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damn man, aint no loyalty out in these D.C. streets......45 threw Cohen under the bus/distanced himself from Cohen during last week's rant on Fox News and now Rudy just threw Jared under the bus
“Men are disposable”

Why is he saying that like it’s something everybody already knows? I’ve never heard that phrase before.
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Avenatti: ‘These Guys Make The Watergate Burglars Look Competent’

Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti continued a series of cable news appearances Thursday, saying that President Donald Trump and his band of lawyers “make the Watergate burglars look competent.”

Avenatti also raised the possibility that the monthly retainers Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen were paid as reimbursement for the $130,000 he gave to Daniels before the election were parceled out to avoid detection.

“If invoices were submitted by Michael Cohen with the understanding that it was not for actual legal services but rather was a ruse for the reimbursement of $130,000, that could constitute fraud, that could constitute money laundering or other crimes,” he said. “It appears what they did was structured the repayment. It appears they structured the repayment in order to avoid detection or otherwise.”

Big Facts...
Yo how much more can come out, and ol girl lawyer stay having the time... I figured they'd chill and load up the ammo, then blast in the courtroom... Na he stunting lol

Giuliani Thinks Things Are Going Great: ‘I’m Not Going To Get Fired’

President Donald Trump’s new outside lawyer Rudy Giuliani told the Washington Post that while many on the White House staff and legal team are still reeling after his revelations about the Stormy Daniels payment Wednesday night, Trump knew that he was planning to drop the bomb.

“He was well aware that at some point when I saw the opportunity, I was going to get this over with,” Giuliani reportedly said on Wednesday.

When asked if he thought this brazen move would end up hurting him, Giuliani laughed. “No, no, no! I’m not going to get fired,” he said to the Washington Post. “But if I do, I do. It wouldn’t be the first time it ever happened. But I don’t think so, no.”

Wednesday night, Giuliani told Fox News host Sean Hannity that President Trump had reimbursed his former personal attorney Michael Cohen the $130,000 he paid Daniels to keep quiet about their alleged affair. Trump had previously denied knowing anything about the payment.

White House On Defense: ‘I’ve Given The Best Information I Had At The Time’

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Thursday that the Trump administration “give[ s ] the very best information that we have at the time” — seemingly regardless of whether that information turns out to be inaccurate.

At a press briefing Thursday, the Associated Press’ Zeke Miller asked why Trump had apparently been untruthful when he told reporters he didn’t know about the hush money Michael Cohen paid to porn actress Stormy Daniels to cover up her alleged affair with Trump.

Trump’s outside lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said in interviews Wednesday and Thursday that Trump reimbursed Cohen for the payment last year. Giuliani claimed Trump didn’t know where the money went when he paid it to Cohen.

“As mayor Giuliani stated, and I’ll refer you back to his comments, this was information that the President didn’t know at the time but eventually learned,” Sanders said.

But how could Trump have been ignorant of the recipient of Cohen’s payment once reports broke in January that Cohen had paid off Daniels? Sanders left the question unanswered.

“How could he not have known?” ABC News’ Jonathan Karl asked. “He was paying him back.”

“I’m not going to get into those details,” Sanders said, before referring to Giuliani’s “lengthy” comments and the President’s tweets.

CNN’s Jim Acosta followed up with another unanswered question: “You said on March 7, ‘There was no knowledge of any payments from the President and he’s denied all of these allegations.’ Were you lying to us at the time, or were you in the dark?” he asked.

“The President has denied, and continues to deny, the underlying claim. And, again, I’ve given the best information I had at the time, and I would refer you back to the comments that you yourself just mentioned a few minutes ago about the timeline from Mayor Giuliani,” Sanders said.
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Giuliani Doubles Down on Comparing FBI to Nazi Stormtroopers: ‘They Prove it Every Day’

On Thursday, President Donald Trump‘s lawyer Rudy Giuliani doubled down on his comparison of federal agents to storm troopers during an interview with The Daily Beast.

The previous evening, during an explosive interview with friend and Fox host Sean Hannity, Giuliani said this, referring to the Michael Cohen FBI raid: “The question there was — the only possible violation there would be, was it a campaign finance violation, which usually would result in a fine by the way not this big, stormtroopers coming in and breaking down his apartment, and breaking down his office.”

