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Obama Will Headline DNC, DCCC Fundraisers In CA In Late June

Former President Barack Obama is scheduled to headline fundraisers for the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in late June, according to Politico.

The events will serve as the first of many supportive moves the former president plans to make to boost Democrats in the midterm elections.

The DNC fundraiser will be a gala dinner in Los Angeles on June 28, with tickets ranging from $2,700 for general admission and $100,000 for better seating, photos and other benefits. The DCCC event will be held in the Bay Area on June 29, hosted in the private home of Liz Simons and Mark Heising. The fundraiser will also include House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA), with tickets starting at $10,000, Politico Playbook reported.

An Obama aide told Politico that he plans to also headline a fundraising event for the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.

Lobbyist Tied To Pruitt Condo Had More Contact With EPA Chief Than Firm Reported

WASHINGTON (AP) — Newly filed reports show the Washington lobbyist whose wife rented a bargain-priced Capitol Hill condo to Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt had far more contact with the agency than previously disclosed, despite repeated denials by both men.

Powerhouse lobbying firm Williams & Jensen amended its 2017 disclosure filings to show that former chairman J. Steven Hart contacted EPA on behalf of the Coca-Cola Company, pork producer Smithfield Foods and a board overseeing the finances of hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico.

Pruitt has denied that Hart lobbied his agency in 2017, most recently during congressional testimony last month. The firm amended its required federal lobbying disclosures after an extensive review of Hart’s emails, calendar entries and other materials.

Hart was forced to retire early as a result of the scandal that erupted following public disclosure of the EPA chief’s unusual living arrangements. Pruitt has denied wrongdoing, describing Hart as a personal friend from his home state of Oklahoma.

In a statement, Williams & Jensen said Hart had failed to fully disclose his lobbying activities to his own firm, resulting in prior reports omitting information. Federal law requires lobbyists to file quarterly reports detailing their contacts with government officials, including the clients they were representing, what topics were discussed and how much they were paid.

“Following press reports of a former member of our firm engaging in lobbying activity that had not been disclosed, we engaged outside counsel to conduct a review of relevant filings,” the firm’s statement said. “Following the completion of that review and the advice of counsel, today the firm filed amendments to several disclosure reports that include information that was not previously disclosed to our firm and therefore not included in the original filings.”

Both Pruitt and Hart have publicly denied the lobbyist had conducted any business with EPA in 2017. At a May 16 hearing before a Senate appropriations subcommittee, the embattled EPA chief erroneously insisted that Hart had not lobbied the government last year.

“Steve Hart is someone that was not registered as a lobbyist in 2017,” Pruitt testified. “He’s a longtime associate and friend.”

Records showed that Hart was in fact a registered lobbyist in 2017, though at the time it had not yet been formally disclosed that he directly lobbied Pruitt’s agency. Federal law makes it a crime to “knowingly and willfully” give materially false statements to Congress.

EPA spokesman Jahan Wilcox did not respond to requests for comment Friday night about whether Pruitt still stood by his testimony.

A spokesman for Hart did not respond to phone or email Friday.

Pruitt’s connections to Hart have been under intense scrutiny since March, when media reports first revealed that the EPA chief had rented a luxury Capitol Hill condo from a corporation co-owned by Hart’s wife for just $50 a night. Pruitt’s daughter, then a White House summer intern, stayed in a second bedroom at the condo at no additional cost.

On Pruitt’s 2017 condo lease, a copy of which was reviewed by The Associated Press, Steven Hart’s name was originally typed in as “landlord” but was scratched out. The name of his wife, health care lobbyist Vicki Hart, was scribbled in.

The AP and other media outlets reported in April that Pruitt had met in his office last year with Hart on behalf of the philanthropic arm of Smithfield Foods to discuss efforts to preserve the Chesapeake Bay. The world’s largest pork producer, Smithfield has been involved with efforts to clean up the bay since EPA fined the company $12.6 million in 1997 for illegally dumping hog waste into a tributary.

