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Its funny because at a point very early one Avenatti was lookin clownish but now.. he as infinite ammo tomorrow is going to be something else lol

One Year Into Russia Probe, Trump Gripes He Needs Better ‘TV Lawyers’

As President Donald Trump approaches the one-year anniversary of the launch of the special counsel investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, he’s grown increasingly impatient in recent weeks, The Washington Post reported.

The President regularly complains to aides that he needs better “TV lawyers” to properly defend him in the press and is growing increasingly weary of the probe, which he continues to call a “witch hunt.”

Many Trump aides told the Post that they are confident Trump will be exonerated from any wrongdoing, but are privately concerned that special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation will take out staples of Trump’s inner circle, specifically family members — Donald Trump Jr., his eldest son, and Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and senior adviser.

The President’s frustration with the FBI’s raid of his personal attorney’s house, hotel and office in recent weeks has not died down, according to aides who spoke with the Post. Trump reportedly vents about the raids “20 times a day,” one source said.

While the raid of Michael Cohen’s work and residences was directed by the Southern District of New York Attorney’s Office, it came after deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein decided to share information that he had received from Mueller about Cohen with that agency.

Read the Post’s full report on Trump’s thinking ahead of the one-year anniversary of the Russia probe here.

Sessions Aide Explored Ways To Spy On ‘Disloyal’ Coworkers To Prevent Leaks

Former NSC officer, and current aide to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Ezra Cohen-Watnick has explored ways of surveilling staffers’ interactions with reporters to cut down on leaks, according to a Sunday Daily Beast report.

The targets would reportedly be those perceived to lack loyalty to President Donald Trump, especially Obama-era holdovers.

It is unclear if any system was put into place as a result of Cohen-Watnick’s ideas.

Cohen-Watnick, promoted by former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, reportedly shares his old boss’ paranoia and desired to implement “insider threat detection” to root out damaging leaks that lead to unflattering stories about Trump.

Cohen Pitched Himself As ‘The President’s Lawyer’ To Uber

The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that Michael Cohen advertised himself as “the President’s lawyer” to potential corporate clients, seemingly in an attempt to sell influence — or at least, the appearance of influence — with the White House.

“I have the best relationship with the President on the outside, and you need to hire me,” Cohen told one unnamed client, an unnamed person familiar with the approach told the Journal.

And after a declined overture to Uber, according to an unnamed person “close to the company,” Cohen revised his pitch: He was “the President’s lawyer,” he reminded them. The Journal’s source said Uber was “bemused.”

The report sheds some more light on Cohen’s attempts at winning over corporate dollars with his proximity to power following the election.

Various companies, from drugmaker Novartis to AT&T to Korea Aerospace Industries, have admitted to hiring Cohen for large sums. And many have said it was a mistake, after news of their arrangements with the President’s fixer became public.

An unnamed source at Novartis told Stat News last week that Cohen, who has no experience in health care policy, promised the company “access to not just Trump, but also the circle around him. It was almost as if we were hiring him as a lobbyist.”

And, as in the Journal’s report, an unnamed source familiar with Cohen’s pitch to companies told CNN last week that he told potential clients to “fire them all,” referring to a company’s current advisers.

“I’m the guy you should hire. I’m closest to the President. I’m his personal lawyer,” the source, an unnamed GOP strategist, told CNN.

The payments were first made public by adult film star Stormy Daniels’ attorney, Michael Avenatti. Daniels is suing Cohen separately over a $130,000 hush money payment Cohen made to her in October 2016. The corporate payments to Cohen, according to an unsourced document released by Avenatti, were made to the same account Cohen used to pay Daniels.

Investigators raided Cohen’s home, office and hotel room in April as part of a months-long criminal probe which encompassed, in part, the payment to Daniels.

Several companies that had business relationships with Cohen, including the American affiliate of a Russian investment firm, have been questioned by Mueller’s team according to various reports or their own admissions.

Jared Kushner Speaks at Embassy Opening: The ‘Journey to Peace’ Begins With America ‘Recognizing the Truth’

Jared Kushner, presidential advisor and son-in-law to President Donald Trump, delivered remarks Monday morning at the opening of the new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem — saying the “journey to peace” begins with a “strong America” that “recognizes the truth.”

In an approximately 10-minute long address, Kushner also spoke about the recently announced U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal.

“Last week President Trump acknowledged another truth and kept another promise. He announced his intention to exit the dangerous, flawed and one-sided Iran deal,” Kushner said to a standing ovation. “Iran’s aggression threatens many peace-loving citizens throughout the region and the entire world from Israel to Jordan to Egypt to Saudi Arabia and beyond, many leaders are fighting to modernize their countries and create better lives for their people,” he added.

“When there is peace in this region, we will look back upon this day and remember that the journey to peace started with a strong America, recognizing the truth. The pursuit of peace is the noblest pursuit of humankind. I believe peace is within reach if we dare to believe that the future can be different from the past, that we are not condemned to relive history, and that the way things were is not how they must forever be,” Kushner continued.

