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at one point early on in this whole situation Avenatti came of like a clown to me.. but he straightened up an is thorough as fuck he is delivering

at one point early on in this whole situation Avenatti came of like a clown to me.. but he straightened up an is thorough as fuck he is delivering

I guess he's smart for putting it out there so if someone kills his talking ass, the ppl will know facts... nothing alternative or someone's particular truth.

at one point early on in this whole situation Avenatti came of like a clown to me.. but he straightened up an is thorough as fuck he is delivering

Thats cool and all but how is Avenatti getting access to these documents. Cohen's office was raided by the FBI and now all of a sudden Avenatti has access to Cohen's personal bank and other confidential documents.......please believe Trump's defense team will bring this up and try to get that evidence thrown out while trying to discredit Mueller / FBI. I want this done the right way so that 45 and his team of winners can not get off on a technicality. If Avenatti acquired the information legally then he is really playing chess outchea.

Avenatti Fires Back at Tucker Carlson And His ‘Mop Hair’: ‘What Are You, 6 Yrs Old?’

Michael Avenatti fired back at Tucker Carlson on Friday morning, after the Fox News host mocked Stormy Daniels’ attorney as a “creepy porn lawyer” whose “eyes are too close together.”

In a segment blasting the media for devoting airtime to the porn star’s lawyer and his case against President Donald Trump, Carlson declared:

“Watch as this MSNBC panel, which is as close to a Democratic Party focus group you’ll find, gushes over the porn lawyer whose eyes are too close together, you know the one always on television,” Carlson said. He then claimed the “creepy porn lawyer” does not “appeal to middle America”

Avenatti responded on Twitter Friday morning, deriding Carlson as a “surrogate” who had to “resort to name calling.”

“What are you, 6 yrs old?” Avenatti asked. “And you expect to be taken seriously as a journalist? When you have that mop hair?”


Novartis Paid Cohen Firm Nearly Four Times More Than Actual Lobbyists

The Swiss pharmaceutical company that paid President Trump’s personal lawyer $1.2 million in 2017 for access to the President, paid Michael Cohen nearly four times more than any of the actual lobbyists it employs to garner influence in Washington.

According to a Stat News review of Novartis’ 2017 and 2018 filing the Swiss drug company has spent $11.92 million on formal federal lobbying since Trump came into office, but none of the contracts with nearly four dozen lobbying firms were as expensive as the one it brokered with Cohen’s shell company Essential Consultants LLC.

Novartis did pay one single firm $80,000 in one quarter since Trump’s inauguration, a payment that doesn’t hold a candle to the $100,000 a month Cohen required. The contract in closest competition with the Cohen deal was with PricewaterhouseCoopers, which Novartis paid $950,000 in 2017, according to Stat News.

Stat News noted Novartis does not have to disclose how much it pays its eight in-house lobbyists.

A Trump judicial nominee apologizes for controversial articles mocking multiculturalism

President Trump’s nominee for a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit apologized during his confirmation hearing Wednesday. At issue: a slate of articles disparaging multiculturalism that he wrote more than 20 years ago as a Stanford University student.

Ryan W. Bounds, a conservative federal prosecutor in Oregon, faced intense grilling from Democrats during his appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Bounds’s controversial commentaries, written in the Stanford Review in the 1990s, criticized race-focused groups and questioned the value of cultural sensitivity training.

Bounds told senators his rhetoric had been “overheated” back then and offered apologies for the tone of some of his writings.

“I share the concerns of many that the rhetoric I used in debating campus politics back in the early ’90s on Stanford’s campus was often overheated, overbroad,” he said, adding that his views were “not as respectful” as they should have been “about how to best pursue diversity and ensure a multicultural respect on campus.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) led Senate Republicans in pushing forward with the hearing, despite staunch opposition from both of Oregon’s senators, Ron Wyden and Jeffrey E. Merkley. In a rare move, the hearing proceeded despite both Oregon senators’ refusing to turn in “blue slips”: the pieces of paper used to signal approval of a nominee. When the slips aren’t submitted, it has often been treated as veto power of a nominee.

But not this time.

“Today, we’re making history — really bad history, for this institution and for the country and our Constitution,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat on the committee.

In one of his Stanford articles, Bounds described a phenomenon he called “race-think,” in which “multiculturalistas” and ethnic minorities bonded together to form groups of “racial purity” that he claimed ended up creating more division.

“During my years in our Multicultural Garden of Eden,” he wrote, “I have often marveled at the odd strategies that some of the more strident racial factions of the student body employ in their attempts to ‘heighten consciousness,’ ‘build tolerance,’ ‘promote diversity’ and otherwise convince us to partake of that fruit which promises to open our eyes to a PC version of the knowledge of good and evil. I am mystified because these tactics seem always to contribute more to restricting consciousness, aggravating intolerance and pigeonholing cultural identities than many a Nazi bookburning.”

In another article, he urged the university not to lower the burden of proof in finding accused rapists in violation of university policy, writing that “there is nothing really inherently wrong with the University failing to punish an alleged rapist — regardless of his guilt — in the absence of adequate certainty,” and adding, “expelling students is probably not going to contribute a great deal toward a rape victim’s recovery.”

Bounds told senators Wednesday his point was that the only way to stop rapists was to convict them in criminal court and put them behind bars, something the university couldn’t do.

Maxine Waters Clashes With GOP Rep in Stunning House Floor Fight: ‘Don’t You Dare Talk to Me Like That’

Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) held nothing back earlier this week when she and a fellow representative had a fight over racial and gender discrimination on the House floor.

The squabble happened during a House Financial Services committee meeting where Republican congressmen successfully overturned a piece of Obama-era legislation prohibiting automobile dealers from engaging in discriminatory practices. At one point in the meeting, pro-Trump Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) chastised Waters by saying this:

We’re trying to make America great every day and every way and the best way to do that is to stop talking about discrimination and start talking about the nation. We’re coming together as a people in spite of what you say.”

Waters didn’t appreciate the remark, and when it seemed like she was about to address chairman Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA), she said, “Mr. Kelly, please don’t leave, because I want you to know that I am more offended as an African-American woman than you will ever be.”

When asked to yield her time, Waters responded “No, I will not yield. Don’t tell me we don’t understand, that’s the attitude given toward women time and time again.”

She added, “Don’t you dare talk to me like that and think that somehow women don’t understand what goes on on the floors of automobile dealers.”

McClintock eventually tried to regain control of the floor – though Waters admonished the chair for interrupting her, despite the fact Kelly was allowed to make his comments unimpeded.

“I don’t appreciate that you did not interrupt [Kelly] when he was making those outrageous remarks about him knowing more about discrimination than I know about discrimination.”

Extension huh? wouldnt be surprised if he looses in 2020. But refuses to leave office. smh
thats what the entire voter fraud thing was about in the early days of his presidency...a nigga wins and still claims fraud is all a set up for when he loses for him to claim fraud again