The implied Nazi reference rubbed James Comey, among others, the wrong way.

Yet in response to the NBC report that federal authorities had wiretapped Cohen’s phones, the former New York City mayor defended his remarks and insisted the investigation was indeed “out-of-control” and thus his claim was on the mark.

“Anybody who says that I’m exaggerating when I say that this is an out-of-control investigation and they’re acting like storm troopers––give me a break, baby! They prove it every day,” Giuliani ranted in the same Daily Beast interview where he insisted the FBI “can’t wiretap a lawyer” and questioned if NBC’s report was true at all.

In a separate interview with The Hill also released on Thursday, Giuliani also insisted that his stormtrooper remarks had nothing to do with Nazis.

“There are stormtroopers all over,” he said, adding, “If you don’t like it, don’t act that way.”

He also called on “defender of justice” Attorney General Jeff Sessions to step inand investigate the federal authorities behind the Cohen wiretapping which, according to his Daily Beast remarks, may not have happened at all.
I like how they walked back their story because they had some bad info.

That's what they are suppose to do..

Mayor under scrutiny for Confederate honor


Fayetteville Mayor Edward Johnson is facing scrutiny signing off on a proclamation to make April the month to honor Confederate History and for allowing a Confederate Memorial Day.

He says it was his job, since no one opposed.

"That's the real hurt is that most of the citizens of Fayetteville know, that I have worked since I've been here for 25 years, to build bridges of understanding between all of the races in the community," said Mayor Johnson.

The former longtime NAACP Branch President said his personal opinions couldn't override his elected duty, but now public scrutiny is causing him to pivot

"For them to say I'm ashamed that you signed it, they don't understand process and procedures," said Johnson. "Process and procedures is I reviewed it, no one presented any opposition and so therefore I signed it acknowledging that we were honoring the veterans and not underlining the confederacy and what it stood for."

"Do you plan on rescinding it when it comes up next year?" "No, we won't even deal with it next year because we have gone on record and we will make sure that it is stated at our next city council meeting that we will look at how we do proclamations and a proclamation of any recognition of confederacy will not be accepted or approved."

That's all because of grassroots efforts by residents like Wayne Kendall. He's organized rallies against the proclamations

"It's a revisionist attempt at history and we are not for that. We believe that you can remember history without revering history and that was these proclamations do is revere something that should not be revered," said Attorney Wayne Kendall.

Kendall's efforts are leading the county, the City of Tyrone and City of Fayetteville to all rescind the proclamations

"I'm just a private citizen that had a view point and also had hundreds of my fellow Fayette countians who happen to agree with me," said Kendall.



WV Senate Candidate Takes Aim at Mitch McConnell’s ‘China Family’ in Worst Ad Of All Time

Convicted coal baron and West Virginia Republican Senate hopeful Don Blankenship has once again taken aim at Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in a new ad calling out the Majority leader for getting rich because his “China family has given him tens of millions of dollars.”

“Mitch’s swamp people are now running false, negative ads against me. They’re also childishly calling me despicable and mentally ill,” Blankenship kvetches in the ad set to hit the airwaves on Friday.

“Mitch has gotten rich,” he further opines. “In fact, his China family has given him tens of millions of dollars.”

He then concludes, while holding two of his grandkids, “I will beat Joe Manchin and ditch cocaine Mitch for the sake of the kids.”

It is not the first time Blankenship has hit at McConnell and drew headlines.

In recent weeks, and with his poll numbers dropping, Blankenship has repeatedly called out Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

In a headline-grabbing move, he called McConnell’s father-in-law and father of Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao a “wealthy Chinaperson” and ran a spot hitting at ‘Cocaine Mitch.’

Then, Tuesday, he defended his remarks during a Fox News debate.

“I don’t see this insinuation by the press that there’s something racist about saying a Chinaperson,” Blankenship insisted in his monotone drawl. “Some people are Koreanpersons some of them are Africanpersons. It’s not any slander there. But both families are very powerful in both countries.”

His latest ad comes just days before the contentious West Virginia primary on May 8th and is already sparking fierce reaction on Twitter.