The amended disclosure report filed Friday by Williams & Jensen acknowledges the meeting between Hart and Pruitt constituted lobbying, as did additional communications by the lobbyist with Pruitt’s staff to recommend potential candidates for a science advisory board and other positions appointed by the EPA administrator.

A spokeswoman for Smithfield did not respond to a request for comment Friday.

The new disclosure report says Hart also lobbied EPA in 2017 on behalf of the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico about water quality and infrastructure in the wake of Hurricane Maria. A spokesman for the oversight board did not immediately respond Friday to an email seeking comment.

The firm also disclosed for the first time that Hart had contact with EPA on behalf of Coca-Cola. According to the reports, Hart lobbied the agency about clean water supplies, water conservation and “environmental issues impacting the beverage industry, including hydrofluorocarbon replacement.”

Hydrofluorocarbons are potent greenhouse gases commonly used for refrigeration. Under the Obama administration, EPA had sought to phase out the use of hydrofluorocarbons because they contribute to global warming, but the effort was stymied after industries challenged the proposed ban in court.

In a statement issued Friday, Coca-Cola said the company has severed ties with Williams & Jensen.

“The Coca-Cola Company is committed to the highest level of integrity in all aspects of our business, and we expect our lobbying firms to uphold that same commitment,” the statement said.

Drain the swamp tho...

Giuliani: Trump Can ‘Probably’ Pardon Himself, Has No ‘Intention’ To Do So

Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani on Sunday argued that the President “probably” has the power to pardon himself, but said that Trump “has no intention” of doing so.

In an interview with Giuliani, ABC’s “This Week” host George Stephanopoulos asked about a 20-page letter sent in January from members of Trump’s legal team to Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The New York Times published the letter Saturday. In it, Trump lawyers John Dowd and Jay Sekulow argued that the President had broad executive authority to, among many other things, “terminate the inquiry, or even exercise his power to pardon if he so desired.”

“Do you and the President’s attorneys believe the President has the power to pardon himself?” Stephanopoulos asked Sunday.

“He’s not, but he probably does,” Giuliani said. “He has no intention of pardoning himself, but he probably does. It doesn’t say he can’t. There’s another really interesting constitutional argument: Can the President pardon himself?”

“You think it’s an open question?” Stephanopoulos asked.

“It would be an open question,” Giuliani said. “I think it would probably get answered by, gosh, that’s what the Constitution says, and if you want to change it, change it, but yeah.”

“I think the political ramifications of that would be tough,” Giuliani added later. “Pardoning other people is one thing. Pardoning yourself is another. Other presidents have pardoned people in circumstances like this, both in their administration and sometimes the next president even of a different party will come along and pardon.”

Separately, Stephanopoulos brought up the letter’s admission that Trump dictated Donald Trump Jr.’s statement to the Times in July of last year regarding the campaign-era meeting in Trump Tower with Russians offering dirt on Hillary Clinton. The Trump camp has repeatedly denied that Trump was behind his son’s initial, misleading statement.

“It’s not a very complicated thing,” Stephanopoulos said of the false claims that the President wasn’t involved in Trump Jr.’s initial statement regarding the meeting. “The President was there, he was dealing with the letter. At first it was all denied, and now you’re saying he dictated it.”

“I don’t know, and Jay [Sekulow] would have to answer that,” Giulinai said. “But I’ve talked to him about it. I think Jay was wrong.”

“This is the reason you don’t let this President testify,” he added. “Our recollection keeps changing, or we’re not even asked a question and somebody makes an assumption.”
Well yea. Trump is literally committing an economic war against the poor and middle class, with the Republicans subsidizing it with the last of their integrity and self respect.

these stupid ass conservatives wont know what hit them till the last plank on the floor gives way.

And even then...they'll blame Pres. Obama
Lol if Dennison insists he did nothing wrong, why is he speaming about having the right to pardon himself
pay attention man...we are at the point where they (his own legal counsel) are literally telling you that he fucked up, but u cant take any punitive action against him cuz he s the president....

at this juncture, ,his culpability is not in question, its the what are u gonna do about it that they are now litigating in the public....