The DC television universe has encompassed characters like Batman, the Titans, Supergirl, Superman, Arrow, Lucifer, and even the Doom Patrol in recent years, and whether on DC Universe, The CW, Netflix, or the movies, there are always more characters to spotlight. One of the biggest corners of the universe to not be utilized in some way at the moment is unquestionably the
Green Lanternside of things, but it seems that drought is coming to an end thanks to a new series being developed by Berlanti Productions and Waner Bros. Television for the upcoming streaming service
HBO Max, something Berlanti seems incredibly excited about.
Berlanti pulled back the curtain on what they have planned as part of the HBO Max WarnerMedia Day, and during that presentation spoke of a project called Strange Adventures and a new Green Lantern inspired series. While he wasn't sharing that many details about the project, he did tease a few details, like when he called it DC's biggest show ever.
Berlanti led into his pitch for Green Lantern by saying "in what promises to be our biggest DC show ever made, we will be going to space with a Green Lantern television series, but I can’t reveal any more about that just yet.”
Green Lantern has been teased as part of DC's film universe thanks to their involvement in the historical battle between Steppenwolf and the forces of Earth in Justice League, but due to the box office disappointment of that project, it's unknown when the next time we'll see them brought into the fold is. Fans have been holding out hope that the next time to see them in action would come with the upcoming Green Lantern Corps film, which has a script being worked on by Geoff Johns. That's still the hope mind you, but we've heard pretty much nothing from that front for quite some time.
Now attention turns towards HBO Max and Berlanti to bring the ring-slingers into the limelight and let them shine, but we don't know what Green Lantern the show is referring to. It's not like there's just a few, and which character is in the spotlight will determine the tone and feel of the show. For now, we're just excited to see the Lantern side of things being used, and we can't wait to find out more.
Are you excited about the new Green Lantern series? Let us know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MattAguilarCB for all things Green Lantern!