They say, ‘oh, of course. They’re just terrible people.’ Well, yeah, most Muslims believe that to have sex with men is OK, which I don’t like it all. But second off, it’s the ideology of a child molester. The ideology of a Muslim is what I don’t like. They are screwed up in the head and it makes, pisses me off.

Higbie used, on several occasions, racist language such as saying he thinks black people have “lax” morals back in December of 2013. In the same interview, he said that he believed that “breeding is a form of government employment” to black women:

We’re promoting birth control to a black woman because of the incredibly high rate of children born out of wedlock that are under-cared for or not cared for at all. The taxpayers are tired of supporting government checks going to these people who think that breeding is a form of employment. I’m sorry if black people are the majority of the targeted audience. They are, statistically they are.”

In regards to his sexist language, Higbie used demeaning language towards Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein, calling the latter a “bitch”:

Nothing gets me going like Ted Cruz, when he went off on the Feinstein Bitch about the Second Amendment and he put her in her place. That was just fantastic. I can’t stand that woman. She’s another one. Her and Pelosi. I’d love to just take both their heads and smack them together a couple of times.”

Wow.. Another racist member of the Trump Administration has been exposed...

Ivanka Trump Reportedly Playing ‘Central Role’ in Search to Replace John Kelly as Chief of Staff

John Kelly’s days in the White House are numbered, according to a breaking report from Vanity Fair.

Gabriel Sherman reports that the White House chief of staff, whose relationship with President Donald Trump was “fraught from the beginning, may finally have gone past the point of no return.”

“Two prominent Republicans in frequent contact with the White House” told Sherman that “Trump has discussed choosing Kelly’s successor in recent days, asking a close friend what he thought about David Urban, a veteran Washington lobbyist and political operative who helped engineer Trump’s victory in Pennsylvania.”

Playing a “central role” in that search is Trump’s daughter Ivanka, who has been “quietly field-testing ideas with people.”

“Ivanka is the most worried about it. She’s trying to figure who replaces Kelly,” a source told Sherman.

Sources added that Kelly’s departure would not be imminent, as the chief of staff wants to last longer than predecessor Reince Priebus, and Trump wants to avoid the negative news cycle which would inevitably follow another high-profile departure from his administration.

The hard-nosed retired general was brought on as Trump’s chief of staff to bring order to an extraordinarily tumultuous White House. And while he hasn’t been able to stop the tweeting, he has reportedly implemented a strict flow of information and visitors to an infamously messy administration.

But the relationship between Kelly and his boss took a very public turn earlier this month, after the chief of staff made comments on Trump’s views on immigration that reportedly infuriated the president.

After Kelly reportedly told a group of Democratic lawmakers that Trump’s views on immigration and his long-promised border wall had “evolved,” he made similar comments in a Fox News interview.

Those comments reportedly left Trump fuming, and he subsequently issued a series of tweets contradicting his own chief of staff on immigration.

“Trump’s anger at Kelly’s immigration comments is the latest flare-up in a relationship that has been deteriorating for months,” Sherman reports.

From Vanity Fair:

Trump has increasingly been chafing at the media narrative that he needs Kelly to instill discipline on his freewheeling management style. “The more Kelly plays up that he’s being the adult in the room—that it’s basically combat duty and he’s serving the country—that kind of thing drives Trump nuts,” a Republican close to the White House said. In recent days, Trump has fumed to friends that Kelly acts like he’s running the government while Trump tweets and watches television. “I’ve got another nut job here who thinks he’s running things,” Trump told one friend, according to a Republican briefed on the call.