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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

So where u get your pov from?
Not that I owe you this, but from my prior experience, education, and logic applied to news and various other sources of information I consume. The difference between us is I only care when it has implications for my real life. I’m not going through hours of research for internet likes and I told you so’s.
Not that I owe you this, but from my prior experience, education, and logic applied to news and various other sources of information I consume. The difference between us is I only care when it has implications for my real life. I’m not going through hours of research for internet likes and I told you so’s.
Me not being vaxxed doesn't have implications on my real life? Have u watched the news in the last 12 months? Or do u think only things that affect u are important?

I've posted more studies and data than I have some headlines and articles. It's telling that u coming at me rather than the guy on the other side who 98% of his posts wouldn't exist if Twitter didn't.
Me not being vaxxed doesn't have implications on my real life? Have u watched the news in the last 12 months? Or do u think only things that affect u are important?

I've posted more studies and data than I have some headlines and articles. It's telling that u coming at me rather than the guy on the other side who 98% of his posts wouldn't exist if Twitter didn't.
Of course you not being vaxxed has implications on your real life, but doing hours of research and posting it online does not. I didn’t have to put hours upon hours of research in to make my choice. I did research to find out how the vaccine worked and the shit made sense based on all of the biology and chemistry classes I’d taken in college, and there were a lot.

Sure we appreciate what you’ve researched and posted, but you feel like someone else’s pov is invalid because they haven’t cherry picked and posted articles that support their pov. Just because people don’t post what they read/research doesn’t mean they’re uninformed but that’s the stance y’all take. Or you claim they only get mainstream opinions, as if ALL mainstream info is wrong and your cherry picked info is ALWAYS right.

So that’s where we are right now. I don’t have the will nor see the need to match your voracious research and if that makes my pov invalid in y’all’s eyes then so be it. I have nothing to prove.
Of course you not being vaxxed has implications on your real life, but doing hours of research and posting it online does not. I didn’t have to put hours upon hours of research in to make my choice. I did research to find out how the vaccine worked and the shit made sense based on all of the biology and chemistry classes I’d taken in college, and there were a lot.

Sure we appreciate what you’ve researched and posted, but you feel like someone else’s pov is invalid because they haven’t cherry picked and posted articles that support their pov. Just because people don’t post what they read/research doesn’t mean they’re uninformed but that’s the stance y’all take. Or you claim they only get mainstream opinions, as if ALL mainstream info is wrong and your cherry picked info is ALWAYS right.

So that’s where we are right now. I don’t have the will nor see the need to match your voracious research and if that makes my pov invalid in y’all’s eyes then so be it. I have nothing to prove.
Lol I never said your pov was invalid. It's actually accepted HEAVILY in the US. the view I hold, where Nat immunity should be acknowledged, is heavily ignored and/or outright reduced to a right wing talking point.

Yet my viewpoint is diminished by u to just wanting reactions on a internet forum lol. It seems u work from home. I'm outside every single day and deal with multiple diff people face to face 5-7 days a week. Small business to corporate. I'm not in a safe bubble judging ppl from afar.

U make your decisions based on your experience I do the exact same thing. Me doing "voracious" research shouldn't count against me. It actually means I have a more informed opinion than u lmao.
Lol I never said your pov was invalid. It's actually accepted HEAVILY in the US. the view I hold, where Nat immunity should be acknowledged, is heavily ignored and/or outright reduced to a right wing talking point.

Yet my viewpoint is diminished by u to just wanting reactions on a internet forum lol. It seems u work from home. I'm outside every single day and deal with multiple diff people face to face 5-7 days a week. Small business to corporate. I'm not in a safe bubble judging ppl from afar.

U make your decisions based on your experience I do the exact same thing. Me doing "voracious" research shouldn't count against me. It actually means I have a more informed opinion than u lmao.
Bruh, I just started working from home last August when I got my new job. Before then, I was at a plant every single day and walking the floor constantly.

Just another example of your I know better than you stance. That and your last statement in that post.

Funny thing is, I AGREE with you on may immunity, lol. You always try to say your only stance is related to nat immunity, but it’s not.

And what’s the point of hours of research if it only reinforces your pov and you’re not seeking to learn. You in the same boat you claim to be rowing away from.
Bruh, I just started working from home last August when I got my new job. Before then, I was at a plant every single day and walking the floor constantly.

Just another example of your I know better than you stance. That and your last statement in that post.

Funny thing is, I AGREE with you on may immunity, lol. You always try to say your only stance is related to nat immunity, but it’s not.

And what’s the point of hours of research if it only reinforces your pov and you’re not seeking to learn. You in the same boat you claim to be rowing away from.
I see the effects of the pandemic on multi levels is what Im saying. Talking to small business owners who hurt by lockdowns, vaxx mandates, no eating indoors, employees who left n won't come back etc.

On top of being Covid infected (immediate fam included) since the November before vaxx rollout and all of us fine since every variant that rolled it's ugly head. To be told/felt like I'm a danger to society and selfish when mfs who only been vaxxed at more risk than me, judging me.

I know more people seriously hurt by the vax than seriously hurt by Covid. Not going into detail.

