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I watched most of this press confernce cause im amused at the bullshit but today i swear at one point bitch was about to cry, they was on her ass today lol


Conway Hints That Kelly Sadler Could Get Another Administration Job

In a Wednesday interview on CNN, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway said that there are “other administration jobs open” to Kelly Sadler, the recently ousted White House staffer who mocked “dying” Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) in May.

“Kelly Sadler has been told there are administration jobs that fit with her skill set and her experience and that the rest is really her choice what she would like to do next,” Conway said.

Conway declined to say why Sadler left her job in the White House, which was first reported on Tuesday.

Sadler made headlines when her comments about McCain’s opposition to then-CIA director nominee Gina Haspel’s confirmation during an internal meeting leaked. Sadler reportedly said that McCain’s stance “doesn’t matter” since he’s “dying anyway.” The White House never denied or disavowed her comments.

Soon after, another inflammatory story came out that Sadler accused her boss, to her face, of being a leaker in front of President Donald Trump in the Oval Office.


Trump, ‘Obsessed’ With Pardons, May Issue A Dozen In Next Two Months

President Donald Trump has become increasingly “obsessed” with issuing pardons the Washington Post reported Tuesday night.

The President has asked staffers to produce a list of potential candidates and might issue more than a dozen in the next two months, per the Washington Post.

One person on that list: Alice Marie Johnson, the 63-year-old grandmother who is serving a life sentence in prison for a non-violent drug offense. Kim Kardashian visited the White House last week to talk with Trump about a potential pardon for Johnson, which could happen as early as Tuesday, according to the Post.

For Trump, Kardashian’s support of Johnson is key given Trump’s penchant for considering the pardoning of celebrities like Martha Stewart and former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, also a former TV personality. Trump even suggested he could pardon himself earlier this week.

According to a White House official who spoke with the Post, Trump is “obsessed” with pardons, which this person characterized as Trump’s “favorite thing” to discuss with aides. But not all of the West Wing is on board with Trump’s new pardoning proclivity. Chief of Staff John Kelly and a top White House lawyer are reportedly pushing back against Trump’s interest in pardoning Johnson, the Post reported.

Kelly has reportedly researched Johnson’s conviction and doesn’t think she deserves the President’s interference, while White House counsel Don McGahn characterized the pardon as “unnecessary,” in the Post’s words.

Trump Mulling Inviting Kim Jong Un To Mar-a-Lago After Summit If They Get Along

While President Donald Trump has made it clear that he will leave the summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un early if negotiations don’t go well, he also has a friendlier backup plan if the two leaders get along: A fall invite to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, Bloomberg News reported.

But the tropical getaway would only be an option if the summit is successful— an outcome that falls into Kim’s lap, Trump’s advisers have told him. White House officials are aiming to settle on a timeframe for Kim to relinquish his nuclear arsenal. North Korea is reportedly interested in creating a step-by-step plan for denuclearization and Trump reportedly said he would be flexible, though he’s been advised not to compromise.

If the meeting goes well, the summit may include other events and would likely last an extra day, according to Bloomberg.

Trump plans to travel to Singapore with his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Chief of Staff John Kelly and National Security Adviser John Bolton. Pompeo has reportedly been prepping Trump for the summit in eight to 10 hours of meetings each week for the past several weeks.
Lol Dennison is destroying relationships we have with other countries. Canada hates us now, Germany, England and France are bewildered by this adminstration. We truly gonna be by ourselves by the time Trump is done
i just hope they only looking at trump.....not us as a whole.

nigga told canada they burned down the white house.


like even if they did...shit was in 1812