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I don’t get how ppl don’t call him out in draft dodging.

That is the most disrespectful thing to the military
Damn.....Avenatti withdrew from representing Stormy Daniels yesterday.......45 / Cohen's team must have found some dirt on him
Damn.....Avenatti withdrew from representing Stormy Daniels yesterday.......45 / Cohen's team must have found some dirt on him

He caused too much of a distraction, hopefully this won't be the end


After Tough Hearing, Avenatti Withdraws Effort To Intervene In Cohen Case

After a contentious federal court hearing, Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for Stormy Daniels, on Wednesday withdrew his motion to be allowed to intervene in the case arising out of an ongoing criminal probe into Michael Cohen’s business dealings.

Avenatti argued in court filings and in a court hearing earlier Wednesday that he wanted to be able to protect Daniels’ privileged communications with Keith Davidson, the attorney who represented her when she made her October 2016 hush money agreement with Cohen, President Trump’s longtime fixer.

Carson Names Close Friend’s Inexperienced Son Deputy Chief Of Staff

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson named his good friend’s son, a 29 year old with no apparent relevant experience, deputy chief of staff Wednesday, according to a CNN report.

“Alfonso Costa Jr. is a graduate of Yale, Oxford and Harvard Law,” spokesman Raffi Williams told CNN in a statement. “If his academic achievements are any indication of success, we are confident he will make significant contributions to the Department. The Secretary looks forward to having him serve as trusted and valued adviser.”

Per CNN, Costa’s father is Carson’s dear friend as evidenced by Carson’s testimony on Costa Sr.’s behalf when he was convicted of health care fraud.

“I could literally trust him with all of my earthly possessions and rest assured that I would get all of them back with interest,” Carson told the judge then. “To sum it up, next to my wife of 32 years, there is no one on this planet that I trust more than Al Costa.”

HUD’s inspector general is reportedly currently investigating Carson’s habit to blur the lines between the professional and the personal, as his son, who is not a government employee, arranged a “listening tour” for him last year. The IG is also looking into the infamous $31,000 dining set purchase Carson and his wife chosefor the office.

Private Meetings, Calls, TV Spots: Allies Still Try To Convince Trump To Keep Sessions

WASHINGTON (AP) — Days after President Donald Trump deemed Jeff Sessions “beleaguered” and threatened to fire him last July, members of the president’s inner circle made a desperate case to save the attorney general’s job.

The White House chief of staff, Reince Priebus, and the president’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, pleaded with Trump during a heated Oval Office meeting to keep Sessions, warning that his dismissal would only pour gasoline on the Russia investigation. And, they said, it could alienate those in Trump’s conservative base, supporters enamored with the attorney general’s tough stances on law enforcement and immigration.

Priebus and Bannon both were out of their jobs within the month. But Sessions survived, his reprieve delivered by John Kelly as one of his first acts as chief of staff.

Ten months later, the Republican campaign to save Sessions has continued and — at least for now — succeeded. In private meetings, public appearances on television and late-night phone calls, Trump’s advisers and allies have done all they can to persuade the president not to fire a Cabinet official he dismisses as disloyal. The effort is one of the few effective Republican attempts to install guardrails around a president who delights in defying advice and breaking the rules.

It’s an ongoing effort, though not everyone is convinced the relationship is sustainable for the long term.

As recently as this month, Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani said the president had raised the issue again, wondering aloud if he’d made a mistake in not firing Sessions. And both Giuliani and influential Republican lawmakers have hinted that, once special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe wraps up, Sessions could be in danger again.

“There’s no doubt he’s complained about him, there’s no doubt he has some grievances. I don’t know they’ve aired them out yet. He’s not going to fire him before this is over,” Giuliani told reporters Wednesday. “Nor do I think he should.”

Trump showed Wednesday the campaign to save Sessions hasn’t tempered his anger at the attorney general’s decision to recuse himself from the Russia probe, an act the president believed birthed the Mueller investigation, which is imperiling his presidency. In a tweet, Trump again declared he regretted appointing the former Alabama senator to the job in a familiar, but no less stunning, public rebuke of a sitting Cabinet official.

Despite the withering complaints, Trump appears to comprehend the potential consequences of firing Sessions and seems resigned to the idea that he’s stuck with him for the time being, according to nearly a dozen people close to the decision, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations.

The case that Sessions’ protectors have outlined to Trump time and again largely consists of three components: Firing Sessions, a witness in Mueller’s investigation of obstruction of justice, would add legal peril to his standing in the Russia probe; doing so would anger the president’s political base, which Trump cares deeply about, especially with midterm election looming this fall; and a number of Republican senators would rebel against the treatment of a longtime colleague who was following Justice Department guidelines in his recusal.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has said that he will not schedule a confirmation hearing for another attorney general nominee if Sessions is fired.

