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Gaza Militants Fire Largest Barrage At Israel Since 2014

JERUSALEM (AP) — Gaza militants fired more than 25 mortar shells toward communities in southern Israel Tuesday, the Israeli military said, in what appeared to be the largest single barrage fired since the 2014 Israel-Hamas war.

No one was hurt and the military said most of the mortar shells were intercepted by the Iron Dome defense system, though one of the shells landed near a kindergarten shortly before it opened. The high volume of projectiles came as tensions have been running high along the Israel-Gaza border and a fierce Israeli response was expected.

“Israel will exact a heavy price from those who seek to harm it and we see Hamas as responsible for preventing such attacks,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said following the barrage.

The Islamic Jihad, a Gaza militant group, was believed to be behind the attacks with a green light from Hamas, the militant Islamic group that runs the Gaza Strip.

“We are sticking to the right of return as well as responding to the Zionist crimes,” said Khaled al-Batsh, an Islamic Jihad leader in Gaza.

Ismail Radwan, a Hamas official, said the barrage proved that the “resistance is capable of hurting the occupation and it proved this today by responding to its crimes.”

Radwan spoke as a boatful of students and medical patients set sail out of Gaza City’s port, aiming to break 11 years of naval blockade that Egypt and Israel imposed after the militants violently took control of the coastal territory.

The expedition would be a new way of challenging the blockade but also raises the possibility of more confrontation and violence as Israel bars any boats from Gaza reaching farther out than 6 miles into the Mediterranean Sea.

In southern Israel, angry residents complained about how vulnerable they felt after 15 years of rocket fire threats from neighboring Gaza, which will likely put pressure on the government to retaliate harshly.

Adva Klein, a resident of Kibbutz Kfar Aza, said she only got about two hours of sleep because of the frequent incoming fire and the sirens warning of them. Other residents reported machine gun fire from Gaza as well.

“It’s been a really scary morning,” said Adele Raemer, a resident of Kibbutz Nirim.
Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said he was convening the top military brass at his Tel Aviv headquarters to discuss the situation.

The border area has been tense in recent weeks as the Palestinians have held mass protests aimed at lifting a blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt after Hamas seized power in 2007.

Israeli fire has killed more than 110 Palestinians
, most of them during the Hamas-led protests, which climaxed on May 14.

On Sunday, Israeli shelling killed three Palestinian militants from the smaller Islamic Jihad group after the troops found a bomb planted along the border. The Islamic Jihad vowed retaliation.

On Monday, a tank fired at a Hamas position in the Gaza Strip, killing one man and wounding another, after Israeli troops came under fire on the frontier while apprehending two armed Palestinians.

Hamas has vowed to continue the border rallies. Israel says it is defending its border as well as its communities nearby. It accuses Hamas of trying to carry out attacks under the cover of protests.

Roseanne Barr Goes on Wild (And Racist) Tweetstorm About Clintons, George Soros

It’s not a huge secret that Roseanne Barr, the star of the ABC hit sitcom, is a rampant conspiracy theorist who likely spends a little too much time in the annals of the internet.

But a glance at Barr’s Twitter feed early Tuesday morning should alarm even the most ardent QAnon-crazy: she falsely claimed Chelsea Clinton was married to the nephew of every anti-Semite’s favorite boogeyman, George Soros, who she accused of trying to “overthrow” the “constitutional republic”, raved about CIA mind control, called Chris Cillizza a “a fucking mouth breather”, called Hillary Clinton “a colostomy jug cuz full of shite,” and made a racist attack on a former Obama official.

Barr’s frantic Twitter marathon kicked off with two tweets claiming Chelsea Clinton was married to George Soros‘s nephew, a (false) rumor that was initially spread by Scott Baio, of all people:

she’s married to soros nephew-

— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) May 29, 2018

Damn that Soros guy for wanting DA’s who will fairly look at police shooting cases.. Instead of allowing cops to just claim they were in “fear” so can’t be accountable for anything...
Business isn’t booming and workers’ wages aren’t moving, despite massive company tax cuts, according to data.
if shit flips in the Midterm this will be his excuse....come to think of it wtf are the Democrats doing

The democrats aren't the blame the news coverage and political analysis is the blame. an the fact that they never want to talk abbot the real

They always speak of stupid shiny bullshit like superstars.. and messaging (basically what amounts to a jingle.." Bumper sticker politics")

and if the democrats are talking too much a bout russia.. its all fuckin trash and i dont think the midterms is goin to some great tsunami..

Study: Puerto Rico Hurricane Death Toll Over 70X Greater Than Official Count

According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine Tuesday, researchers have concluded that the death toll in Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria is more than 70 times the official count of 64 casualties, adding a lowball figure of at least 4,645 unrecorded deaths.

Per the study, it is especially challenging to tally death tolls after disasters like Hurricane Maria when infrastructure and health resources have fallen apart. The CDC reportedly classifies deaths as attributable to the storm if they are caused by “forces related to the event, such as flying debris, or if they are caused by unsafe or unhealthy conditions resulting in injury, illness, or loss of necessary medical services.”

The process is made even more difficult in Puerto Rico because all disaster-related deaths must be verified by the Institute of Forensic Sciences, which entails either transporting all the bodies to San Juan or waiting for a medical examiner to travel out and check the corpse.

The survey found that interrupted medical care was the most prominent cause of death in the months after the storm, and that there was a high correlation between remoteness and loss of health services and electricity.

The authors of the study conclude that, based on their research, there are probably about 5,000 dead Puerto Ricans who have gone thus far uncounted.

Rep. Diane Black Cites Porn As ‘Root Cause’ Of School Shootings

Rep. Diane Black (R-TN), a candidate for governor of Tennessee, says that pornography is a “big part” of the impetus for school shootings, along with violent movies, “idle hands” and the “deterioration of the family.”

“It’s available on the shelf when you walk in the grocery store. Yeah, you have to reach up to get it, but there’s pornography there,” she said. “All of this is available without parental guidance. I think that is a big part of the root cause.”

She also bemoaned how easily her grandchildren watch “blow ’em up” movies, saying that she herself is too sensitized to stomach them.

She added that mental illness and broken families are also parts of the problem, saying that even if a mother has a baby when she is not married to the father, both parents should recognize the sacredness of the baby and the life it will lead.

never-mind the fact that the rest of the world also has access to video games.. action movies and porn but they still manage not to have anywhere near as many mass shootings. smfh