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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

"Fauci admits some of his publicly invasive policies weren't backed by science. The NIH made record profits during the pandemic. Their emails show them discussing how to avoid foia's if an investigation ever pops up. The first scientists he convened with thought the virus must've been lab made but he got on tv and said it was a conspiracy theory. He then pushed a research paper claiming it was natural with no evidence. All the authors on the paper had a conflict of interest with EcoHealth Alliance who is accused of conducting gain of function research that may have led to the pandemic. NIH won't even admit they were doing gain of function research."

"Yea but, there's a guy sitting behind Fauci making funny faces at him"

No hope

This is from today. Two Fauci lies:
1) denying trying to suppress the idea of a lab leak (engaging in censorship)
2) using personal email to avoid foias dealing with covid origin discussions and deleting official records

"I was upset with CDC when I left bc they stopped tracking ppl who where infected that were previously vaccinated"
"Bc then you couldn't report people who were vaccinated that got infected"
"Why did they stop tracking it?"
"I think there was a decision to not do anything that would make it seem like the vaccine did not work"

Lol I remember asking for those #s in here within the last few years. Even the official data was incomplete.

Also, Redfield isn't antivax. He took mRNA shots himself and in this clip gives his reasons for why he thinks novavax is better and leads to less problems, and continues to give his patients.
Kyle blecker tweet is actual footage from the hearing.

The Rand Paul tweet highlights actual evidence used during the hearing.

How is that disinformation?