Wonder Woman isn't interesting, nothing to do with me being sexist. It's some justice league characters I find boring and she's one of them. I'll be saying the same thing if it was Aquaman.
I just hope they didnt straight up copy the marvel formula for this film. If its little one liners with no one taking the threat serious for the entire film i will be upset. I know they stepped up the humor for DC, but if they overdo it like marvel I feel that will cause all the DC internet haters to react negatively to it like they have with every other DC film.
wonder woman believes in her purpose to bring peace by stopping war....her enemy is the God of War Ares
she's very thor or kratos-esque in story,
lots of mythology n shit....she's not really like any other super hero....they're all more like reluctant heros..and she's all like this is my calling....
so in theory she's a lot different than most heros.......
kinda like how clark kent was scared to be superman and was always holding back...
wonder woman is no fucks given, let's get shit done type of hero...
she ain't on some batman non killing shit, wonder woman puts them down bruh
So i mean, even though shes a woman, her stories are typically her beasting out on some controlled hulk shit....
that's what most comic fans of wonder woman are going in looking for, her just beasting out in some great action sequences..and it looks like the movie focused heavily on that....cuz that's what the amazons are all about....fighting for peace
I loved it and glad Patty Jenkins was able to do what she wanted. The chemistry with Gal and Chris was great along with the other cast and Wonder Woman being able to speak multiple languages is dope. Yea Diana plays no games in combat and they really did a great job of her having an urgency to stop the madness of WWI.
I will from here on out refrain from using the term "universe" in referencing DC Films considering the nature in which the film division has been handled and seemingly coming to an end, potentially folded into the greater Warner Bros. Studios.
Anyway. I don't understand the hate for Justice League. The fight scenes were dope and Steppenwolf had some quotables.
Dope film, hopefully that scene with Darkseid ends up on YouTube soon.
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