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Rep. Matt Gaetz Complains About Being Called Conspiracy Theorist… While on InfoWars

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is really tired of everyone dismissing him as a conspiracy theorist, so he planted his flag in the sand today and took his grievances to… um, InfoWars.

Gaetz appeared on The Alex Jones Show, where the eponymous host praised him for being one “one of the strongest, most focused, eloquent, on target voices” fighting the political press when it comes to President Trump. From there, Gaetz and Jones launched into a conversation that touched everything from the alleged criminal behavior of the Clinton family, to that classified FISA memo which supposedly contains details about how the Trump Campaign was improperly investigated by the Obama-era Justice Department.

Gaetz is one of several congressional Republicans calling for the memo’s release, and today, he lamented that people who call him out for constantly talking about how the FBI’s highest levels are overwhelmed with corruption and “extreme bias” against Trump:

We’re called conspiracy theorists because we see this cabal right in front of us. We’re able to aggregate these data points and show what was really going on. The reality is we’re just looking at the very messages that the people that were at the center of the Hillary Clinton investigation and the center of Robert Mueller’s investigation were saying to one another.”

So let’s get things straight. Gaetz is super-upset about being labelled as a conspiracy theorist…while in the middle of a show that flirts with conspiracy theories literally all the time. InfoWars has peddled nonsense ideas like how 9/11 was an inside job, the Sandy Hook Massacre was a false flag operation, and that anyone Alex Jones doesn’t like is the blood-guzzling illegitimate spawn of Satan.

I guess we’re just letting all of that slide today.

Also no one tell Gaetz about how Jones bragged that he possessed the FISA memo last week, but was thoroughly ridiculed after it turned out he was talking about a document that’s been publicly available for months.

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McCabe Ouster Won’t Help Trump Because FBI Still Loyal to Comey, NY Times Reporter Says

The sooner-than-expected retiring of Andew McCabe isn’t likely to end President Donald Trump‘s problems with the FBI because of holdovers–including executives–still loyal to former director James Comey, according to a journalist familiar with the matter.

CNN‘s Wolf Blitzer spoke with the New York TimesAdam Goldman Monday afternoon about the reaction of upper-level FBI officials to news that Deputy FBI Director Andew McCabe was forced out of his position ahead of his pre-planned departure.

During that discussion, Blitzer posed the following statement-like-question to Goldman regarding the potential removal of special counsel Robert Mueller:

If the president were to fire Mueller, he’d have to go to Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, who would actually do the firing unless he resigned in protest.

Goldman replied in the affirmative and added, “He can’t fire Mueller. I think Trump realizes the problem is no longer [Jeff] Sessions — his problem is Rod. And if he can perhaps get rid of Rod, maybe he can replace–he can put somebody in the number two spot at DOJ who can effectively remove Mueller. I have to tell you, it seems unlikely. We’re in the home stretch of this Russia investigation. You know, it would be like cutting off his own leg if he did that, and it would not serve him well.”

Goldman then continued on, noting that McCabe’s departure comes at a bizarre time. He said, “Look, McCabe was going to retire March 18th — he was eligible to retire March 18th. He’s leaving a few weeks early. Even a week ago, McCabe didn’t even know if he was going to be able to last till March 18th–he’s not going to go on terminal leave until he is eligible to retire. So, this is widely expected.”

The New York Times reporter then made his most salient point during the mostly one-sided exchange:

Getting rid of [Comey’s] chief of staff and [FBI Chief Counsel James A.] Baker doesn’t remove the problem for Trump. That 7th floor of the FBI are all Comey people. And many of the executive associate directors who run the bureau on the 7th floor were put there by Comey…So I’m not so sure this getting rid of McCabe and [former Comey Chief of Staff Jim] Rybicki and Baker, the former general counsel, solves the bureau’s problem.

Blitzer chimed in to wrap things up, “Yeah, because these are all career FBI officials–FBI agents–all of whom have worked their way up just like Andrew McCabe.”

Bloomberg: Trump Outraged Over DOJ Guidance To Not Release Nunes Memo

President Donald Trump was reportedly furious last week when the Department of Justice released guidance against unveiling the contents of a classified memo that reportedly proves an anti-Trump bias within the FBI and the Justice Department, Bloomberg reported Monday.

Associate Attorney General Stephen Boyd told the House Intelligence Committee last week that it would be “extraordinarily reckless” to declassify and release the memo, comments that reportedly pushed Trump over the edge. The President blew up over Boyd’s letter while he was on board Air Force One en route to the global economic conference in Davos, Switzerland, according to four people familiar with the matter who spoke with Bloomberg. Trump was reportedly angry about the letter because he saw it as another example of the Justice Department trying to undermine him.

Bloomberg also reported that Trump told Attorney General Jeff Sessions that he needs to succeed in his job or he would be remembered as the worst attorney general in history, according to the people who spoke with Bloomberg.

On Monday evening, Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee voted in favor of releasing the memo. Trump now has five days to review the document and decide whether to make it public.

The memo was crafted by Rep. Devin Nunes’ (R-CA) staff and allegedly proves Republicans’ claims of the Justice Department’s bias against Trump. The memo was reportedly shared with House Republicans, but has not been turned over to the FBI or the Department of Justice.

FBI Director Chris Wray reportedly asked the House Intelligence Committee for the chance to come before them and express his concerns about releasing the classified memo.

Democrats have called the memo a “conspiracy theory” propagated by Russian bots and authored a counter memo to debunk some of the claims. That memo, however, was not approved for release Monday evening.

Axios: Schiff’s Office Receiving Calls And Death Threats Over Nunes Memo

Rep. Adam Schiff’s (D-CA) office has received crude phone calls and death threats over the “Republican spin memo” that reportedly proves some type of anti-President Trump bias within the FBI and the Department of Justice, Axios reported Tuesday.

Schiff told Axios that the outrage against his office is fueled by Republican rhetoric, which he called “reckless hyperbole” that is “just so destructive to our democracy.”

After Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee voted to release the contents of a classified memo authored by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) staffers, Schiff — the ranking member of the committee — told reporters that he was concerned his panel had “crossed a deeply regrettable line.”

“There was a vote to politicize the declassification process of intelligence and compromise sources and methods,” he said.

The memo was reportedly shared with House Republicans, but has not been turned over to the FBI or the Department of Justice. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has told Democrats to not read the document, CNN reported.

FBI Director Chris Wray reportedly asked the House Intelligence Committee for the chance to come before them and express his concerns about releasing the classified memo.

Democrats have called the memo a “conspiracy theory” propagated by Russian bots and authored a counter memo to debunk some of the claims. That memo, however, was not approved for release Monday evening.