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This interview highlights why u can’t stand Cuomo and mainstream mediaat times....Cuomo made his point brilliantly and backed homie in the corner “ show me proof that Strozck acted on his “ bias”.....then he allows homie to pivot out of the corner by not only citing bs but bringing up Comey.... all Cuomo has to say in this instance is we are talking bout Strocz and you still haven’t shown me tangible evidence of his “ bias” affecting the work instead he lets him pivot out and essentially that’s the end of the segment

Trump Fumes Over London Baby Blimp: Why Would I Go There If I’m ‘Unwelcome’?

President Donald Trump admitted in an interview published Thursday that aspects of the demonstrations in London protesting his trip to the United Kingdom really got under his skin.

While an estimated 200,000 people turned out to shout down the American president — which forced him to fly in his helicopter throughout the trip — one person in particular maimed his ego: the 20-foot Trump baby blimp.

“I guess when they put out blimps to make me feel unwelcome, no reason for me to go to London,” he told The Sun, a British tabloid, in an exclusive interview. “I used to love London as a city. I haven’t been there in a long time. But when they make you feel unwelcome, why would I stay there?”

Trump blamed the massive turnout of protestors on London Mayor Sadiq Khan and other politicians and claimed that real British people actually “love” him.

“Many people are delighted. I get thousands of notifications from people in the UK that they love the President of the United States,” he said. “They want the same thing I want.”

In the same interview, Trump unleashed on UK Prime Minister Theresa May, claiming she ruined the Brexit negotiations and had lost any chance of a deal with the U.S. on trade.

Scottish Newspaper Welcomes Trump With Brutal Editorial: ‘a Racist, a Serial Liar,’ a Possible ‘Sex Abuser’

The Scotsman, a national newspaper in Scotland, printed an unprecedented editorial that ripped President Donald Trump to pieces amid his visit to the United Kingdom.

The piece holds nothing back as it describes Trump, packing a punch from the first paragraph:

Donald Trump, due to arrive in the UK later today, is a racist, a serial liar, and either a sex abuser or someone who falsely brags about being one in the apparent belief that this will impress other men in a metaphorical “locker room”.

The Scotsman honed in on Trump’s racist controversies, citing among other things his “both sides” comments on Charlottesville, his remarks about “sh*thole countries,” and his smears of the (not) “Mexican” judge who presided over the lawsuits against Trump University.

After mocking Trump for crying “fake news” so much even though he lies on a regular basis, the article concluded by reminding readers that the president is untethered to the truth and a potentially-admitted sex abuser who accuses his victims of lying

As British politicians hide their distaste in an attempt to get a much-needed post-Brexit trade deal, we should all remember what kind of man Trump really is.”

Indeed, that trade deal might already be shot, thanks to the interview Trump gave to The Sun where he bashed Prime Minister Theresa May as her government continues to deal with the instability caused by Brexit and Boris Johnson‘s resignation.

Pentagon Conducted ‘Damage Control’ Following Trump Threats To Pull Out Of NATO

When President Donald Trump left the NATO summit on the heels of threats to pull out of the alliance, the Pentagon made calls to defense officials in Europe to offer reassurances that the U.S. would not abandon their defense posts in the region, NBC News reported Friday.

Multiple current and former diplomatic and military officials who spoke with NBC characterized the calls as “damage control” and a reinforcement of “alliance commitments.”

In a press conference on Thursday, Trump wouldn’t answer questions about his threats to pull out of the alliance over allies’ defense contributions, but said that withdrawing the U.S. would be “unnecessary” because “people have stepped up today like they’ve never stepped up before.”

While Trump boasted that NATO leaders had committed to contributing a bigger percentage of their nations’ gross domestic product, some allies have combated those claims. French President Emmanuel Macron said nothing had changed, and that each country remained committed to contributing at least 2 percent to defense by 2024, an agreement made in 2014.

Trump Bashes CNN, NBC At Press Conference With Theresa May

It appears the outrage over his bombastic interview with British tabloid The Sun hit a nerve with President Trump on Friday morning, prompting him to lash out at members of the media several times during a press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May.

After claiming that his recorded interview with The Sun was “fake news,” Trump also targeted NBC and CNN as networks he generally despises.

When NBC’s Kristen Welker asked Trump about his comments bashing his NATO allies, including May, Trump accused Welker of misrepresenting what he said.

“That’s such dishonesty reporting because — of course that happens to be NBC which is possibly worse than CNN, possibly,” he declared before answering the question.

Later, CNN’s Jim Acosta attempted to ask trump a question, and Trump refused to take a question from the network and instead called on Fox News’ John Roberts.

“No, no. John Roberts. Go ahead. CNN’s fake news,” Trump said. “I don’t take questions from CNN — CNN is fake news. I don’t take questions from CNN. John Roberts of Fox. Let’s go to a real network. John, let’s go.”


Friendly Fire! Trump Calls Murdoch-Owned Paper ‘Fake News’ Over May Criticism

President Donald Trump distanced himself from the blistering interview he gave The Sun, blaming “fake news” for misrepresenting his words in a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May Friday.

“Maybe I’ll go first because I didn’t criticize the Prime Minister, I have a lot of respect for the Prime Minister and unfortunately there was a story that was done which was generally fine but it didn’t put in what I said about the Prime Minister and I said tremendous things,” he said. “Fortunately we tend to record stories now so we have it for your enjoyment if you would like it. It’s called fake news and we solve a lot of problems with the good old recording instrument.”

The Sun also recorded the interview and inserted audio clips into the article.

Later in the press conference, Trump identified Sun journalists in the crowd, saying that he wishes they put the positive things he said about May in the headline. He added that he had apologized to her since he had given her many compliments, and said that she responded “don’t worry, it’s only the press.”

Throughout the press conference Trump praised May effusively, calling her “an incredible woman” doing a “great job.”

Trump went on to call NBC fake news that does “dishonest reporting,” refused to call on CNN’s Jim Acosta saying “CNN’s fake news, I don’t take a question from CNN” in preference of a reporter from “real network” Fox News and joked around with May asking if she has fake news in her country too. May laughed.

Interestingly, the man who heads “real network” Fox News, Rupert Murdoch, also owns the “fake news” Sun.

In the article, Trump criticized May’s handling of Brexit, saying that she would likely “kill” any trade deals between the U.S. and the U.K. because she didn’t take his advice. He also says that Boris Johnson would make a great Prime Minister and that immigration is destroying European culture.