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The Official World Politics Thread

Wow! Its a wrap for america. Yall had a good run. Dueces.
Not yeVote in november
The 1st pic looks like a cloud of evil descending upon D.C. as he was getting inaugurated.

Muthafucca is like virus that infects everything it comes in contact with.

Voting this midterm is the cure. Voting in 2020 will be the eradication.
Yup,this midterm will be one of the most important in history, cant afford to let repubs keep control
Wow, trump is a new kinda liar. Dude will say something on tape. Then when the tape is released of what HE said, he calls it fake news.

This nigga has zero respect for his followers. He knows they are dumb as fuck n doesnt even try to hide it. All the lying, shits amazing to me.

But these are lies that are easily disproven. Like him sayin the sky is orange smh

Elon Musk Donates to Group to Working to Keep Republican Control of Congress

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk donated $33k to Protect the House, a Super PAC working to maintain Republican control of Congress.

The committee, according to a ProPublica report, raised $8.6 in Q2 of 2018 for Republican incumbents in Congress looking to stave off Democratic challenges.

ProPublica also provided an itemied list of the top donors, which include some of the usual suspects: Sheldon Adelson, the billionaire Republican mega-donor, and Robert McNair, owner of the Houston Texans.

One name on the list seriously stands out: Elon Musk, who donated $33,900 to the Super PAC on June 5.

The billionaire entrepreneur, who founded SpaceX and Tesla, has waded into politics this year, even donning the very Trumpian hat of media critic.

Musk is now officially part of the MAGA cult...

Thousands of people have protested on the streets of Edinburgh against Donald Trump’s visit to the UK as the US president played golf at his Turnberry resort, on the west coast of Scotland. Trump was seen playing golf with his son, Eric, on the Ailsa championship course. Trump and his wife, Melania, arrived in Scotland on Air Force One on Friday evening, before travelling by motorcade to the Trump Turnberry resort in Ayrshire.
I agree with protesting against trump when he leaves the states. But I think the protest should be aimed at the government for welcoming him.

Trump loves the attention. Once he leaves we need to act like he doesn't exist stop tweeting and retweeting him. Get the media to change how much air time they give him
I agree with protesting against trump when he leaves the states. But I think the protest should be aimed at the government for welcoming him.

Trump loves the attention. Once he leaves we need to act like he doesn't exist stop tweeting and retweeting him. Get the media to change how much air time they give him

That shit is eating him up inside
That shit is eating him up inside

Exactly. He cries fake news this...fake news that...but continues to watch the fake news. It gets to him. His ego won't allow him to ignore it.

But its all a tactic to discredit the media b/c he knows his supporters believe everything he says.