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The Official MCU Thread

The actor that plays Shang Chi is a bozo. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s the next contestant on the MCU summer jam screen.

I cringe at the thought of him being number 1 or 2 of the new Avengers team.
Thank goodness that didn’t happen
I can’t cosign this enough. Dude would have ruined that character. I hate he’s the black Cap.

Black Cap should be a very big deal, but because it’s Mackie nobody even cares. Disney even cares so little they stuck him in a damn Disney+ series, smh.

I can just imagine how much bigger of a deal a black Cap would be if it was someone else. They would have gone straight into filming Cap 4 and made him the next phase’s lead.

"It was even storyboarded & location scouted and we did test footage for it ... But I didn't have time to do it as Vol 1 amped up. In it Tibius Lark, Groot, and Rocket were all imprisoned in a a deep well in the ground. Tibius was on the verge of dying. He explained to Rocket he had been caring for Groot for years.

He was a former zookeeper in a shitty galactic-side zoo. He explained he had saved Groot, who was on exhibit there, and that Groot was a loyal friend. He asked Rocket to please take care of him, and then he died. As he died Rocket looked down in the dark cell & noticed he was a robot, the lower body of his body smashed open and mechanical.

The guards above ground heard something rumbling & they turned & saw Rocket & Groot bursting up from the ground, Rocket on Groot's shoulder, and in Rocket's hands was a machine gun made from Tibius Lark's body, and he shot all the guards & they escaped & were together until they met the Guardians. That's who Tibius Lark was💜"