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I keep seeing this ad of this dude running in NC and he jumped all the way out the window with his Trump support. I think they believe this shit's going to work but I think it's just going to bring more people out against them.

April Ryan Fires Back at Sarah Sanders After Heated Briefing Clash: ‘I’m Not a Dummy’

After a tense exchange with White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, April Ryan came to talk with a panel on CNN and had to catch her breath.

“I’m just leaving the briefing room and I had to decompress. It was a moment,” Ryan said.

Just minutes before, Ryan characterized Sanders as being “blindsided” by Rudy Giuliani‘s comments on Fox, to which Sanders responded: “You don’t know much about me.”

“She took this personally and it was not a personal attack,” Ryan explained. “She was watching, she found out all of the information while she was watching Fox last night. So she was blindsided. This was not a personal attack on her. And for her to say something like, “You don’t know me,” that was very street.”

“I’ve been around 21 years at this White House, from the second term of Bill Clinton until the first term of Donald J. Trump,” Ryan continued. “I’ve seen impeachment, I’ve seen war, I’ve seen peace. So I understand the process. I’m not a dummy and do not discredit me.”

“But this is a real issue,” she said, changing the subject slightly. “It’s not about me, it’s not about her. It is about the fact that the president’s lawyer who was saying… a little bit more than a year or so ago that he was going to be the head of D.O.J., and he was talking so much, he never got anything, he never got a Cabinet position, and now he’s talking a lot again, but not talking to the right people in the White House to let them know what’s going on.”

“Rudy Giuliani has done harm to the president by going on Fox and putting more questions into the atmosphere,” she concluded. “And trust, Rob Mueller is watching all of this and taking notes.”


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the City of Tyrone

Kellyanne Conway Fires Back at April Ryan Over Sarah Sanders Feud: ‘Your Job’ is ‘Information, Not Confrontation’

Thursday’s White House briefing featured a heated clash between CNN contributor April Ryan and Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Sanders, at one point, responded to an assertion from Ryan that she felt “blindsided” by Rudy Giuliani‘s bombshell revelations by telling the CNN reporter “With all due respect, you don’t know much about me in terms of what I feel and what I don’t.”

Ryan took the comment as a threat.

“In certain sectors of this nation, people understand what ‘you don’t know me’ means,” Ryan said Thursday night on CNN. “It’s very street. And it leads to a fight. A physical fight.”

Friday on Fox & Friends, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway offered her two cents on the spat. And as you would expect, she stood behind her colleague.

“I have to pick up for my colleague Sarah Sanders there,” Conway said. “Folks, you don’t know us. That’s not anything other than a pedestrian term of ‘you don’t know us.’ And everybody should think about the difference between trying to go viral and starting an argument, and trying to get information. Your job is to get information, not confrontation.”

Conway went on to accuse some of the press corps — not necessarily Ryan — of being “thin-skinned,” and apparently referenced her bitter showdown with CNN’s Dana Bash.

“A lot of this has nothing to do with April Ryan, I’m making a more general statement here,” Conway said. “A lot of the folks who dish it out, really can’t take it…Be careful if you would be very thin-skinned on the receiving end.

Trump: A Group Of ‘Angry Democrats’ Is Running Mueller’s ‘Witch Hunt’

President Donald Trump doubled down on his “witch hunt” characterization of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe Friday, saying that a group of “angry Democrats” is running an “unfair” investigation.

“You have a group of investigators that are all Democrats,” Trump said. “In some cases, they went to the Hillary Clinton celebration that turned out to be a funeral.

“In all fairness, Bob Mueller worked for Obama for eight years,” he added.

Trump spoke to reporters during two separate gaggles, one as he was leaving the White House and the other at Joint Base Andrews before departing for the NRA convention in Dallas.

In is unclear to whom the President is referring, as Mueller and his overseer, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, are Republicans. In addition, Mueller worked for former President Barack Obama for about two years, after working for the Bush administration from 2001 to 2011.

Another theme Trump reiterated in both appearances is that he is being persecuted by the investigation. “I have to find that we’re going to be treated fairly,” he said, referring to a potential sit-down with Mueller. “Because everybody sees it now and it’s a pure witch hunt.

“If you fight back because you people say something wrong, or they leak like they’ve been doing, if you fight back they say, oh, that’s obstruction of justice,” Trump said.

In between praising himself and his administration for Friday’s job numbers and his talks with North Korea, Trump invariably reverted to his anger at the probe.

