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Sessions Defends Family Separation Policy, Characterizes It As A Deterrent

Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday defended the Trump administration’s recent policy of separating migrant families apprehended at the border.

“We do not want to separate children from their parents,” he told the National Sheriffs Association in a speech. “We do not want adults to bring children into this country unlawfully, either.”

He’d earlier admitted that the policy — in addition to prioritizing the criminal prosecution of parents who for the most part have committed only misdemeanors — was also meant to act as a deterrent.

“We cannot and will not encourage people to bring their children, or other children, to the country unlawfully by giving them immunity in the process,” he said, asserting that families claiming asylum at designated ports of entry, rather than between them, would not be separated.

However, officials at those entry points have often told asylum-seekers they are “at capacity,” leading to days of waiting. And there are some cases of families being apprehended and separated even after approaching a port of entry asserting their asylum rights.

In April, Sessions ordered U.S. attorneys to adopt a “zero tolerance” policy of criminally prosecuting all border crossers. Because children cannot be held in criminal detention, the order has led to a dramatic spike in family separation at the border.

The Trump administration could end the new policy immediately. In Monday’s speech, Sessions showed little willingness to do so.

Sessions punctuated his speech with a fist pump and, as he has before, with a shout out to the “Anglo-American” history of the institution of sheriffs offices.

with a shout out to the “Anglo-American” history of the institution of sheriffs offices.

Now hes talking about that "space force" bullshit again!?!i mean wtf!?!? I mean why the fuck does nobody tell him how goddamn stupid that is!! Fuck the entire republican party for allowing his ass to do and say whatever the fuck he wants, midterms in november are gonna be so important only chance at the moment we have of stopping his ass from further fucking up the country
so trump dont want immigrants here.....

but he can fuck a few and have kids with em....buit just dont want them in the country next to him....

welcome to being black

Trump Falsely Blames Dems For His Own Migrant Family Separation Policy

President Donald Trump on Monday falsely accused congressional Democrats of obstructing the reversal of his own migrant family separation policy.

“Immigration is the fault— and all of the problems that we’re having, because we cannot get them to sign legislation, we cannot get them even to the negotiating table, and I say it’s very strongly the Democrats’ fault,” he said.

Trump separately asserted, as others in his administration have, that he would not reverse the family separation policy on his own, but rather that he wanted Congress to include the reversal in a larger legislative effort.

“If the Democrats would sit down instead of obstructing we could have something done very quickly,” Trump said. “Good for the children, good for the country, good for the world. It could take place quickly. We could have an immigration bill, we could have child separation. We are stuck with these horrible laws.”

In fact, Trump doesn’t need congressional Democrats to end his administration’s new family separation policy “quickly.” His administration could do so immediately.

As has been extensively reported, there is no law requiring the separation of families apprehended crossing the border. In April, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a new policy that superseded the established one of not criminally prosecuting parents who are arrested at the border with children. He told U.S. attorneys to adopt a “zero tolerance” policy of prosecuting everyone apprehended at the border.

Because of that new policy, and because children cannot be held in criminal detention with their parents, family separations have spiked since Sessions’ new policy was enacted. Sessions on Monday defended the policy as a deterrent to parents attempting to cross the border with their children.

Kamala Harris Calls On Kirstjen Nielsen To Resign Over Family Separation Stance

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) called on Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to resign on Monday, citing her track record of enforcing President Donald Trump’s “anti-immigration agenda” and leading the “failed response” to the devastation in Puerto Rico.

Harris also cited a lack of transparency within the department and Nielsen’s routine failure “to provide complete answers to questions from me and my colleagues” on the Homeland Security Committee.

Nielsen has come under increased scrutiny in recent days for her response to media reports on the conditions at immigration processing centers along the U.S.-Mexico border. Under Attorney General Jeff Sessions, border security agents have been given authority to arrest and criminally charge anyone who crosses the border illegally, resulting in thousands of children being separated from their parents.

On Sunday, Nielsen tweeted that the U.S. does not have a family separation policy, only to walk it back Monday by claiming the U.S. “will not apologize” for ripping families apart in order to enforce laws. She followed President Donald Trump’s rhetoric, calling on Congress to “change the laws” of immigration and “close the loopholes.”

Read Harris’ full statement below:

The government should be in the business of keeping families together, not tearing them apart. And the government should have a commitment to transparency and accountability. Under Secretary Nielsen’s tenure, the Department of Homeland Security has a track record of neither. As a result, she must resign.

“During her time as the manager of the government’s third largest agency, the Department has implemented a policy that has separated thousands of children from their families, issued a directive to make it easier to detain pregnant women, tried to use DACA recipients as leverage to achieve the President’s anti-immigrant agenda, failed to address some of the agency’s most pressing management challenges and overseen the continued failed response to tragedy in Puerto Rico.

“As a member of the Homeland Security Committee of the United States Senate for the last 18 months, which has oversight of the Department of Homeland Security, I have asked Secretary Nielsen and other DHS officials to clarify each of these policies, because the American people deserve to know the truth. I have, since March of 2017, repeatedly asked for complete data on the number of children separated and what training and protocol exists for carrying out such separations. In response, the leadership of this department has routinely failed to provide complete answers to questions from me and my colleagues.

“The Department’s lack of transparency under Secretary Nielsen’s leadership combined with her record of misleading statements including yesterday’s denial that the Administration even had a policy of separating children at the border, are disqualifying. We must speak the truth. There is no law that says the Administration has to rip children from their families. This Administration can and must reverse course now and it can and must find new leadership for the Department of Homeland Security