There's literally a thread on here where a nigga got a gun out of his hood and ran up on somebody and got clapped for it and the comments are like
"Fair is fair"
But call science deniers and anti-vaxers stupid and say that they should accept the pain that comes with their consequences is foul?
Which one is it?
It's cool to admire a nigga getting killed for running up and paying the ultimate price but nope, you better not say shit to the science deniers? Their feels matter too ya know.
We all have to live with the consequences of our actions and for the past year we've all been living with and dragging through the consequences of too many people who are either uneducated or just plan old dumb. They don't deserve sympathy and don't need to be treated with kid gloves. They wanna play with fire and drag the whole country down with them then that's their choice but they should own up to the results. Live with it. Then accept it.
Niggas don't have a problem lacking sympathy when the talk is about gunplay, fighting, abusing women, sexual assault, or any other foul shit but call a muthafucka stupid and tell them that they deserve what's coming from the results of their actions and niggas turn into offended sympathizers.