“All I’m telling is you that this country is right now running so smooth and to be bringing up that kind of crap, and to be bringing up witch hunts all the time, that’s all you want to talk about,” he said.
Trump wanting to invite Kap to that so-called race summit is set up.

Kap declines...Trump gonna use that and say...

"See America...he kneels to protest injustice against blacks, but doesn't want to come to my summit to discuss the issues. A fraud...a total fraud!"

Kap should respond with "I'll attend your race summit, if you attend one of my "Know your rights workshop." Since Trump cares so much about race.
Trump wanting to invite Kap to that so-called race summit is set up.

Kap declines...Trump gonna use that and say...

"See America...he kneels to protest injustice against blacks, but doesn't want to come to my summit to discuss the issues. A fraud...a total fraud!"

Kap should respond with "I'll attend your race summit, if you attend one of my "Know your rights workshop." Since Trump cares so much about race.

Trump knows that the flag shit was a hit w his base...so they are looking to further the controversy right around the summer and the midterm push....
someone help me out.....

so he can ride this until right before they get him on something.....then just quit and walk away.

no nothing?

kinda like nixon?

so is all this really a waste of time?

help me understand what can really be the consequences?
someone help me out.....

so he can ride this until right before they get him on something.....then just quit and walk away.

no nothing?

kinda like nixon?

so is all this really a waste of time?

help me understand what can really be the consequences?

Im curious how this works as well.. even if he resigns... the charges shouldn't just go away.. then again Pence would prolly just pardon him
someone help me out.....

so he can ride this until right before they get him on something.....then just quit and walk away.

no nothing?

kinda like nixon?

so is all this really a waste of time?

help me understand what can really be the consequences?
Gerald Ford granted Nixon a full pardon for all and any transgressions he committed from like 1968 to the day he retired....i suggest the same would happen here .....

Giuliani Cleans Up Comments On Stormy, Comey

Following the panic trigged by his freewheeling TV interviews earlier this week, in which he acknowledged for the first time that President Trump reimbursed attorney Michael Cohen for the $130,000 paid to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, former New York City mayor and current Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani released a statement Friday afternoon to “clarify the views I expressed.”

In the statement, he emphasized again that “there is no campaign violation” from the payment to buy Daniels’ silence, made in secret during the final days of the 2016 campaign.

“The payment was made to resolve a personal and false allegation in order to protect the President’s family,” Giuliani wrote. “It would have been done in any event, whether he was a candidate or not.”

He then tried to walk back his on-air claim that President Trump was aware of the payment: “My references to timing were not describing my understanding of the President’s knowledge, but instead, my understanding of these matters.”

He then adds that Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey, who he called an “inferior executive officer,” was “well within [Trump’s] Article II power.”

“Recent revelations about former Director Comey further confirm the wisdom of the President’s decision, which was plainly in the best interest of the nation,” he wrote.

Giuliani’s statement came a few hours after Trump suggested to the White House press corps that his newly-hired attorney was misinformed when he appeared on TV to discuss the President’s legal woes.

“When Rudy made the statement, Rudy’s great, but Rudy had just started, and he wasn’t totally familiar with everything,” Trump said Friday morning. “We love Rudy, he’s a special guy,” he added.

Trump Mimics Paris Terror Attack to Criticize France on Gun Control: ‘Boom! Come Over Here, Boom!’

During a free-wheeling rally style speech at the National Rifle Association annual convention in Dallas on Friday, President Donald Trump invoked the Paris attacks to mock France’s tough gun control laws.

“So let’s talk about guns, shall we?” to the roar of the NRA crowd.

“Paris, France, has the toughest gun laws in the world,” Trump continued on, before invoking the Paris attacks.

“We all remember more than 130 people plus tremendous numbers of people that were horribly, horribly wounded. You notice nobody ever talks about them. They talk about the people that die. But they never mention that 250 people had horrible, horrible wounds. I mean they never mention that,” Trump opined.

Then he re-enacted the horror.

“They were brutally killed by a small group of terrorists that had guns. They took their time and gunned them down one by one. Boom. Come over here. Boom. Come over here. Boom. If you were in those rooms, one of those people and the survivors said it just lasted forever. But if one employee or just one patron had a gun or if one person in this room had been there with a gun, aimed at the opposite direction, the terrorists would have fled or been shot. And it would have been a whole different story.”

The NRA audience applauded.
