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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

I'm not conflicted. If I can go back to "normal" life without it, even with Covid 19 still existing I would.

But that's not reality so eventually I know I'ma just go do it. U can't tell me with 100% certainty how the vaccine will affect me specifically so with that I couldn't give a fuck less what u got to say.

You are conflicted mate your blind bias against what you consider to be the mainstream media is makin' you want to risk your life when you don't have to

But of course you're not gonna see it like that.

I can't tell you 100% how the vaccine will affect you, but the millions of vaccinations worldwide heavily suggest you'll be just fine.

You don't have to respond if you don't care what I have to say
You are conflicted mate your blind bias against what you consider to be the mainstream media is makin' you want to risk your life when you don't have to

But of course you're not gonna see it like that.

I can't tell you 100% how the vaccine will affect you, but the millions of vaccinations worldwide heavily suggest you'll be just fine.

You don't have to respond if you don't care what I have to say
Ay my guy, reinfection rates in those previously infected with Covid go way down significantly. Trust the science n all that shit u be saying.

But thanks for caring about me bro 👍
Man shit! I got the chills and shit right now!

I’m like you, I don’t get sick often so I’m not really very happy right now, lol. Plus I don’t cope well with being sick. Shit always feels a lot worse to me than it probably does in reality.

Got my shot at 8:30 yesterday morning and by around 10 last night started feeling it a little. By 11 shit was full blast. Now I’m awake at 3am taking my temp. Came back 100.4.

Thankful though that it’s just a headache, body aches, and fever. Should be passing soon based on others’ experience.
Feeling a lot better now but still got a lingering headache. I had to break down and take some Tylenol this morning around 7. Fever broke soon after and hasn’t been back thankfully. Went back to sleep for 2 more hours after taking it.
That seems a bit different from what their website says. I meannof course now they say it will decrease the effects, ya know since so many fucking peole are still getting covid even after vaccination

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Number 3 is why if you get Covid it won’t be as bad. Never says you won’t get it, just that if you do your body will know how to respond quicker, thus avoiding the severe effects.
Infection is different from just getting it I suppose. The virus has to take root and start replicating and be active in the body to be considered an infection if I’m not mistaken.
The moment it enters your body you are infected.
replicstion only takes one mother cell to protect the membrane of another cell