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Giuliani Takes Another Shot at Stormy Daniels Lawyer Avenatti, Calls Him a ‘Pimp’

President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani will not be accepting an invitation from Stormy Daniels‘ lawyer Michael Avenatti for a head-to-head debate.

“It would be very helpful for the public to witness a discussion between Mr. Giuliani and me concerning the facts of the case, etc.,” the always on television Avenatti tweeted out earlier this week. “I am willing to participate on any network provided both sides are provided a fair shake. I am also willing to do it on 12-hrs notice.”

Giuliani, who has been on a media blitz of his own recently, though, has no interest in debating the man he says is out there “pimping for money” even if it did mean more airtime.

“I don’t get involved with pimps,” Giuliani told Business Insider on Friday. “The media loves to give him room because he makes these roundabout charges and they turn out to mean nothing. I think he’s going to get himself in serious trouble.”

Giuliani’s advice for Avenatti to avoid trouble is a bit ironic because in the same interview with Business Insider, the former New York City mayor, who has been littering the news with his bombshells of late, also made yet another disclosure about his POTUS client, noting that Trump may have been aware of the abuse allegations against New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman years ago because of his case against Trump University.

Trump may have known “because he was involved with that dispute over his school with Schneiderman that they realized was trumped up and that they were offended he was playing holier than thou when he turns out to be a pretty serious pervert,” the outspoken Trump lawyer said.

“It’s amazing how Democrats turn out to be perverts,” Giuliani then quipped, despite the number of sexual misconduct allegations against his own client, Trump.


Black lawmakers unveil massive legislative package aimed at public schools, infrastructure

WASHINGTON — Black members of Congress unveiled a 1,300-page bill Thursday that would increase spending for public schools, invest more federal funds in infrastructure projects and restore a key provision of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus, a group of mostly Democrats,concede the legislation stands little chance of passing in the Republican-controlled Congress, but said they wanted to lay out a blue print of their priorities for now and if Democrats win the majority in November.

“A lot of folks talk the talk when it comes to African-American communities, but few walk the walk,’’ said Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus. “This bill will give them the chance to walk that walk.’’

The “Jobs and Justice Act of 2018’’ would among other things raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour and target more funding to areas with high rates of poverty. It would also focus on criminal justice reforms, including setting up a commission to examine the impact of solitary confinement, eliminate the federal death penalty and push to end racial profiling.

The package is a compilation of bills from the 48-member caucus. Richmond said many of the measures are free-standing bills proposed members who are the top Democrats on key congressional committees.

“We will continue to put things in places where we can when we need to,” he said.

Black lawmakers have complained the Trump administration hasn’t done enough to address issues particularly impacting African American communities.

Early last year, the caucus met with President Trump at the White House and presented him with a 130-page policy report about the history of African Americans and the caucus. They said they were surprised how little Trump knew about issues faced by African Americans. They haven't met with him since.

The administration, however, invited the caucus back for another meeting and has defended its efforts to help African American communities, including proposing more funding for historically black colleges and universities.

Caucus members said Thursday's legislation was aimed at sending a message to Trump.

“Mr. President, we mean business,’’ said Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, and a former chairwoman of the caucus.

Marc Morial, president of the National Urban League, said his civil rights organization and others will use support of the legislation as a litmus test in the mid-term elections.

“We know that many will say that this bill will not see the light of day, but I can guarantee you that the Urban League … will call the question to each and every one who struts into our community, dances into our community, walks into our community asking for our vote, where do you stand on the Jobs and Justice bill?’’ Morial said. “I want your name on the dotted line if you want me to pull the lever for you.’’


EPA Reportedly Hid Pruitt Dinner with Cardinal Accused of Sexual Abuse from His Public Schedule

Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt had dinner in Rome last year with an anti-climate change denying Cardinal facing sexual abuse allegations. The EPA then made an effort to make sure news of the dinner did not get out, according to The New York Times.

Australia’s Cardinal George Pell, who was charged with sex abuse less than one month after the dinner, was intentionally left off the EPA’s official report of the meeting according to Kevin Chmielewski, Pruitt’s former deputy chief of staff for operations, who told the New York Times the decision to not mention the cardinal was a “no-brainer.”

Chmielewski also said the reasoning was simple: it would make Pruitt look bad.

The Rome dinner may have remained buried and the EPA’s cover-up successful if it were not for the The New York Times recently uncovering an email trail proving the dinner between Pruitt and Pell happened last June.

Yet, even with email evidence in hand, the EPA remained undeterred and is again denied anything was amiss with the Rome dinner.

On Friday, the EPA claimed Pruitt had nothing to do Pell even if they were in the same room for a dinner planned in advance, with Jahan Wilcox, an EPA spox, issuing a statement noting it was “not a private one-on-one dinner” and claiming Pruitt did not know of the charges against Pell.

Yet that assertation is not supported by the email evidence, which shows Pruitt’s scheduler was indeed trying to arrange a meeting between Pruitt and Pell and even noted the Cardinal’s birthday.

Pruitt’s chief of staff, Ryan Jackson, has also denied to the Times that any conversation about keeping Pell off the schedule, or any cover-up, ever took place and insists it is all a bunch of nothing.

“The only ever conversation that happened was, ‘Hey, these schedules change so quickly that we need to be really diligent about keeping the records of what actually happened,’” he said, stressing documents change all the time.

