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WH Officials Reportedly Wondering if Rudy Giuliani Will Soon Go Down in Flames Like Anthony Scaramucci

White House officials are reportedly wondering if Rudy Giuliani is just a flash in the pan like fellow New Yorker and Trump pal Anthony Scaramucci.

Scaramucci was hired to be White House Communication Director and spectacularly fizzled out in just 11 days.

Now, Rudy Giuliani seems to be barreling down a similar, manic path making some to wonder if he might be the next to go.

According to Axios Jonathan Swan, “A White House official told me there were ‘a couple of Mooch references’ in the West Wing last week, as Giuliani’s performance recalled Anthony Scaramucci’s frenzied 11-day stint last summer as White House communications director.”

Swan also added this bit of insight: “Giuliani’s been so sloppy that he’s had to revise his statements multiple times. From a PR standpoint, it’s been a mess.”

Swan’s report comes on the same day as Giuliani’s latest stop on his seemingly endless media tour, a Sunday appearance on This Week that left some questioning his sanity and his ability as a lawyer.

There was also speculation in the pool report that Trump and Giuliani met on Sunday after Giuliani’s latest interview although the subject of the meeting was not known.

Rudy Giuliani Thinks His Media Blitz is Going Great: ‘Everybody’s Reacting to Us Now’

President Donald Trump‘s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani has been on a media blitz this week that has left some questioning his legal expertise and his sanity.

Giuliani, though, seems to have a much different take.

He thinks he’s doing great.

Speaking to the Washington Post on Sunday, Giuliani seemed confident that things had worked out despite his numerous statements, corrections and non-clarifications surrounding Trump’s repayment to Michael Cohen for the Stormy Daniels hush money.

“We all feel pretty good that we’ve got everything kind of straightened out and we’re setting the agenda,” Giuliani told WaPo after spending time with Trump at his golf club post-interview on Sunday.

He then boasted, “Everybody’s reacting to us now, and I feel good about that because that’s what I came in to do.”

The former New York City mayor comments come on the same day as a report suggested that some White House officials are concerned that Giuliani may pull a Mooch and go down in spectacular flames soon, much like fellow New Yorker, Trump pal, and 11-day Communication Director Anthony Scaramucci.

But Giuliani doesn’t seem to be all that concerned he might be fired either.

“We’ve made a deal this weekend: He stays focused on North Korea, Iran and China, and we stay focused on the case and we’ll bother him when we have to,” Giuliani said when asked by WaPo what he talked about with Trump.

Blakenship is going to win the W.V. GOP by default because the other 2 GOP candidates will have thier vote splits by voters that don't want to vote for Blakenship

Evangelist Franklin Graham defends Trump’s adultery with Stormy Daniels: Extramarital affairs are ‘nobody’s business’

Graham, the heir to the Rev. Billy Graham empire and legacy, is nothing like his father. Billy Graham preached to millions, and advised eleven presidents, Democrats and Republicans, including President Barack Obama. Graham, by comparison, preaches on Facebook, and has politicized his ministry to the point where it no longer bears any relationship to the Christian Bible.

Graham is one of President Donald Trump’s top defenders – especially on matters of sin: President Trump’s sins.

In January, as the news that President Trump paid porn star Stormy Daniels hush money was shaping, Graham urged the American people to believe Trump’s denials that there was no affair – and to do so for the good of the nation.
“He said he didn’t do it. So okay, let’s say he didn’t do it. But we just have to think of our country,” Graham told MSNBC.

“I found the president to be truthful with me,” Graham said, adding, “we just have to give the man the benefit of the doubt.”

“Now did he have an affair with this woman? I have no clue. But I believe at 70 years of age, the president is a much different person today than he was four years ago, five years ago, ten years ago or whatever.”
So, Trump, a proven serial liar, a man who has bragged on tape about sexual assault and about having affairs, deserves “the benefit of the doubt,” because Franklin Graham found him to be “truthful.”

This week, Graham continued his defense of Trump’s sex life.
“I think this thing with Stormy Daniels and so forth is nobody’s business. And we’ve got other business at hand that we need to deal with,” Graham told The Associated Press, as the American Family Association

Graham actually said Trump’s sex life is “nobody’s business.” His paying off a porn star is “nobody’s business.” His affair just months after his youngest son was born is “nobody’s business.”

“I don’t have concern, in a sense, because these things happened many years ago – and there’s such bigger problems in front of us as a nation that we need to be dealing with than other things in his life a long time ago. I think some of these things – that’s for him and his wife to deal with,” Graham insisted.

“I don’t defend those kinds of relationships he had. But the country knew the kind of person he was back then, and they still made the decision to make him the president of the United States,” Graham said, forgetting that 3 million more chose not to make his President.

“I think when the country went after President Clinton, the Republicans, that was a great mistake that should never have happened.”


Because the Franklin Graham of 2018 sounds very different from the Franklin Graham of 1998.

“Private conduct does have public consequences,” Graham wrote in a 1998 Wall Street Journal op-ed titled, “Clinton’s Sins Aren’t Private.”

“Just look at how many have already been pulled under by the wake of the president’s sin: Mr. Clinton’s wife and daughter, Ms. Lewinsky, her parents, White House staff members, friends and supporters, public officials and an unwitting American public,” Graham wrote.

Does this seem familiar?

He continued, saying, “the God of the Bible says that what one does in private does matter. Mr. Clinton’s months-long extramarital sexual behavior in the Oval Office now concerns him and the rest of the world, not just his immediate family. If he will lie to or mislead his wife and daughter, those with whom he is most intimate, what will prevent him from doing the same to the American public?”

What will prevent him from doing the same to the American public? We already know the answer: nothing.

“A repentant spirit that says, ‘I’m sorry. I was wrong. I won’t do it again. I ask for your forgiveness,’ would go a long way toward personal and national healing,” Graham advises.

Americans should not hold their breath.

Graham even looks to the story of King David of the Bible, ironically saying that Nathan in that story “perhaps” was “God’s special prosecutor.”

It’s doubtful Graham would look upon Robert Mueller in that same light.