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Caputo Pulls 180, Admits That He Did Contact A Russian During Campaign

In an abrupt reversal of previous statements, including under sworn testimony, former Trump campaign aide Michael Caputo is now admitting that he did knowingly have contact with a Russian offering dirt on Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign.

In a Tuesday morning interview with CNN’s John Berman, Caputo said that he previously “did not recall” his interactions with the Russian Henry Greenberg—despite a follow-up text conversation with Trump confidant Roger Stone about the meeting—and tried to shift the conversation by alleging that Greenberg was an undercover FBI agent.

At the time, Caputo had set up the meeting between Stone and Greenberg in May 2016.

Even if Greenberg was an FBI informant, it would not explain Caputo’s willingness to meet with someone he thought was a Russian national to get the scoop on Clinton. When Berman pushed him, asking if he truly felt comfortable getting damaging information on Clinton from a Russian, Caputo said: “There’s nothing wrong with having a meeting with someone who’s not representing a foreign government for dirt on Hillary Clinton.”

Records of the Caputo and Stone conversation after the Greenberg meeting have been released. Caputo started it, asking, “how crazy is the Russian?”

Stone replied: “He wants big $ for the info waste of time.”

Caputo responded: “The Russian way. Anything at all interesting?” Stone said “no.”

Caputo told Berman that he had forgotten that interaction as well.

He also acknowledged that President Donald Trump made a false statement when he said “I have nothing to do with Russia. To the best of my knowledge, no person that I deal with does” in February 2017.

According to the Washington Post, these comments from Caputo are in stark contradiction to previous statements he made on his Russian contacts.

“I spent my time in front of the [House Intelligence] Committee detailing the fact that I had no contact with Russians, that I never heard of anyone with the Trump campaign talking with Russians, that I was never asked questions about my time in Russia, that I never even spoke to anyone about Russia, that I never heard the word ‘Russia,’ and we did not use Russian dressing,” he said in July 2017.

Stone also claims temporary amnesia during the meeting, saying that 2016 was “a pretty busy year.”

He previously told the Washington Post: “I didn’t talk to anybody who was identifiably Russian during the two-year run-up to this campaign. I very definitely can’t think of anybody who might have been a Russian without my knowledge. It’s a canard.”
Government could probably force these kids to work and its supporters wouldn't mind. "yeah well they've already been ripped from their parents we might as well put them to work"

Trump Doubles Down in Wild Speech: Current Border Policy Says ‘You Have to Take the Children Away’

As President Donald Trump spoke before the National Federation of Independent Businesses on Tuesday, he continued on his path of blaming Congressional Democrats for his administration’s family-dividing policies on America’s southern border.

As Trump accused Democrats of supporting immigration loopholes, he also stuck with his false claims that he can’t do anything about his child separation policies, and only new legislation can fix it.

“All we need is good legislation and we can have it taken care of,” Trump said. “These are crippling loopholes that cause family separation, which we don’t want.”

After criticizing America’s immigration laws as a “monstrosity” for a little while longer, Trump eventually turned his ire towards Mexico, grumbling that “they do nothing for us” to resolve the Latin American migration issue.

“Mexico does nothing for us,” said the president. “Try staying in Mexico for a couple of days and see how long that lasts”

It all went on from there, with Trump bashing NAFTA, attacking Hillary Clinton, and going on about the “deep state” activities the Justice Department inspector general recently uncovered in his report.

Then, as Trump accused the “fake news” media of helping smugglers and human traffickers with their illegal immigration coverage, he eventually said this about his zero-tolerance policy.

“I don’t want children taken away from parents. And when you prosecute the parents for coming in illegally, which should happen, you have to take the children away.”

Trump 2020 Campaign Manager: ‘Time To Fire Sessions,’ End Mueller Probe

President Donald Trump’s campaign manager for the 2020 presidential election tweeted Tuesday that it’s “time to fire” Attorney General Jeff Sessions and end special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into the Trump campaign and Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Citing the Justice Department’s inspector general report on the FBI’s handling of the Hillary Clinton investigation as “the truth to end it all,” Brad Parscale said “you can’t obstruct something that was phony against you.”

Parscale, who worked as a digital media director on the 2016 campaign that’s under investigation, appears to be seizing on a Trump talking point that the DOJ IG report released last week “totally exonerates” the President of any wrongdoing associated with Mueller’s probe.

The IG report, in part, concluded that while former FBI director James Comey broke from precedent in his handling of the Clinton investigation, he was not politically motivated in doing so. The report was critical of Comey, which Trump allies have used to fortify Trump and his decision to fire Comey last year.

Among other things, Mueller is looking into whether Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey. While he has since claimed the Russia probe had nothing to do with Comey’s firing, Trump openly admitted days afterward that the firing was related to the “Russia thing.”


Sessions Faces Possible Expulsion From Methodist Church for Alleged ‘Child Abuse’ Based on Family Separations

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is being brought up on “church charges” by the United Methodist Church over his enforcement of zero tolerance policies which separate children from their parents who illegally cross at the U.S.-Mexico border. These charges could result in Sessions’ expulsion from the church.