Kushner, who is Jewish, noted the unique history of Jerusalem to three of the world’s major religions: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Kushner, whose grandparents survived Nazi persecution during World War II, is on the team that Trump has appointed to pursue a Middle East peace deal between the Jews and Palestinians.

By moving the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the U.S. officially acknowledged Jerusalem as the official capital of Israel.


Dozens of Palestinians Killed in Violent Clashes Along Gaza Strip

Palestinian officials are reporting that 37 Palestinians are dead following violent clashes along the Gaza strip Monday.

According to multiple reports, more than 1,000 Palestinians have been wounded in the protest.

The New York Times reports that a large group of Palestinians tried to cross the border dividing Israel and Gaza. Israel soldiers used rifles and tear gas in response.

The violence comes amid the opening of the new United States Embassy in Jerusalem — a move which many Palestinians believe amounts to the U.S. essentially siding with Israel.


Matt Schlapp Calls WH Aide Who Made ‘Dying’ Comment A ‘Bit Of A Victim’

The White House aide who reportedly mocked Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) for “dying” during an internal meeting last week is “a little bit of a victim here” because her comments were leaked to the press, according to the chairman of the American Conservative Union.

“Kelly is my friend and I feel bad she is going through this,” Matt Schlapp told CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Monday morning, referencing White House special assistant Kelly Sadler, who reportedly made the comment. “She showed character to immediately call to apologize, but she’s also a little bit of a victim here. I don’t blame anyone like you, Chris, for running with leaks out of the White House, it’s your job. … The problem is none of us were in that room. The people who leaked what she said are clearly people who have an animus against her and that’s the problem in this White House.”

Schlapp — whose wife Mercedes Schlapp works in the White House and told Axios this weekend that she supports Sadler — also defended Sadler over the remarks about McCain, claiming her comment may not have been a morbid joke, but rather a factual observation about how McCain, or a “replacement” senator, might vote on the nomination of Gina Haspel to run the CIA.

“It is a perfectly logical thing to say, ‘Hey, will there be a McCain replacement? Will there be a McCain? Will he not be able to come to Washington?’ She could have meant it very matter of factually, she could’ve meant it in a different way,” he said, before noting that the White House made a mistake when it commented on the leak. “You will never be able to appropriately run your agenda and you shouldn’t comment on it.”

Schlapp’s remarks come as the White House faces criticism for not punishing Sadler or condemning her reported remarks about McCain. During a meeting discussing Haspel’s nomination last week, Sadler reportedly said that McCain’s opposition to the nomination didn’t matter because he’s “dying anyway.” White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said over the weekend that Sadler’s comments were “awful,” but not necessarily a fireable offense.

McCain has been battling brain cancer since last fall and is currently home in Arizona recovering from treatments.

We're gonna hear about a weird car accident or some type of slip and fall with him involved... I feel bad about that

That Qatari banker is involved in a lawsuit with Ice Cube because their group pulled out of fully financing Cube's Big 3 league. .....Cube also sued Steve Bannon due to bribery.....this whole thing is getting more bizarre by the day
That Qatari banker is involved in a lawsuit with Ice Cube because their group pulled out of fully financing Cube's Big 3 league. .....Cube also sued Steve Bannon due to bribery.....this whole thing is getting more bizarre by the day
Steve Bannon bribed who and for what? Craziness...
Steve Bannon bribed who and for what? Craziness...

Ice Cube embroiled in Steve Bannon bribery lawsuit


Ice Cube has accused President Trump's former strategist Steve Bannon of involvement in a bribery plot led by Qatari businessmen.

According to the Daily Mail, the rapper has filed a lawsuit claiming that Bannon, who led Trump's presidential campaign and was a high level adviser to the president until last August (17), was the target of bribes.

The musician and his manager Jeff Kwatinetz allege that a Qatari investor in their BIG3 basketball league tried to contact Bannon when he was Trump's chief strategist.

Kwatinetz claims he and Bannon are "friends" and had worked together in the past in TV production in the legal documents.

The suit alleges that businessman Ahmed al Rumaihi, bragged about bribing several U.S. politicians, including Bannon and Trump's disgraced former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Cube, real name O'Shea Jackson, and his manager filed a lawsuit gainst multiple Qatari investors last month (Apr18), accusing them of only investing $7.5 million (£5.5 million) in their league after agreeing to spend $20.5 million (£15.1 million) and seeking political influence.

Ice Cube's manager stated in the complaint, "Mr. Al-Rumaihi requested I set up a meeting between him, the Qatari government, and Steven Bannon, and to tell Steve Bannon that Qatar would underwrite all of his political efforts in return for his support."

They claim the Qatari investors agreed to pay $11.5 million (£8.5 million) up front to sponsor the BIG3, which features retired National Basketball Association (NBA) stars, last July - plus an additional $9 million (£6.1 million) over the next three years. The Qataris reportedly only paid $6.5 million (£4.8 million) up front, and a further $1 million (£740,000) in December.

Texts submitted as part of the complaint allege Kwatinetz texted al Rumaihi in February telling him he was "disappointed" the funding had not materialised. The Qatari allegedly texted back saying he had "literally just woke up" as his "sinuses are so bad".