Steve Milloy, a member of the Trump transition team and advisor to Pruitt, defended the EPA and charged the whole thing was “nothing but irrational Pruitt-hating by NYTimes reporter” Eric Lipton.

Lipton responded by pointing out Milloy must have been being briefed by the EPA at the time and unfortunately, “this is all wrong.”

Smh.. Scott Pruitt is gigantic piece of shit.. With that said he’s a perfect representative for Trump’s Fascist Administration...

Mulvaney: WH Aide Remark About McCain Dying Was ‘Awful’ But Just ‘Joke’

White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said Saturday that a communication staffer’s comment about Sen. John McCain dying was “awful” but not a fireable offense.

Kelly Sadler’s crack that McCain’s opposition to CIA director nominee Gina Haspel didn’t matter because “he’s dying anyway” was just a “joke” told at a private meeting, Mulvaney said in an appearance on Fox News.

“This was a private meeting inside the White House. It was a joke. It was a badly considered joke that she said fell flat,” Mulvaney told Fox.

Sadler, a special assistant, reportedly mocked McCain’s brain cancer diagnosis at an internal meeting one day after the Arizona senator publicly came out against Haspel for her role in the CIA’s torture program.

McCain’s daughter, Meghan McCain, said she didn’t understand how Sadler did not lose her job over the comment.

The White House is standing behind Sadler and has mostly expressed concern that the public learned about the remark, as Mulvaney did during his Fox appearance.

“I’m really disappointed that someone would undermine the President by leaking that out of a private meeting,” Mulvaney said, adding that the leak “was designed to hurt” Sadler.

The press team has been scrambling to handle the fallout. Press Secretary Sarah Sanders declined to “validate a leak” by responding to a question about it during Friday’s press briefing, but later exploded at communications staff in a meeting, according to a report in Axios.

“I am sure this conversation is going to leak, too,” Sanders said, as a source who was present in the room promptly told Axios. “And that’s just disgusting.”

White House strategic communications director Mercedes Schlapp reportedly said: “You can put this on the record…I stand with Kelly Sadler.”

Sarah Sanders Gave ‘Emotional’ Speech Lambasting WH Staff For Leaking McCain Comments…And It Leaked

“It is actually unheard of for a White House.”

That’s how Axios’ Jonathan Swan described the leaks coming out of the White House on MSNBC Saturday. His latest report, based on five sources, details a meeting Sarah Huckabee Sanders had with the White House communications team, in which she decried leakers. The contents of that meeting, of course, leaked to Swan.

The White House is currently struggling to deal with the fallout from comments made by staffer Kelly Sadler in a private meeting, in which she dissmissed Sen. John McCain‘s opposition to CIA Director nominee Gina Haspel by quipping “he’s dying anyway.”

That comment leaked earlier this week, and after Sanders held a meeting with her comms staff to lambaste the leak of those private comments, that meeting leaked as well.

According to Swan’s reporting, a “visibly upset and furious” Sanders told the group of some 20 staffers: “I am sure this conversation is going to leak, too. And that’s just disgusting.”

Sources from the meeting told Swan that White House strategic communications director Mercedes Schlapp voiced support for Sadler, who has faced calls for her resignation over the comments.

“You can put this on the record… I stand with Kelly Sadler,” Schlapp said, which a source told Swan was intended to support staffers that are the victims of leaks.

Sanders, who reportedly said Sadler’s comments were innapropriate, focused her ire on leaks from private White House meetings.

Swan said on MSNBC that the White House press team is “in complete disarray.”



Rep. Responds to Maxine Water’s Calling His ‘You People’ Comment Racist: ‘She Knows Exactly What I Was Talking About’

Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) on Saturday defended part of his impassioned comments on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives against critics who called it racist.

During an interview with Fox News host Neil Cavuto, Kelly, who delivered a speech in which he talked about his heated exchange with Rep. Maxine Waters(D-CA), said he didn’t intend anything racist when he addressed Waters, who is black, as “one of you people.”

“Not one of you people have ever been on the floor and tried, not this floor, I’m talking about the automobile floor, you know an awful lot about laptops, but know nothing about blacktop. You get on that floor, you get on the lot and you work with people to make sure they can have affordable transportation,” Kelly said, addressing Waters on the opposite side of the House chamber.

“I know what you meant and I think people knew what you said, but when you said ‘one of you people,’ it was seized on as a racist comment. You say what?” Cavuto asked Kelly on Saturday.

“This is what I say, we’re in a country right now where we prey on any type of statement to try to make it more divisive. She knows exactly what I was talking about. I was talking about the number of people on the other side of the house that day that came up in line to constantly criticize the automobile people. Kelly responded.

“Not one of those people, by the way, have any background in our business. I do. This is an industry that I have worked in so long, and love so well. And I understand what that meant, what that industry has been able to do to lift the lives of every single American. It’s who we are as a people. To have to sit there and listen to that, know at the end of the day all this is about is about dividing the American people, not bringing us together,” Kelly added.


those clowns will still vote for Trump even after he cost them their jobs......similar layoffs are expected at Boeing because the 80 Boeing planes (valued at 20 billion) that Iran ordered is not going to happen now that Trump pulled out of the Iran deal
those clowns will still vote for Trump even after he cost them their jobs......similar layoffs are expected at Boeing because the 80 Boeing planes (valued at 20 billion) that Iran ordered is not going to happen now that Trump pulled out of the Iran deal

Wonder how big of hit the Boeing plant at my hometown in North Charleston will take?