Giuliani told The Associated Press on Wednesday that Trump has asked him multiple times, before and after the former New York mayor joined the president’s legal team last month, about whether Sessions should have been fired.

Giuliani said Trump consulted him last summer during the height of his rage about Sessions’ recusal. More recently, he said, Trump has not actively considered firing Sessions but has wondered if he made the right decision in not doing so previously.

“And when he asks, ‘Should I have done that?’ I say, ‘No, the way it is now has worked out,'” Giuliani said, adding that he did not believe Trump would fire Sessions. Later, speaking to reporters at the White House, he compared the president’s temper to that of the late George Steinbrenner, the mercurial owner of the New York Yankees.

Influential conservatives have also heard Trump lash out about Sessions and, though some have sympathy for the concerns, have repeatedly talked him out of doing anything drastic, said one person in touch with both men who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations. The person recalled a venting session after a meeting at the White House last fall, when the president aired his frustrations with the attorney general about his recusal. The person expressed sympathy but argued against firing Sessions, in part because of his success in carrying out the president’s agenda.

Trump’s complaints about Sessions have at times won sympathy from some friends who believe Sessions’ recusal was too broad and ill-timed and undercut the positive attention from a State of the Union address the president had recently delivered.

While the recusal remains Sessions’ original sin in Trump’s eyes, the president has also fumed that he sees Sessions as failing to get a handle on immigration and not placing enough emphasis on combating transnational criminal organizations.

After being berated by Trump over the recusal decision last spring, Sessions offered his resignation, but the overture was rejected. He is widely viewed as determined to stay in the job because he believes in the president’s agenda, which largely mirrors his own interests, and is reluctant to leave a job for which he gave up a Senate seat. Hours after the president’s attack on Wednesday, Sessions visited the White House for a routine litigation issue, a Justice Department official said.

There may be a limit to how long the campaign to save Sessions can hold on. Giuliani on Wednesday only offered assurances Trump would not fire Sessions during the Mueller investigation, because of the “distraction” it would cause.

And a number of Republican senators who have supported Sessions have indicated in recent days that they are warming to Trump’s complaints.

Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who in March said firing Sessions would “blow up” the Senate Judiciary Committee, struck a different tone Wednesday, noting that Cabinet positions are “not lifetime appointments.” Looking ahead to fall elections, he has reinforced to Trump that the best approach now “is to keep focused on good governance in the midterms.”

At some point, Graham said, Sessions will “have to make a decision” that if “you don’t have the confidence” of the president, “that will affect your ability to be effective.”

Trump Denies Firing Comey Over Russia, Despite Having Admitted It Before

President Donald Trump on Wednesday doubled down on his assertion that he did not fire former FBI Director James Comey because of the Russia probe, despite having said the opposite in an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt a year ago.

He struck a different tone in May 2017 when he broke with White House messaging and said that the investigation was part of his decision.

“When I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story, it’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won,’” Trump told NBC.




Trump To Pardon Dinesh D’Souza

President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that he will pardon Dinesh D’Souza, a right-wing commentator, author and filmmaker was was convicted in 2014 of using a “straw donor” to make an illegal campaign contribution.

It’s no surprise that Trump would take a shine to D’Souza, a vitriolic Obama hater who has cozied up to 45’s White House before.

D’Souza constantly attacked former President Barack Obama with racist jabs, posting a tweet with Obama using a selfie stick captioned “you can take the boy out of the ghetto” and once comparing the former President to ebola. He wrote an article in Forbes saying that Obama was under the influence of “Kenyan, anti-colonial” tendencies.

When D’Souza was convicted for the illegal contribution he made to a 2012 U.S. Senate campaign in New York, he claimed the prosecution was being spurred on by the Obama administration.

In August 2017, D’Souza visited Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka in the White House to promote his new book, in which he claims that liberalism is akin to Nazism.


Sarah Sanders Demands Action From TBS, Time Warner Over Sam Bee’s ‘Vile and Vicious’ Remarks

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders has made a statement strongly condemning Samantha Bee for the obscene remarks she made on her show last night regarding Ivanka Trump.

TBS is facing considerable blowback after Bee called the First Daughter a “feckless c*nt” while slamming President Trump on immigration. Sanders is responding to this, in a statement to The Wrap, by asking Bee’s Time Warner and TBS higher-ups to discipline her over the “vile and vicious” remarks.

The language used by Samantha Bee last night is vile and vicious. The collective silence by the left and its media allies is appalling. Her disgusting comments and show are not fit for broadcast, and executives at Time Warner and TBS must demonstrate that such explicit profanity about female members of this administration will not be condoned on its network.”

The condemnation from Sanders comes as Time Warner and AT&T continue to negotiate a possible company merger — one which Trump has spoken out against. The Bee controversy also comes after Sanders defended Trump and slammed the media “double standard” when he failed to condemn Roseanne Barr over her show-cancelling racist remarks.