WH Implies Staffer Who Mocked ‘Dying’ McCain Was Betrayed By Colleagues

White House spokesman Raj Shah on Monday refused to condemn or further explain White House staffer Kelly Sadler’s closed-door remark last week that mocked Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) as “dying.”

But in any work environment, Shah said at one point during a press briefing Monday, “if you aren’t able in internal meetings to speak your mind, or convey thoughts or say anything that you feel without feeling like your colleagues will betray you, that creates a very difficult work environment.”

The reported comment — McCain’s opposition to CIA director nominee Gina Haspel didn’t matter, Sadler told other communications staffers during a meeting, because “he’s dying anyway” — has caused an uproar. McCain’s daughter, Meghan McCain, said Sunday that Sadler promised her in a phone call that she would apologize publicly. That hasn’t happened.

“I understand the focus on this issue but it’s going to be dealt with, and has been dealt with, internally,” Shah said separately Monday. “I was told Kelly Sadler called the McCain family late last week and did apologize, and beyond that I don’t have further comment.”

A reporter pressed on why the White House seems more concerned that the comment was leaked than the comment itself.

“Well, I think we’re concerned about all sorts of matters, but this is an internal matter, it’s being addressed internally,” Shah said.

“Can you explain how it’s being addressed internally?” another reporter asked.

“Obviously, if I explain all that, then it won’t remain internal,” Shah replied.

Blankenship Is Still Trolling McConnell With Ads: Cocaine Is ‘Not Funny, Mitch’


Despite finishing last place in the West Virginia Republican primaries last week, Don Blankenship is still releasing advertisements attacking Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who funneled thousands of dollars into that race to oppose him.

In a new 60-second spot shared on Blankenship’s Facebook page over the weekend, the failed Senate candidate attacked McConnell for making light of Blankenship’s “cocaine Mitch” moniker for the majority leader.

“Cocaine Mitch’s family shipping business was caught with cocaine onboard one of their ships,” the narrator of the advertisement says, while the screen displays a photo of McConnell’s face on a boat surrounded by cocaine. “That’s not funny to families who have lost loved ones to cocaine overdose deaths, it’s only funny to those making money by shipping and selling cocaine.”

The advertisement implies that McConnell started the cocaine spectacle when his campaign tweeted out a picture of McConnell photoshopped onto a Netflix advertisement for “Narcos,” a show about cocaine drug lord Pablo Escobar. The meme features McConnell’s face superimposed over Escobar’s body, surrounded by white power that’s meant to depict cocaine.

However, Blankenship was first to make drug jokes to assail McConnell, releasing a different ad on Facebook earlier this month about how he planned to “ditch” “cocaine Mitch” if he were elected to the Senate. Blankenship later clarified that he was referencing reports that drugs were discovered on a shipping vessel owned by the family of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, McConnell’s wife.

McConnell was a vocal opponent of Blankenship’s senate bid, claiming the ex-coal baron was too controversial of a candidate to win the general election against Democratic incumbent Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV).


America First tho...



Trump Indonesia project is latest stop on China’s Belt and Road

A billion-dollar Indonesian property development with ties to Donald Trump has become the latest project in China’s globe-spanning Belt and Road infrastructure project – just as Washington and Beijing are tussling over trade.

A subsidiary of Chinese state-owned construction firm Metallurgical Corporation of China (MCC) signed a deal with Indonesia’s MNC Land to build a theme park outside Jakarta as part of the ambitious project, the company said on Thursday.

The deal is the latest to raise questions about the extent of Trump’s financial exposure to Beijing.

The park – expected to be backed with up to US$500 million in Chinese government loans – is part of an “integrated lifestyle resort”, known as MNC Lido City.

The project includes Trump-branded hotels, residences and a golf course, as well as other hotel, shopping and residential developments.

Referring to its subsidiary, MCC described the theme park as “the first culture and tourism industry project by the Central Research Institute of Building and Construction” and was “in response to” China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

It is also the first project to link the US president’s business interests to China’s signature infrastructure initiative, which aims to connect the world’s second-largest economy with Africa, Asia and Europe through a vast network of ports, railways, roads and industrial estates.

Ann Coulter, Reacting to Gaza Violence, Suggests US Shoot Border Crossers

US and Israeli officials celebrated the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem on Monday, marking its move from Tel Aviv in a symbolic effort to recognize the city as the capital of Israel.

Meanwhile, just a few miles away along the Gaza border, Israeli security forces fired upon Palestinians protesting the decision, killing at least 55 and wounding thousands more.

As troubling reports started to emerge demonstrating the stark contrast between US officials celebrating the opening of a new embassy and the violence erupting nearby that left dozens of Palestinians dead, in waltzed Ann Coulter, erstwhile conservative commentator, now full-time Twitter troll, to add a dose of sensibility to the discourse.

Responding to a New York Times headline reporting, “Israel responded with rifle fire to a mass attempt by Palestinians to cross a border fence, killing at least 28, Palestinian officials said,” Coulter tweeted the following: “Can we do that?”
