I hate how one dimensional Hollywood is with Batman. They don't even see the story possibilities with an older Batman cause they don't really get Batman. There is more to Batman than tormented crimefighter coming to terms with his choices and discovering his place as a hero. We literally got 2 trilogies like that already ('89 - '95, TDK). Reeves seems like an uninspired hack. If I was WB I'd reconsider.
Hush, Death of the Family (when Joker broke up the bat fam), Under the Red Hood, Batman RIP, Batman & Son etc..so much more that you can do with an older Batman like Batfleck that hasn't been done on film yet.
I mean if this is really the only choice then I'd rather Batfleck get no movies and shows up everywhere else like RDJ. Even if recast. Another young Batman trilogy not even 10 years after Nolan's is so unappealing to me it's not even funny.
I think this Emmerich guy and the Hamada dude might end up doing worse than Nelson and Tsujihara. They seem even more out of tune (Harley in BoP like WTF?!?!)
I hope not. I myself could do without superhero movies anyway. But I feel for my fellow DC fans who want a clear unconvoluted direction for their films.