A June 18 statement issued by over 600 clergy and laity begins by remarking upon the extraordinary nature of the charges:

We, the undersigned laity and clergy of the United Methodist Church, issue a formal complaint against fellow United Methodist lay person Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, by our understanding a lay member of Ashland Place United Methodist Church, in Mobile, AL, and an active participant in Clarendon United Methodist Church, Arlington, VA. While we are reticent to bring a formal complaint against a lay person, Mr. Sessions’ unique combination of tremendous social/political power, his leading role as a Sunday School teacher and former delegate to General Conference, and the severe and on going impact of several of his public, professional actions demand that we, as his siblings in the United Methodist denomination, call for some degree of accountability.

The complaint goes on the outline the specific charges in detail.

Sessions is accused of violating section 2702.3 of the 2016 United Methodist Book of Discipline and is formally accused of: (1) child abuse; (2) immorality; (3) racial discrimination; and (4) apostasy in the form of “Dissemination of doctrines contrary to the standards of doctrine of the United Methodist Church.” The charging document is an acrid indictment of Sessions’ time as attorney general and appears to pull very few punches.

The child abuse and immorality charges are centered on Sessions’ enforcement of the Trump administration’s zero tolerance immigration policy, which has resulted in children being separated from family members who are being prosecuted. According to the Methodist group, Sessions is being charged with “holding thousands of children in mass incarceration facilities with little to no structured educational or socio-emotional support,” as well as using “violence against children to deter immigration” and “directing employees and staff members to kidnap children from their parents.” Various other examples are given as well.

The racial discrimination charges also touch upon the administration’s decision to treat asylum-seekers as criminals subject to prosecution and the family separation that goes along with it. The charges of racism, however, are mostly focused around Sessions’ relationship with the African American community. The document accuses Sessions of “stopping investigations of police departments charged with racial discrimination,” and “attempting to criminalize Black Lives Matter and other racial justice activist groups.”

As for the violation of doctrine charges, the Methodist group cites Sessions’ alleged, “misuse of Romans 13 to indicate the necessity of obedience to secular law, which is in stark contrast to Disciplinary commitments to supporting freedom of conscience and resistance to unjust laws.”

A prominent authority on church history and politics noted that this may be the first time a complaint against a lay member ever advanced past the district level. Reverend William Lawrence, professor emeritus at Perkins School of Theology, said, in a story issued by the United Methodist News Service:

I’m not aware of any circumstance in the 50-year history of The United Methodist Church when a complaint against a lay person moved beyond the stage of its resolution by a district superintendent or a pastor.

Lawrence also signaled that Sessions could be excommunicated from the church as a result of the charges
, but hopes it doesn’t happen. He continued:

I hope his pastor can have a good conversation with him and come to a good resolution that helps him reclaim his values that many of us feel he’s violated as a Methodist. I would look upon his being taken out of the denomination or leaving as a tragedy. That’s not what I would want from this.

A copy of the charges was forwarded to Sessions’ home church in Alabama. Law&Crime reached out to both of Sessions’ churches for comment on the matter but no response was forthcoming at the time of publication. Similar requests to the Department of Justice and Sessions’ press team went unanswered as well.

Coulter Doubles Down: Migrant Kids ‘Need To Improve Their Scripts’

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter doubled down on her theory that the immigrant children who have been separated from their parents and held in detention facilities are actors who “need to improve their scripts.”

Coulter was stopped by TMZ in New York City on Tuesday and asked if she had heard the audio that was leaked of children crying for their parents after being separated by border patrol agents.

“Yes, I think they need to improve their scripts, they’re saying ‘mommy and daddy,’ maybe you want to put it in Spanish next time,” she said.

She also suggested that if the parents didn’t want to be separated from their children they should “stay in Mexico” and criticized the group of first ladies who have come out in opposition to the new “zero tolerance” policy that’s enabling the massive family separations at the border.

“Thank god first ladies are elected officials,” she said. “It is a serious issue, they’re trying to wreck our country through a political stunt.”

On Monday, Coulter told Fox News that the children who have been ripped from their parents and, at times, housed in cages while their parents are detained for illegally crossing the border, are “child actors.” She also warned President Donald Trump that he shouldn’t “fall for it.”

Rush Limbaugh: Photos of Children at Border are ‘Fakes’ Designed for People Who are ‘Wimps’ About Kids

On his radio show today, right wing host Rush Limbaugh echoed far right columnist Ann Coulter in saying that kids being photographed and filmed at the U.S. border after being separated from their parents are not real.

Coulter said on Fox News on Sunday “these child actors weeping and crying on all the other networks 24/7 right now… do not fall for it, Mr. President.”

In his program today, Limbaugh made the same basic charge. Rush was describing the way television and “the media’ portray kids and parents. He was saying that the media shows parents as weak and powerless and that kids are vulgar and push their parents around. That kind of person could be the target of fake photos of children at the border, in order to manipulate an emotional response.

“I wonder, if when we have a story like this where the media is using fake photos of children crying,” Rush began before going into an aside. “Well it’s not fake that they’re crying, it’s that the children may not even be who they’re being said to be, and the children may not be separated, they may not be at the border–” he clarified.

“But I wonder how much of this, the media is doing to play off and to corral people who are already wimps and linguini-spines when it comes to kids.”

The conspiracy to manipulate wimpy parents into not wanting to separate children from parents has not been mentioned by the White House or any border agents, nor uncovered at this time by any of the dozens of reporters currently at the border as we speak.

That racist pill popper Rash Limbaugh is on kid crisis actor bandwagon...