The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

Fuck, Queens is the hardest hit area here, right now. How is he feeling, at the moment? Hopefully he's just a mild case.
He just text me now he had chills last tuesday then a fever around 101°so he went to City MD to get a tested for the flu it came back negative and then tested for COVID-19 it was positive they stuck a swab up his nose.

potus really out here giving out new nicknames n having twitter beefs in the middle of a pandemic

You signed up to save lives I dont feel sorry for her at all. Now that shit real you wanna throw a hissy fit ON CAMERA. What you thought being a nurse was just about taking some blood and checking some temps and looking cute in scrubs....not that if she felt scared is wrong to quit for whats best for her but to make a whole video because you found out you had to work the coronavirus floor you want to make "Lavika" out to be a devil and the reason you got no job. Idk man..this seems extra for somebody who chose the profession that puts her in the front of the line for contagious mfs.
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You signed up to save lives I dont feel sorry for her at all. Now that shit real you wanna throw a hissy fit ON CAMERA. What you thought being a nurse was just about taking some blood and checking some temps and looking cute in scrubs....not that if she felt scared is wrong to quit for whats best for her but to make a whole video because you found out you had to work the coronavirus floor you want to make "Lavika" out to be a devil and the reason you got no job. Idk man..this seems extra for somebody who chose the profession that puts her in the front of the line for contagious mfs.
Foh she didn't sign up to catch a deadly virus
even if you dont invest now...

you can learn for later.

practice the jumpshot before you get in the game or on the team. so when you on the flows.

thats why we started the game and i asked people to post why they made the decisions they made.

this is a great time to learn. we have nothing but time.

Nothing wrong with learning but again, read the room. You gotta know when to bring that shit up and when not to. Niggas out here talking about "go flip a house right now" You really about to tell somebody to go flip a house when you got what's about to be millions who can't pay their rent or mortgage? That's what I mean by read the room. Niggas just giving out generic ass advice and tips they claimed to pick up from somewhere not realizing the shit just sounds dumb when trying to apply it to the world as it is
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Foh she didn't sign up to catch a deadly virus

Shit might be different if they had all the protection and equipment they need to do their job but you're an asshole if you're afraid to touch your own doorknob but wanna judge somebody for tapping out on walking into a hot zone when they know for a fact that they can't actually treat people who are infected.
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Foh she didn't sign up to catch a deadly virus
FOH she signed up to help anybody who is in need of help medically. A fire fighter is there to put out a fucking fire, a mail man is there to deliver get the point.
FOH she signed up to help anybody who is in need of help medically. A fire fighter is there to put out a fucking fire, a mail man is there to deliver get the point.
Its as if you didnt hear her sobbing about her children and her situation. You're essentially saying she should put her JOB over safety and her kids. Tf is wrong with you man?
Its as if you didnt hear her sobbing about her children and her situation. You're essentially saying she should put her JOB over safety and her kids. Tf is wrong with you man?

I'm saying she should of kept that video to herself. I already stated what the issue was, read man. She threw a bossy fit because her boss told her her shift was helping the corona level. She is a professional nurse, not a child. Do your job that you signed up for which is any health issue be addressed or If your scared which is okay dont make a video trying to make it look like her boss is the devil and throwing a tantrum.

Nothing is wrong with her quitting if that's what she wanted to do but dont pull the devil card and a fit because you didn't like that you had to do your job on the floor that needs the most help.
No, thats a realistic way of looking at things. I honestly dont know how you read what I wrote and came up with me be mentally defeated.

In fact your reply sounds like a script a broker would use on people to try and get an "investment" so they can collect their fee.

I 100% understand what investing is and believe it or not I'm a very patient person, but my point wasnt about the wait. I think BlackRain conveyed what I was trying to say better in his post.

In a nut shell this is what I was trying to say, ty.

I was under the impression the money you invest (like in stocks) is pretty much disposable income. Shit you can afford to lose or have tied up for months or possibly years, because investing is pretty much gambling. If you only have $100 to invest, I just dont really see the point for 2 reasons. Even if you get a good return, its still only on $100. Which is nothing if it took you months or years to get that.
And my main reason. If you can only spare $100, odds are not in your favor that you wont really need that $100 sometime soon for an unexpected expense. Just isnt really a responsible thing to do when you arnt a healthy financial state.

Also this quote because it applies to this.

"Poor people don't have time for investments. They're too busy trying not to be poor."
I wasn't attacking your mentality.
Apologies if thats how I came off.

I was speaking of mentality in general. I think people are smart but sometimes don't believe in what they can't touch. At times it's the belief that can allow you to make different decisions. Not you per se.
But it's plenty of people here that can help in many ways. Shit, it's plenty of ways to get financial investments money without working hard for it.

And like I said in another post. Now is the time to learn. Not being financially sound should never stop you from learning. I am saying...It can be useful.

I know where you coming from about not having disposable income. But we all have time.
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You signed up to save lives I dont feel sorry for her at all. Now that shit real you wanna throw a hissy fit ON CAMERA. What you thought being a nurse was just about taking some blood and checking some temps and looking cute in scrubs....not that if she felt scared is wrong to quit for whats best for her but to make a whole video because you found out you had to work the coronavirus floor you want to make "Lavika" out to be a devil and the reason you got no job. Idk man..this seems extra for somebody who chose the profession that puts her in the front of the line for contagious mfs.
They took an oath.
Kinda like cops took an oath.

It matters when shit is good. But when they in the line of fire....It's when the true people come out.

I understand her point....And it's legit. But that's what she wanted.