Doesn't mean I don't think the vax doesn't help, doesn't mean I don't think Covid should be taken seriously.

It means I think this mainstream narrative is bullshit and dumbed down.

If u wanna get vaxxed and take every booster they throw at u, good for u. I couldn't care less. Live your life. Just let me live mine and leave me out the bs.

With that said, like I've told u before, I respect your opinion bc, to me, it seems like u at least trying to understand and listening to the other side of it.

But don't ever assume I'm just trying to reinforce my own opinion if I'm actually backing it up with real sources. That is literally what folks are supposed to do.
Also due diligence is IMPORTANT. Trying to act or imply that doing vigorous research is beneath you or doesn’t add any value…makes you vulnerable to every and anything. Mainstream media and America keeps folks ignorant. And this thread proves that
There’s no one way to do due diligence. Some don’t need as much research to form a pov and certainly don’t need to post it to somehow prove they’ve done it. And at the end of the day, that’s all we have is our pov. Who’s to say who’s right?

But me and you in the same boat. I haven’t seen all of your research posted here either, lol.
There’s no one way to do due diligence. Some don’t need as much research to form a pov and certainly don’t need to post it to somehow prove they’ve done it. And at the end of the day, that’s all we have is our pov. Who’s to say who’s right?

But me and you in the same boat. I haven’t seen all of your research posted here either, lol.
Your basic freedoms aren't/werent being taken away from having your views though. That's as big a difference as it can get.
I see the effects of the pandemic on multi levels is what Im saying. Talking to small business owners who hurt by lockdowns, vaxx mandates, no eating indoors, employees who left n won't come back etc.

On top of being Covid infected (immediate fam included) since the November before vaxx rollout and all of us fine since every variant that rolled it's ugly head. To be told/felt like I'm a danger to society and selfish when mfs who only been vaxxed at more risk than me, judging me.

I know more people seriously hurt by the vax than seriously hurt by Covid. Not going into detail.

Doesn't mean I don't think the vax doesn't help, doesn't mean I don't think Covid should be taken seriously.

It means I think this mainstream narrative is bullshit and dumbed down.

If u wanna get vaxxed and take every booster they throw at u, good for u. I couldn't care less. Live your life. Just let me live mine and leave me out the bs.

With that said, like I've told u before, I respect your opinion bc, to me, it seems like u at least trying to understand and listening to the other side of it.

But don't ever assume I'm just trying to reinforce my own opinion if I'm actually backing it up with real sources. That is literally what folks are supposed to do.
You don’t know my experience though so don’t presume yours is somehow more relevant, lol. I worked with small business owners too. I have family and friends impacted by mandates and lockdowns too.

And same way you’ve had more people hurt by vax, I’ve had more people hurt by Covid. Fav uncle died directly from Covid, Grandma been on oxygen ever since she got it and can’t walk no more than a few feet before losing her breath. Dozens of family members been vaccinated though, no issues.

As far as your sources, they rarely support anything other than your pov so I fail to see the objectivity. Your sources aren’t the end all be all. Any I post wouldn’t be either. But I acknowledge that fact.

Either way, I’m good for now. Be easy. 🤝
You don’t know my experience though so don’t presume yours is somehow more relevant, lol. I worked with small business owners too. I have family and friends impacted by mandates and lockdowns too.

And same way you’ve had more people hurt by vax, I’ve had more people hurt by Covid. Fav uncle died directly from Covid, Grandma been on oxygen ever since she got it and can’t walk no more than a few feet before losing her breath. Dozens of family members been vaccinated though, no issues.

As far as your sources, they rarely support anything other than your pov so I fail to see the objectivity. Your sources aren’t the end all be all. Any I post wouldn’t be either. But I acknowledge that fact.

Either way, I’m good for now. Be easy. 🤝
Lol u were the one presuming my guy.

But u good in my book regardless. I prefer dialogue than a echo chamber. And stringer ain't one for debate 😬

Ain't nobody left
It’s not due diligence to understand the story. It’s having a basic understanding of the issue at hand. That’s all it is. If you follow politics or government affairs in general, you read the headlines and tweets you already know something not right because you were already following the story before they spin it.

Dudes fought tooth and nail over Covid and abandoned their beliefs when the narrative got changed.

Same thing with most issues in America. People don’t understand the basics so they are easily impressed and happy to just be on the “right” side.

it’s like inflation now..people are ok with blaming Russia/Covid because it’s the official narrative. They don’t understand the basics.
A great example of this I've read countless studies about natural immunity breaking down b cells and t cells remaining strong up to 20 months after infection (the number keeps going up). If u only looking at antibodies u won't get half the story of natural immunity.

*In comes a post about "antibodies wane after prior infection!"* I already know what it is.

If u aren't digging and only reading headlines, all youll do is regurgitate the nonsense.

If u think politicians and big pharma best interest is in public health, u won't believe that turning a profit is their number one priority....which is false. If they are listed on the stock market, they have a fiduciary responsibility to their investors to return a profit AT ALL COSTS as long as it's legal

So if profit is their number one priority (there's plenty of evidence demonstrating this) you'll understand why things are the way they are