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Exactly. He cries fake news this...fake news that...but continues to watch the fake news. It gets to him. His ego won't allow him to ignore it.

But its all a tactic to discredit the media b/c he knows his supporters believe everything he says.

I get that but supports is narative.

He benefited from everyone talking about him during the campaign. He's desperate for attention he's from reality tv

Right-Wing, Pro-Trump Protests Turn Violent in London, Multiple Arrests Reported

Multiple arrests were reported on Saturday as supporters of prominent right-wing activist Tommy Robinson were joined by a pro-Trump rally on the streets of London. The joined rally quickly devolved into violence.

“A total of 12 people were arrested today as thousands gathered in support of Donald Trump and jailed far-right leader Tommy Robinson,” Metro UK reportedon Saturday.

Tommy Robinson — whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon — is the founder an anti-Muslim group. He is being held in jail on contempt of court charges. After a June rally for Robinson turned violent, Scotland Yard imposed restrictions on both the Free Tommy and Welcome Trump rally “due to concerns of serious public disorder and disruption.”

A number of clashes were reported on social media and various outlets. A union leader speaking to counter-protesters was also injured.

The Metro UK reports:

Steve Hedley, senior assistant general secretary of the RMT [National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers], was assaulted by supporters of the US president and Robinson, according to anti-fascism campaigners
Hope Not Hate, but the perpetrators could not be immediately verified independently. Witnesses said a mob ambushed two men at the Westminster Arms pub in central London on Sunday afternoon in a targeted attack. ‘They (the attackers) knew what they were doing,’ one witness, who asked not to be named, said.

Hope Not Hate also tweeted out an image of the injured Hedley.

Hedley also said in an interview he was attacked by “thugs.”

The protest comes one day after massive anti-Trump protests in London. Trump is currently in Scotland where he was met by protesters while playing golf.



I agree with protesting against trump when he leaves the states. But I think the protest should be aimed at the government for welcoming him.

Trump loves the attention. Once he leaves we need to act like he doesn't exist stop tweeting and retweeting him. Get the media to change how much air time they give him

What?! Bro the media LOVES trump. Dont get it twisted. Everyday is like a fuckin movie. Plus they kno w trump, anything could happen. Breaking news nearly every hour. They love him
lol lol fat tubby really in his feelings this morning. Lyin sack of dog shit. I wish him nothing but the worst. Racist, evil fuck.

Trump: European Union Is A ‘Foe’ & My Dad Was Born In Germany (He Wasn’t)

President Donald Trump on Saturday called the European Union a “foe” of the United States.

In the interview with Trump, parts of which were aired on CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday morning, CBS’ Jeff Glor asked, “Who’s your biggest competitor? Your biggest foe, globally, right now?”

“Well, I think we have a lot of foes,” Trump said. “I think the European Union is a foe, what they do to us in trade. Now, you wouldn’t think of the European Union, but they’re a foe.”

He continued: “Russia is a foe in certain respects. China is a foe, economically certainly they’re a foe. But that doesn’t mean they’re bad. It doesn’t mean anything. It means that they’re competitors. They want to do well, and we want to do well.”

Asked about people “surprised” to hear the EU come before Russia and China, Trump responded that “the EU is very difficult.”

The President also lied about his parents, saying that both “were born in EU sectors.” His mother was born in Scotland, he said accurately, and “my father was Germany.”

In fact, Trump’s father was born in New York City. His father’s parents were both born in Bavaria.

Trump also repeated his attack, premiered at the recent NATO summit, against the planned gas pipeline between Germany and Russia.

“What are they, waving a white flag?” he said of Germany.

Elsewhere in the interview, Trump said he had low expectations of his upcoming meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and that he “hadn’t thought” to ask Putin to extradite the 12 Russians indicted Friday on charges related to the campaign-era hacking and theft of Democratic emails.

The President on Sunday also repeated his attack that journalists are the “enemy of the people.”


GOP Lawmakers Push Arming Toddlers In Sacha Baron-Cohen Show

Current and former Republican lawmakers endorsed a fake program to train and arm children as young as four years old, part of comedian Sacha Baron-Cohen’s new Showtime series.

An abbreviated clip from the show posted to Twitter by musician and writer Mikel Joellett Saturday night, and later posted in full by Showtime Sunday, showed Former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-MS) reading an endorsement of something called the “Kinderguardians Program” while looking into the camera.

“We in America would be wise to implement it,” Lott says. “It’s something that we should think about, America, about putting guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens — good guys — whether they be teachers, or whether they actually be talented children or highly trained preschoolers.”

Current Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) then posits that “young people trained and understand [sic] how to defend themselves” would make schools “safer.”

“A three-year-old cannot defend itself from a assault rifle by throwing a Hello Kitty pencil case at it,” Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) says, seemingly also reading from a prepared text.

Former congressman Joe Walsh (R-IL) makes an appearance, advertising that the program would be available to “specially selected children from 12 to four years old,” and would provide training in “pistols, rifles, semi-automatics, and a rudimentary knowledge of mortars.”

“In less than a month — less than a month! — a first grader can become a First Grenader,” Walsh says.

Larry Pratt, the executive director emeritus of Gun Owners of America, adds that “toddlers are pure, uncorrupted by fake news and homosexuality.”

Baron-Cohen’s show, “Who Is America?” will premier Sunday and run for seven episodes, Reuters reported.

Other politicians not shown in the Showtime clip, including former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, former Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore and former Maricopa County Sheriff (and presidential pardon recipient) Joe Arpaio, all report having been duped by Baron-Cohen.

Former Vice President Dick Cheney is shown in a trailer for the show responding affirmatively when a disguised Baron-Cohen asks, “Is it possible to sign my waterboard?”
