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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

You have kids. Tell me how well they follow the rules. Doesn’t mean you don’t try though. It’s not as simple as you’re trying to make it.
U proved my point tho. It's not effective. And while it's not effective, u getting it from your child is still rare.

Whether it's harsh is still up for debate.

My daughter is about to be 4 and hell naw she won't wear a mask.

And I ain't knocking u I know u would kill for yours.
Children are less likely to catch Covid than vaccinated adults.

We are talking a miniscule rate.

When they do catch it, their symptoms are milder meaning their rate of transmission is lower.

Than fully vaxxed adults.

Lollapalooza was a greater risk as a super spreader event than any classroom in America.

Lollapalooza raged on for four+ straight days. How long were classrooms closed?

That's not even the point. The lowest risk group is facing the harshest restrictions.

Those imposing those restrictions don't abide by them.

this isn’t true. They had to close schools here in Texas because of how many kids and teachers caught Covid. This was the surge right after Christmas. My kid caught it and passed it to me and my wife.
this isn’t true. They had to close schools here in Texas because of how many kids and teachers caught Covid. This was the surge right after Christmas. My kid caught it and passed it to me and my wife.
Bruh that was omicron when everyone was catching it regardless of vaxx status

With a much slower hospitalization rate

Surges happened even where schools were closed. Studies show school closures had little effect on transmission rates.
You said they catch it at a minuscule rate. You didn’t specify a variant
The miniscule rate is still relative and consistent with each variant.

Before omicron the studies show transmission in schools were low. So even if it increased with omicron, it's still low compared to other settings that consistently see higher rates.

Fauci's own words at 3:29-4:10
"People should not be walking around with masks. There's no reason. When you're in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask may make people feel better, and may even block a droplet but it's not providing the perfect protection people think it is....."


I remember when Fauci was first asked about him telling people not to wear masks. He said the reason he lied was to give healthcare workers a chance to stock up on masks.

The reason he lied and a lot of other people lied was simply to get Trump out the paint. Coordinated effort.
I was super pro mask all this time til around omicron. By then I already noticed that states like Florida who were anti every mandate had lower death rate than some of the most restricted states.

Then when omicron hit and EVERYONE was getting infected it pretty much solidified my stance.


That third point I made that case a couple times when studies came out..mfs act like I didn't know how to read the study 🥴


How I see that coming here in US n CDC didn't? 🤔
Wild shit is the lockdowns/restrictions put in place to supposedly keep us safe made people sicker/more unhealthy.

Anyone can just look up the studies of the effects lockdowns had on populations, children and adults.